When the crowd tied the five elves together, they turned their heads, and suddenly found themselves weak and collapsed to the ground.

Looking at An Hao standing in front of them, a team member who collapsed on the ground suddenly remembered that their symptoms were similar to An Hao’s ability, and raised his trembling fingers: "An Hao! You did to us. What's up?!"

At this time, the other team members also realized that An Hao had moved their hands and feet, and they turned their eyes on An Hao.

To be honest, now they are only a few kilometers away from Xueyue City, they really don't understand what An Hao is going to do.

"Hey, guys, I'm sorry, I'll take the elves back first, so you can lie down here for a while." An Hao apologized to everyone and gave them a dry smile, but from his expression, everyone I only saw hypocrisy...

"Anhao! Are you going to swallow these elves alone?! Don't forget, we caught them together!" Another team member shouted angrily.

"I haven't forgotten, of course I won't forget, catching these elves, everyone here has a share, I am very grateful to you, Anhao." Anhao pretended to arch his hands at everyone, and then he turned his head. "But, what, I suddenly felt that it was not good for so many people to divide into five elves, so I can only sorry everyone."

After finishing talking, An Hao took the five elves and walked forward. He had planned this for a long time, and he had just asked these people to tie the elves to facilitate control.

"An Hao! Xueyue City stipulates that people in the same city cannot be killed. If you leave us here like this, we will die in the cold!" Another person yelled unwillingly.

"I know, so I didn't kill you guys. Did you see that I did something to you now?" An Hao turned his head and showed an innocent expression, "What does it matter to me if you die here? If you die after I leave, will you count on me?"

These words made everyone angry. If they hadn't been restricted by Anhao's ability and couldn't use it to fight, they would definitely go up and kill Anhao collectively.

"Anhao! You can't die! You wait for us! If we can live through today, we will never let you go!" The thin black man who talked to Anhao before also shouted.

"Okay, I'm waiting for you. Come on, my ability lasts a little longer. Don't wait to eat the snow monster at night." An Hao said with a smile, "In addition, I have to remind you, even if If you can live, you probably won't be able to find me, because Xueyue City is so big, I will live comfortably after selling these elves, you guys, keep going, hehehe."

After finishing talking, An Hao stopped paying attention to everyone, and took the elf to walk forward leisurely.

These five elves have also played Anhao's ability, so now they don't have any strength, otherwise they can resist.

Just when An Hao began to think about how to sell these elves at high prices after meeting Xueyue City, he suddenly heard the sound of flapping wings in the sky.

When he turned his head, he suddenly saw a large group of flying creatures descending and landing beside him.

This made An Hao shocked, and he backed up a few steps without knowing where to drill.

Although he didn't know what would happen next, when he saw that these were elves, he knew that things were broken...

The creatures that fell were not others, but Lu Jun and the others who chased them all the way.

Because they were advancing at full speed, they were many times faster than the walking An Hao and the others, and finally stopped An Hao and the others in front of Xueyue City.

"My lord, it's them! Our companions are here too!" The elf warrior who had fought with Anhao and others immediately reported to the Lu Army.

Listening to this, Lu Jun jumped directly from the back of the Fengshen pterosaur and looked around.

When he saw the people paralyzed on the ground and An Hao who was pulling the elf, the Lu Jun couldn't help but sneer, and instantly understood what had just happened.

"Oh, I met again. Before, you looked like you, but I didn't expect that the way you deal with things was sinister." Lu Jun satirized An Hao.

"You...you...you..." An Hao's eyes kept drifting, seeming to recall, "Are you that person a few days ago?! What do you want to do?!"

"I want to kill you, what else can I do?" Lu Jun waved the double-headed spear in his hand.

He retrieved this weapon after the Giganotosaurus killed the Destruction Guard.

Although he is not very comfortable with it at present, it will definitely be useful to save it later.

"Why?! Did we have any misunderstandings?! These elves will be back to you..." An Hao quickly loosened the rope that bound the five elves.

Although I don't know why the ordinary road soldiers mingled with these elves before, it is always right to apologize and save their lives.

However, the Lu Jun, who was in a bad mood now, obviously didn't want to talk nonsense with An Hao, so he just raised his two-headed spear with a single wave.

An Hao in front of him was still thinking about how to organize the language, but suddenly he felt the sound of the double-headed spear breaking through the air, making him shake his whole body.

If it is an attack from other people, the strength of Anhao's second-order ability can avoid the past.

But the Lu Army at this time was so strong that An Hao could only see an afterimage, and his head was chopped off to the ground, his body separated, and the snow on the ground was covered with blood.

The people lying on the ground in the distance saw that An Hao, who was extremely proud before, died instantly, and they took a breath.

They met the Lu Army a few days ago, and they don’t know what the Lu Army has experienced these days.

If the Lu Army a few days ago was a lone wolf, then the Lu Army at this time was a lion.

"Big... Your lord... all the ideas were from him. He just attacked us just now. He wants us to stay here and wait for death. We don't know anything..." A clever member of the expedition team followed directly. The army apologized.

In fact, they don't know where the Lu Army is angry, but it's always correct to explain, they don't want to die unclear...

"Well, well, I know, no need to explain." Lu Jun waved his hand, saying that he didn't want to listen so much.

After speaking, he gestured to the Fengshen pterosaur next to him. The Fengshen pterosaur immediately understood and directed a few destructive rays to the humans on the ground, letting everyone evaporate in the air.

As for why the Lu Army didn't leave a few lively questions about Xueyue City, firstly, he felt that these people didn't know much, after all, most of these small expeditions were the bottom figures of Xueyue City.

Second, in the face of absolute strength, information and the like became less important, and they simply killed all the humans who stole the elves...

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