After the silent crusaders left, Lin Zhan walked up with some of his confidants, only three meters away from the Lu Army.

This was also the first time Lu Jun saw Lin Zhan, but he could feel that this man's aura was different from those around him.

"I am the Lu Army." The Lu Army proactively extended his right hand towards Lin Zhan.

"Tomahawk Legion, Lin Zhan, thanks for the rescue." Lin Zhan clasped the Lu Army's right hand in response.

"It's hard to talk about rescue. We are cooperating and helping each other as we should." The Lu Army released Lin Zhan's right hand.

"But why are you only a few people occupying this place..." Lin Zhan also retracted his right hand and said weakly.

No wonder he was puzzled, because he only found out that the inner city was all silent crusaders.

Had he not seen a group of high-level silent crusaders squatting on the ground, he would have thought that the Lu Army were also members of the silent crusade...

"This question, you will know later, just like I don't know you now." Lu Jun chuckled lightly.

It would be too much trouble to explain it slowly, and it would be nice to be able to just perfuse the past.

Before Lin Zhan could speak, a voice suddenly sounded: "Dad, how are the casualties on our side?"

Immediately after, Lin Yilaan walked out of the crowd and went directly in front of Lin Zhan.

Everyone around was shocked by Lin Yi's lazy "dad", and looked at the two people in front of them with all doubts.

"This is your dad?!!!" Lu Jun was also obviously surprised, his eyes widening.

"Um...yes..." Lin Yilaan turned around, "I forgot to tell you in advance that this is my dad Lin Zhan. He created the Tomahawk Legion. What happened last time and this time was also driven by him. ."

"It turned out to be like this..." Lu Jun murmured.

In this way, he understood the whole thing, no wonder Lin Yilan has such a good relationship with the Tomahawk Legion.

No wonder the Tomahawk Legion will cooperate with them unconditionally, no wonder the Tomahawk Legion is willing to help them attract the attention of the Silent Crusade.

These problems that had originally puzzled the Lu Army can now be sorted out, and the reason lies with Lin Yilan.

But he really did not expect that Lin Zhan would be so relieved that Lin Yi was lazy in rebelling against the army for so long, making him abduct other people's daughters...

After Lu Jun and Lin Yilan finished talking, the surroundings fell into silence, and the atmosphere was once embarrassing.

Only Lin Zhan didn't think there was anything, Chao Lin also laughed lazily: "Our loss is not big, your arrival is very timely."

After speaking, he turned his head to the Lu Jun side: "Unexpectedly, Boss Lu is so young and strong. I didn't believe it when Xiao Lai said it before. Now it seems that I was wrong. It's really not as famous as meeting. "

These were Lin Zhan’s true words. He still remembered that half a month ago, a person opposed to the Scorpion Group suddenly appeared in Oli City and was besieged by the Scorpion Group.

In order to help this person, he sent Lin Yilan, who possessed spatial supernatural powers, to save people.

But half a day later, Lin Yilaan suddenly came back, telling him that he was leaving, and he planned to join a force called the Resistance Army and go out for a fight.

This made Lin Zhan a little dazed, why did his daughter just go out for a long time, feeling that the soul has been taken away?

At first, Warrior Lin was very opposed, and he asked Lin Yilaan what happened.

After all, it was the end of the world, and he couldn't let Lin Yi lazy out without knowing the reason.

But Lin Yilan didn't tell him, but desperately emphasized to make Lin Zhan believe her and train the Tomahawk Army well.

After speaking, Lin Yilaan slipped away using his spatial ability, and did not give Lin Zhan a chance to continue speaking.

This shocked Lin Zhan and "lost" his daughter inexplicably. This was a major event. He immediately sent his subordinates to look for it and started searching for information, trying to figure out what happened in the past ten hours.

After some tossing, Lin Zhan's men could not find Lin Yilazy, because she had already returned to the West Wind Fortress with the Lu Army.

However, Lin Zhan was not without gain. According to his subordinates, a few hours ago, someone sneaked into the inner city and destroyed the site of the Silent Crusade, the research institute was all bombed, and the people ran away.

At the beginning, Lin Zhan hadn't figured out who did it. After all, no one in Orly City had such courage.

But as more and more information was collected, Lin Zhan soon figured out that all of this must have something to do with the person Lin Yilan went to save, as well as Lin Yilan.

When I thought that Lin Yilan had participated in such a big action and succeeded, Lin Zhan became excited and worried.

The excitement is that he feels that his daughter has grown up and has the ability to be alone.

What worries him is that he doesn't know who Lin Yilan is mingling with, and he doesn't know what kind of force the resistance army is, and he is afraid that Lin Yilan will suffer outside by himself.

As for Lin Yilan's life safety, he is not very nervous, because he has seen Lin Yilan's ability to escape.

In layman's terms, Lin Yilan has no other ability except for fleeing and leading others to escape...

Although worried, Lin Zhan did not dare to tell anyone about this, nor did he dare to say that Lin Yilan was missing, only his confidant knew a little bit.

After all, this matter involves the silent crusaders, and their Tomahawk Legion may be uprooted by the slightest carelessness.

In this way, for a long time to come, Lin Zhan was frantically collecting news about the Jing Rebels and Lin Yi lazy.

The more he collects, the more he feels trembling, because there are traces of resistance activities in many places, which seems to be a very powerful force.

The only thing that puzzled Lin Zhan was that there seemed to be very few rebels, and every action carried a bunch of strange creatures.

Is Lin Yi lazy to live with those monsters? Lin Zhan thought about this problem more than once.

But before Lin Zhan could come up with what it was, the Tomahawk Legion was suppressed by the Silent Crusade and the Scorpion Regiment, leaving Lin Zhan not thinking about it.

It was just that he suddenly received a news a week ago that the Silent Crusade had sent tens of thousands of people to attack the rebel territory.

It is said that the Silent Crusaders have already found the people who attacked the inner city and destroyed the research institute last time. They have also found their place and intend to take revenge.

This caused Lin Zhan's heart to hang again. There were tens of thousands of people, and there were so many supernaturalists, he didn't know whether the Resistance could withstand it.

Although he is not acquainted with the people of the Resistance Army, his daughter is there. If the Resistance Army is destroyed, how can his daughter be treated...

Although he wanted to send troops to support him, or inform the rebels along the way to let them run quickly.

But their Tomahawk Legion is now seen very deadly by the Silent Crusaders. The "eyes" of the Silent Crusaders are everywhere, and it is more difficult for their people to go out than to reach the sky.

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