The Watcher, Hongyue and Lin Yilan followed the army after issuing the order of the army. They knew that the army had plans to discuss with them.

After walking for more than 20 minutes, the Lu Army directly led the girls from the north to the south of the cave, to the location where Deinonychus caught the Night Demon.

Seeing the road army coming, the Deinonychus loosened the foot of the night demon and kicked the night demon in front of the road army.

The night demon who loosened his **** ignored the wound on his back and immediately raised his head and said something to the Lu Army, with a stern voice in his voice.

It's a pity that the Lu Army didn't understand it at all, and raised his hand to the watchman. With the help of the thorn wheel, he was ready to hit the back of the night demon twice.

Looking at the cruel-looking Lu Army, the night demon screamed even more miserably, and his limbs kept pulling the ground back.

Hongyue and Lin Yilan watched coldly from the sidelines, knowing that there is not much chance of seeing a super-ranked creature die. If they meet them, they certainly won't miss it.

But the watchman next to him suddenly realized something and whispered behind the Lu Jun: "It wants you to let it go. It can pay any price for it."

This sentence made Lu Jun and Lin Yilan both look at the watcher.

"Can you understand what it says?" Lu Jun pointed at the Night Demon on the ground, and then looked at the watcher.

Because the night demon spoke the language of the dead, it was strange that the watcher could understand it.

"Um...Because I often deal with them, I can understand a little bit of ancient animal language and undead language, including your human language..." The watchman explained to Lu Jun a little bit.

"Okay, then you can ask it for me, what precious things it has, and let it be handed over. If it can satisfy me, I can consider letting it go." Lu Jun licked his chapped lips and said .

Listening to this, the women were a little speechless, because they saw the taste of conspiracy in the eyes of the Lu Army.

If nothing happens, the Lu Army is probably planning to kill the Night Demon.

Lin Yilaan was no stranger to the Lu Army's approach, but Hongyue and the Watcher hadn't seen it.

So the next moment, the watchman thought about the undead words in her mind and translated Lu Jun's words to the night demon.

Hearing that he really had a chance to survive, the night demon was extremely excited, his purple eyes staring red.

But the next moment it gets tangled up, because it has nothing particularly valuable.

If you insist on the same thing, then it will be regarded as the army of the undead.

But now even its subordinates have abandoned it. It currently has nothing in this world, and where is there any valuables.

So in desperation, the night demon could only shook his head with a bitter expression, hoping that the "old man" of Lu Jun could do well and could change the conditions that it could do.

Seeing the expression of the Night Demon, the Lu Army knew that the Night Demon was a "pauper" and could not get any good things, so he immediately lifted the thorn wheel in his hand and prepared to hack the Night Demon to death.

Facing the fierce-looking road army, the night demon made a lot of moves, and said a few words to the watchman from time to time, probably meaning that he hoped the watchman could persuade the road army.

However, the watchman was indifferent to the words of the night demon, and did not say anything to Lu Jun.

Because she wanted to die the night demon the most here, after all, the night demon had killed many creatures of their elves with his subordinates before.

If it weren't for Lu Jun's presence, she would have carried the thorn wheel to kill the Night Demon, how would she talk nonsense with the Night Demon.

Seeing that all the creatures here wanted to kill it, the night demon couldn't care about so much in anxiousness, and crawled back with his hands and feet and using the ground, wanting to leave this cave that scared him.

But Deinonychus was waiting for it at the back. When the Night Demon moved, the Deinonychus moved and took the Night Demon back again. The opening of the mouth was a gust of wind and rain attack, and it gave the Night Demon again. Numerous wounds were added to the body.

Seeing the dying night demon being tortured by Deinonychus, Lu Jun suddenly remembered something, and told Deinonychus to stop first and look at the watchman next to him: "Help me ask it, do you know the lair of the Abyss Demon King? Where, can you take us there, if you can, I can temporarily not kill it, if it dares to lie, I will cut off its head directly."

As the Lu Army made a head-cutting gesture, the Watcher immediately translated Lu Army's words to the Night Demon, and even added more eloquence to the consequences.

Hearing this question, the dying watchman suddenly lifted his spirits, because it really knew where the Abyss Demon King was.

Although I don't know what the Road Army asked this for, the Night Demon can guess a little bit.

In fact, he was very happy to betray the Abyssal Demon Lord Night Demon, after all, the Abyssal Demon Lord only abandoned it not long ago, giving it a mentality of wanting revenge.

So the next moment, the night demon nodded frantically, and said a long sentence to the watchman, basically it was location information and guarantees.

"It said where the Abyssal Demon King would go, and said it would take us there." The watchman said hesitantly, "but the location it said is the portal you were looking for before, so I'm not sure. The authenticity of it."

"The portal? It's the one in the Frost Forest? That is to say, the place where the Abyssal Demon stays is likely to be very close to the portal?" Lu Jun's volume suddenly increased several degrees.

"That's what it said, and it also said that if you can't find the Abyssal Demon King, you can kill it on the spot." The watcher frowned, seemingly suspicious of the Night Demon's words.

"Are we going to find the Abyss Demon King? Will it be too risky?" Hongyue cut in suddenly, she wanted to know the plan of the Lu Army.

"Yes, I have this idea, because I have to stay here for a few days. Instead of waiting, I might as well take the initiative."

"Furthermore, with the brain circuit of the Abyss Demon King, it would never expect that we would attack it, and our plan would definitely achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort."

"Although going deep into the territory of undead creatures sounds a bit dangerous, as long as we can succeed, the harvest will be huge."

"Maybe after this battle, the undead creatures in this place will be eradicated by us, maybe let us dominate the frost forest!" Lu Jun said all his thoughts in one breath.

The women took a breath, secretly sighing the madness of the Lu Army, even Lin Yi, who is more familiar with the Lu Army, is no exception.

But surprise turned to surprise. They would not be able to say the reason for the rebuttal for a while. It seemed that these plans were normal when they were spoken from the Lu Army.

Only the Night Demon who does not understand human language is still looking at the Lu Army silly, his eyes are a little erratic, as if waiting for the Lu Army to pronounce its fate...

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