Rise of the Plants

Chapter 65 Idea of ​​Plant Weapons

The magic power of flour is indeed very powerful. Chi Nan's words were immediately recognized by everyone. They have never eaten this delicious pancake. Even the nobles had no chance to taste it.

"I'm willing to die immediately. It's so delicious." Many people were so excited that they wanted to cry.

But Chi Nan still underestimated the horror of the noodles, because at night, after the workers returned with their wages, they shared the noodles with their families, or exchanged them for other daily necessities.

The delicious taste of the pancake spread completely. Although the dough has cooled down, it can still bring out most of its flavor once baked. People who have never eaten it, even if they eat it cold, will be conquered instantly.

As a result, on the second day, many people came to Hermila to discuss and buy bread, and more people wanted to join in building the city wall. They did not dare to come to the lord to discuss, so everything was managed by the consul Hermila. Nowadays, Hermilla's status is quite high, and those people only dare to discuss, and no one dares to mess around.

After Hermila reported this to Chi Nan, Chi Nan dismissed it with just one sentence and decided to do what he wanted.

At this time, Chinan had already planted jujubes on some of the only loess soil. Only when planted on such land can the jujube trees be guaranteed not to die. The original tree had already begun to wither.

On the other hand, oil trees have a very strong ability to survive. Even on less severe red soil, they can still grow intact as long as they give birth to themselves. There are a lot of jujubes on the jujube tree, and you only need to go there every few days to encourage them to sprout.

Chi Nan's current headache is the problem of territorial soldiers. Because of the magic power of flour cakes, it was much easier to recruit soldiers than Chi Nan imagined by using flour cakes as wages. Thirty soldiers were easily recruited.

Relative to the current population of the territory, thirty soldiers was already a lot. After all, this is a matter of hard work, not a joke. These soldiers are also managed by one leg. Only now did Chi Nan know that one leg was originally in the Third Army, and he was really the elite among the elite. If it hadn't been for the broken leg, he would definitely be a high-level person now.

Back then, I heard that one leg was close to becoming a centurion. No wonder One Leg always performs so dazzlingly along the way. If you leave it to him, Chi Nan can rest assured, since he doesn't know how to train soldiers.

As for what I heard on Earth, I'd better wait until I sort it out and let one leg test it. In this situation, this kind of test is not easy to do. At the entrance of the castle, Chi Nan sat on a plant lounge chair and thought slowly.

Next to her is Hermila. Hermila is much better at management. After finding a few smarter people to help her, she only needs to deal with a few things every day, which is very easy.

The bald father was standing nearby, looking helplessly at Chi Nan. "Sir, we really have nothing to do with the soldiers' weapons. There are only some broken weapons in the territory. With these things, let alone the wild orcs, even if the robbers come, they will not be able to do anything."

Chi Nan nodded: "Of course I know. I can do it with wooden weapons, but they are too bulky, and the sharpness and sturdiness are not as good as metal products." Chi Nan knew his ability, even if it was a black iron level Wood, if it is really made into item armor, is not as good as metal, that is, a shield is barely comparable, but it is too bulky.

"Sir, can't you just plant some bean-spitting plants? If that kind of plant is planted on the city wall, the effect should be good." Hermila poured water for Chi Nan and made suggestions by the way.

Hermila also felt pain in her heart. What was going on with this lord? Even though he had already hinted it clearly, he was still indifferent. Did he have to crawl into his bed? Oh, it was so embarrassing.

Chi Nan did not notice Hermila's face, but sighed helplessly: "That kind of thing can only be launched under my control. Without my control, it is just an ordinary plant, useless."

"So that's it. It would be nice if someone else could control it."

Chi Nan was stunned and suddenly sat up: "Others control, yes, I didn't expect that I can't control, but there are other people. But how can we do it? This is not a machine."

He didn't know if there were any machines in the world, but he had never seen one. Besides, he had never learned anything about it. Such a complex object cannot be made by someone without professional knowledge like me.

"Sir, what kind of control do you mean by control? Do you need natural magic power?"

Chi Nan waved his hand: "You don't need natural magic power, just find a way to make the plants move on their own. But how can a plant move on its own? It's not a mousetrap. Besides, the mousetrap doesn't recognize friend or foe.

The bald father suddenly smiled: "If you just let the plants emit beans by themselves, I know one. I heard that someone discovered a plant called air beans nearby a few days ago, which is just right."

"Air beans, what are those?" Chi Nan looked confused.

At this time, Hermila took up the conversation: "Air beans are a very strange local bean. This bean is as hard as a stone and cannot be eaten. But once someone touches the pod, there will be a The beans are shot out and are said to be quite painful when they hit the body. This kind of beans seems to be a specialty around here."

If it wasn't unpalatable, maybe this could be used as a kind of food, Hermila thought in her mind. In the past few days, flour has almost become the staple food in Hongshaling, and everyone is eating it.

In addition to the pancakes made on the first day, there are also various pancakes and even pies. Chi Nan also taught Alfalfa about noodles. It's a pity that even the most dexterous and attentive person like Alfalfa is slow to learn how to make dumplings and buns. And without good meat filling, I’m afraid it won’t taste very good.

"Beans are as hard as rocks, and they hurt when hit. They can be fired as long as they are touched. Great, this is what I want. Come on, come on, let's go and take a look. Maybe this weapon has some Landed."

"You don't need to go there in person. There are a lot of air beans here. I will send someone to deliver them here." The bald father quickly bent down to salute and left here quickly. Suddenly, there were only two people left here.

However, the atmosphere did not become ambiguous. Hermila helplessly watched Chi Nan walking around, feeling extremely depressed. Could it be that the charm that I am so proud of has faded? Why is it so ineffective in front of the lord? Chi Nan's performance actually aroused Hermila's resentment. She must make this guy realize her charm.

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