Although the attacks of ordinary infected bodies could not kill any of them, it was not their purpose to be trapped here, and they could no longer return.

Moreover, the mutant infected body is not very far away from them. If the corpse controller wants to deliberately target them and send the mutant infected body to besiege them, they will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Fortunately, the triceratops and the head hammer dragon followed in time, and they started their dragon skills one after another and slammed into the mental barrier in front of them.

In terms of individual strength, they are all Tier A, much stronger than the overall Tier C wolf cavalry and Frostwolf. They are definitely strong enough in the charge and quickly knocked away the spiritual barrier below.

After killing a group of ordinary infected bodies in the front, they also entered the infected group and joined the trapped wolf cavalry.

With the help of the dinosaurs, the pressure on the wolf cavalry was much less, from the previous inability to turn around to being able to move slightly.

The fire guard and the plucking artillery at the back can also attack the ordinary infected body through the breach opened by the mental barrier, saving ammunition and causing damage to the infected group.

As for why these defensive facilities can only hit ordinary infected bodies in the chaotic battlefield without accidentally being injured, the reason is also very simple.

That is the existence of reconnaissance guards, just like a large radar, there are still some artificial intelligence radars that can help them lock the position of every ordinary infected body without any deviation.

Even how many energy bombs are fired per second, which direction to shoot, and the rate of fire will be calculated.

Therefore, when the reconnaissance guard issues an attack order, the fire guard and the drawing artillery will naturally not make mistakes.

However, even with the cover of fire guards and drawing artillery, the situation of the dinosaurs and wolf cavalry is still very dangerous.

After all, their mission is to charge, and many abilities can only be played by charge.

Now trapped in the same place, the combat effectiveness has been directly reduced by two-thirds, and then facing the siege of so many infected bodies, it is not bad that there are no serious casualties.

The most important thing is that although no death has occurred yet, it does not mean that there will be no deaths later.

Because the corpse controller in the distance has already reacted and is ordering the mutant infected body to come here, including the lickers and the rippers, as well as a large group of elite infected bodies.

Fortunately, the elite infected body can be solved by wolf cavalry and dinosaurs, and they are not afraid to come to thousands.

But if long-range attacking creatures such as lickers and rippers approached, they would have no countermeasures, and heavy losses would be inevitable.

This is the disadvantage of rushing into the infected group. It is easy to get in, but it is difficult to get out.

The Lu Army also knew that the situation was not quite right, and quickly issued a second order: "Xiaowan, you also brought your mutant creatures to assist in the battle. You must help them to clear the siege and cover them. Bring it together, I won’t be able to use it temporarily."

This is currently the only way the Lu Army can help the dinosaurs and wolf cavalry, because the second and third echelon must defend behind the sky and cannot move.

"Received!" Xiao Wan replied briefly.

Immediately afterwards, tens of thousands of flying creatures and thousands of spiked pterosaurs passed over the heads of the crowd, reaching the top of the infected group from the breach of the spiritual barrier, and attacking the infected group with high attack and low attack with the help of position advantage.

With the help of nearly 10,000 flying creatures and thousands of bee-stab pterodactyls, the dinosaurs and wolf cavalry finally felt better, had room for respite, and began to retreat in an orderly manner.

But once they withdrew, the fire guards and draw-fire artillery could not attack.

Because they need to pass through a mental barrier to retreat, they will block the breach, and energy bombs can only hit the mental barrier.

In fact, there is no way to retreat. After all, they can't stay in the infected group for a long time. They can only retreat after a charge, delaying a little time.

The infected group did not pay much attention to the retreating wolf cavalry and dinosaurs, anyway, this would not affect their attack.

The wolf cavalry and the dinosaurs moved back and moved forward, and within a few tens of seconds, they approached the 30-meter range of the West Wind Fortress.

This is already a distance for the two sides to face each other, and the members of the Resistance Army in front can even see the hideous expression on the infected body's face.

"The second echelon is ready to defend! The third echelon responds to the retreat of the first echelon!" The Lu Army quickly issued a new order.

Immediately afterwards, the troll hunter in the third echelon threw the bone spear in his hand and shot it at the spiritual barrier that still existed ahead.

The witch doctors and thunder rhinoceros who were a little behind also issued their long-range attacks, although the number was relatively small, but they also wanted to contribute to the battle.

The melee dinosaurs in the second echelon began to grind their own claws, with ferocity in their eyes. They have been waiting for the battle for a long time.

As most of the wolf cavalry and dinosaurs withdrew to the sky, the fire guards and draw-shot artillery were able to fire at full force, pouring all the ammunition into the mental barrier and the infected group.

Under the fierce attack from multiple sources, the mental barrier that the corpse controllers finally supported shattered again and dissipated in the air.

It is a pity that this fragmentation was a bit late, because the infected body group had already touched the sky of the Westerly Fortress and began to violently attack the barrier protecting the Westerly Fortress.

"Second echelon, attack! Fight them back!" The Lu Army shouted through the short-range communicator.

In the next moment, the various dinosaurs in the second echelon rushed forward several steps, either killing or pushing back the ordinary infected bodies near the sky.

But as long as something like an infected body rushes forward, it will continue to flow, with dozens of millions of followers.

Even the fire guards and the drawing artillery plus the second-tier dinosaurs can hardly beat them back.

Generally, just after the infected body in front was killed, the left and right sides followed up again, attacking the left and right sides, but couldn't hold the front.

Therefore, as time passed, more and more ordinary infected bodies attacked the sky.

If you look down from a high place, you will find that the sky curtain is like a "ball", with a quarter of the surrounding area surrounded by infected bodies.

These infected bodies are desperately attacking the sky, as if to explode this "ball".

"Boss Lu! The protection value of the canopy is rapidly declining, and the expected defense time is 1:02!" A member of the Resistance Army reported to the Lu Army through a short-range communicator.

"Okay, I see, you continue to observe." The Lu Army replied while looking at the battlefield.

Although it sounds like the canopy can withstand so many infected bodies for an hour, it feels like it is quite long.

But the Lu Army knows very well that it is only an attack by an ordinary infected body, and a mutant infected body has not yet arrived...

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