Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 905: Sudden reinforcements

"It's time for you to get rid of all these people. It's best to have a livelihood. It doesn't matter if you don't have it." The commander of the Silent Crusade pointed to the battlefield ahead. He said this to two Tier 3 abilities. Said.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the operation, in addition to the normal organization team, this time they also brought two additional Tier 3 ability players.

This is their killer, in order to give the enemy a fatal blow at the most critical moment and achieve the goal of victory.

Although I don't know how this great white bear emerged, it is clearly a critical moment, and it is also the time when they have the best chance to kill these people. .

As long as Anan, Daxiong and others die, the West Wind Fortress will be unprepared and exposed to them. This is their ultimate goal.

"Yes, sir!" Two figures, one tall and one short, made a gesture peculiar to a silent crusade.

After watching so many days of battle, they had long wanted to take action, but the commander had to hide them until the end, and only now gave them orders.

After showing a cruel smile, the two Tier 3 ability players quickly walked towards the battlefield ahead, and soon joined the battle.

With the help of Big White Bear, Anan and Big Bear had a good chance to run out.

But as soon as the two Tier 3 ability players joined the battlefield, their situation became critical again.

Because these two Tier 3 abilities are both offensive, even the Great White Bear can't stop their attack, and wounds gradually appear on their bodies.

Especially when the two third-order abilities began to condense the third-order abilities, the situation became even more wrong, and everyone once again fell into a hard fight.

And this time they have no means to turn the tide of the war, it seems that everything will be settled.

"Hey, although I don't know where you came from, we are very grateful to you. I am very sorry to have you tired now." Big Bear patted Big White Bear's **** from behind and sighed with emotion.

Others looked at the big white bear who was still fighting the injury in front, and nodded one after another, showing grateful eyes.

This big white bear did give them a chance to escape, but it was a pity that they did not grasp it, and it could not blame anyone.

At first, everyone thought that the big white bear could not understand human words, who knew that the big white bear suddenly turned his head and looked at the people with big copper bells: "Don't panic, adults will be here soon, and they will all die."

Listening to this extremely thick and humane voice, the Resistance Army and others were shocked, and took a step back together, because they did not expect a bear to speak.

The big bear was even more frightened. He originally thought that he was going to die, just say, who knew that this big white bear actually responded to them...

But they immediately realized a problem. Just now, the big white bear said that an adult is coming soon. Who is this adult?

When everyone was tangled, they suddenly felt a sound of flapping wings in the air, and there were some shadows.

The puzzled crowd raised their heads and saw seven or eight "big birds"-like creatures appearing in midair.

The people around didn't know what kind of creature it was, they thought they were attacking them together, a little desperate.

Only Big Bear and Anan stayed in place, their expressions excited, and their hands even trembled, because the two of them knew that this was the Fengshen pterosaur of the Lu Army!

The two third-order ability players also saw the figure of the wind **** pterosaur, which made them instantly understand that the person who came was not good.

Because they hadn't seen such a creature, nor did they find the place where the silent crusaders were.

Since he is not his own, then those who appear at this time must be enemies.

After looking at each other, the two third-order ability players immediately switched their firepower and used their ability to attack the wind **** pterosaur.

The rebels and others on the ground are already hard to fly. What they have to do now is to remove the threat from above and not give the rebels any chance.

But they had just used the ability, the change happened, and the wind **** pterosaurs above suddenly dispersed, spewing a fiery red light.

Any shield warrior that touches the light will instantly melt, and even the stone shield in his hand will turn into dust.

This scared the two Tier 3 ability players to avoid quickly, for fear of being touched by this destructive light.

But they could hide. The shield warriors and superpowers around them couldn't hide. In less than five seconds, more than two hundred people died around.

In fact, the destructive rays of the wind **** pterosaur are not so powerful, and it is difficult to move when encountering S-level creatures.

However, these human beings are too weak, and they don't even have C-level strength after conversion.

Therefore, being attacked by the S-rank Fengshen pterosaur had no room to fight back, only to be killed by a spike.

Eight seconds later, the destructive light of the Fengshen pterosaur ceased. Just when the silent crusaders thought they could take a breath, the accident happened again.

I saw a group of monsters of the same size suddenly appeared around them like molecular reorganization, there were more than a dozen monsters.

One characteristic of these monsters is that they have short front limbs, thick hind limbs, sharp teeth, and look ferocious.

There are even a few monsters with a height and length of more than a dozen meters. It is estimated that three people can't hold them hand in hand with their huge limbs.

Including the ability of the Resistance Army, no one knows what kind of creature this is. Only Anan and Big Bear know that this is a Lu Army dinosaur.

Although they did not know the species of these dinosaurs, they knew that only the road army could summon these dinosaurs.

"Set the fire! Set the fire!" The higher-order third-order ability player quickly issued an order.

Because the appearance of these creatures made him feel great pressure, and had a very bad premonition, it made the whole person panic.

Before the shield warriors and supernaturalists who received the order had time to do it, the dinosaurs in front of them moved.

The eyes and limbs of the ferocious-looking dinosaur suddenly turned red, and the whole body revealed an amount of violent violence.

The huge dinosaur suddenly raised its head and roared, making a thunderous sound of beasts.

Immediately after these two dinosaurs launched a charge at the same time, they stepped heavily on the ground, causing the surrounding dust to roll and yellow sand to fill the sky.

In front of this kind of monster, the people of the Silent Crusaders, including the Tier 3 supernatural powers, didn't even have the desire to resist.

The offensive of the dinosaurs is like a violent wind sweeping fallen leaves. Wherever they go, no grass will grow. Anyone who is attacked has no possibility of survival, not even a whole body.

The two Tier 3 abilities originally wanted to run directly down the mountain, but they had obviously been spotted by the Fengshen pterosaur. They were caught up by the Fengshen pterosaur after a few steps, and they were all caught and taken into the air. , And then thrown it fiercely on the ground, and fell directly into meat sauce...

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