"Since the end of the world, when I established the Tomahawk Legion, how many brothers have died? How many talents have we spent to have today? Why should we be squeezed by the silent Crusaders and the Scorpions like this?"

"So I don't accept, I'm not reconciled, I want to resist! It's a pity that with our own strength, fighting the Silent Crusade and the Scorpion regiment in Ori City is almost the same as sending you to death."

"Fortunately, now the opportunity is here. This attack on the inner city is a good opportunity given by God, because we have powerful reinforcements. As long as we help to destroy and attract the people of the Silent Crusade, they can make the Silent Crusaders High-level annihilation!"

"At that time, we will no longer have to look at the faces of the Silent Crusaders. Maybe we will be able to gain more power in Ori."

At the same time, Lin Zhan stood up, his expression was a little excited, part of his vision for the future, part of his dissatisfaction with the silent crusade.

"I understand, Commander, we will win this operation!" Da Hei suddenly raised his hand and shouted.

"Sure victory!" The other members of the Tomahawk Legion, like Da Hei, made their voices echo in the entire basement.

"Okay! This battle is related to the future destiny of our Tomahawk Army. We can only win and not lose, and start the offensive!" Lin Zhan also issued his orders along the way.

Because while he was talking to Da Hei, more than ten minutes had passed, and it was time to attack.

Upon receiving Lin Zhan's order, the door to the basement opened immediately, and in an instant, hundreds of Tomahawk Legion members armed with axes rushed out.

When the pedestrians outside saw these murderous people, they evaded one after another, for fear that they would be affected.

The members of the Tomahawk Legion did not pay attention to the pedestrians, but continued to move forward. Their only goal was the silent crusade.

The silent crusaders outside soon spotted the Tomahawk Legion and began to intercept them.

Some patrols of the Silent Crusade also pointed their weapons at the Tomahawk Legion and shouted: "What do you want to do?! Don't you know the curfew will start soon?!"

But they didn't get any answers to their questions, and only a giant axe greeted them, splitting their heads instantly.

In less than a minute, the Tomahawk Legion had killed hundreds of silent crusaders, all on the street.

The pedestrians who saw all this were stunned and sighed in their hearts that the Tomahawk Corps were crazy.

Because this is in the city of Ori, the site of the Silent Crusade, ordinary forces do not even allow those who scold the Silent Crusade.

The members of the Tomahawk Legion were actually massacring the Silent Crusaders, and they simply didn’t want to continue mixing in the city of Ori...

The people of the Silent Crusade were also surprised. They were usually bullies of the Tomahawk Legion, and these people did not dare to speak.

Today, why are these people slashing at them indiscriminately like they had taken gunpowder?

However, their question still hasn't received any answers. Instead, as time passed, more and more members of the Tomahawk Legion came to the street, and the movements they made increased.

Although every patrol team will have a superpower, it stands to reason that this defensive force is strong enough.

But because the news could not be delivered quickly, they could not form an offense collectively, and could only come and die one after another.

In the face of the fierce offensive Tomahawk Legion, the patrol of the Silent Crusade was ultimately unstoppable.

In addition to killing, members of the Tomahawk Legion would continue to set fires, causing raging flames to ignite in many areas of Oli City.

Seeing that the situation had begun to get out of control and was spreading to the inner city, the silent crusaders did not dare to neglect anymore and directly sent a signal for help to their senior leaders.

Although their senior officials have said that an important meeting will be held tonight, do not report on general matters.

But they felt that the situation in front of them was already very serious, and if they did not send troops to suppress it, there might be problems.

With the news of Tomahawk riots everywhere, the top of the Silent Crusade quickly learned the information outside.

They were shocked at the meeting, because it was a major event, related to the majesty of the Silent Crusade in Ori.

Although they don't know why the Tomahawk Legion suddenly went crazy, anyway, if this matter is not handled well, then their face will be lost.

After all, as the "big brother" of Orly City, majesty cannot be provoked, otherwise the other forces below will also be disobedient.

Therefore, the senior leaders of the Silent Crusade quickly made the order to send troops to encircle and suppress the Tomahawk Legion, and this was carried out throughout the city.

In fact, they had the idea to clean up the Tomahawk Legion a long time ago, and they were going to help the more obedient Scorpion group "upper", but they never found a chance.

Now finally waiting for the people of the Tomahawk Legion to rebel openly. Of course, they won't let this opportunity go. It's just killing two birds with one stone.

After receiving the order from the top, the tens of thousands of silent crusaders who had been staying in the inner city rushed out and rushed towards the position of the Tomahawk Legion rebellion.

Their purpose is only one, and that is to kill the people of the Tomahawk Legion as quickly as possible and show their super strength to the entire Orly City.

However, the moment they rushed out of the inner city, the members of the Tomahawk Legion received the message, began to break into pieces, and fled to the surrounding streets and the city.

Because they knew that they could not defeat the silent Crusade's large forces, but they could not escape directly, they could only flee everywhere, continue to destroy them, and let the silent Crusaders waste their time catching them.

Although their casualties will become very large in this way, as long as they can achieve their goal of delaying time, all this is very worthwhile.

The people of the Silent Crusaders obviously did not expect that the Tomahawk Legion would have this hand, and they were stunned for a moment, not knowing where they should chase.

However, after all, they were trained, and they quickly reacted, and they also broke up into pieces and expanded the encirclement net.

They made up their minds today, not to arrest all the members of the Tomahawk Legion, and never retreat.

In this way, for a long time in the following, the people of the Silent Crusade and the Tomahawk Legion were caught in a chase.

Almost anywhere in the city of Ori can become their battlefield. The battle is extremely fierce, and the whole city of Ori that is about to fall asleep is alarmed...

At the same time that the Tomahawk Legion made a lot of noise, the Lu Army also received news, making all of them excited.

"Okay, when we are on the stage, let's start acting according to the original plan." The Lu Army took out the Death Tu 8000 he hadn't used for a long time, put it in his hand and turned it around.

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