Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 826: One enemy two

So in the next second, the Abyssal Demon King stopped paying attention to the abyssal creatures behind him, and rushed towards the position of the road army with his thick lower limbs.

Although it has bare hands, its size is very powerful when charging.

The Night Demon followed closely behind the Abyss Demon King, staring at the entrance of the cave, ready to find a chance to slip out.

At the same time, the night demon ordered the surrounding bone dragon army to surround him. If there is no other way, it can only rely on the bone dragon army to tear a hole.

Looking at the night demon and the abyss demon who looked like they were cooperating, the Lu Jun couldn't help but sneer and rushed towards the abyss demon, while the Deinonychus rushed towards the weaker night demon.

In fact, with the current strength of the Lu Army, he is not afraid to face the Night Demon and the Abyss Demon at the same time, let alone the Abyss Demon not agree, and he has the help of Deinonychus.

After approaching the five-meter range of the Abyssal Demon King, the Lu Army directly activated its dragon transformation ability, growing wings and dragon arms.

Immediately afterwards, the Lu Jun extended his right arm, facing the head of the Abyss Demon King with a claw.

The abyss demon king who expected the road army to attack like this shrank a moment when the dragon claw arrived, just to escape the blow.

But before the Abyss Demon King had time to fight back, the Lu Army immediately changed his tactics, pressing down, and clasped both dragon claws on the Abyss Demon King's skin.

Then the Lu Army spread its wings and exerted upward force, as if preparing to fly with the Abyss Demon King.

But no matter what the Abyssal Demon King said, there were still two or three tons, and the struggle was extremely violent, which caused the Lu Army to fail.

However, this didn't seem to be overwhelming the Lu Jun. The next moment he used the flash to directly take the Abyss Demon King to the top of the cave, and then fell down severely.

Due to the inability to borrow force in the air, the Abyss Demon King fell to the ground without any accident, smashed into a small pit, and was thrown to the ground.

Before the Abyss Demon King got up from the ground to recover, the Lu Army slammed his wings, and instantly reached the Abyss Demon King from above, facing the Abyss Demon King’s chest with several claws.

The Demon Lord of Abyss shook his head, who was feeling uncomfortable, and did not pay much attention to the attack of the road army.

After all, the Abyss Demon felt that with its skin defense power, it should be no problem to deal with the dragon claws of the road army.

But the next moment the Abyssal Demon King knew he was wrong, because its skin was torn apart by the dragon's claws, and at the same time its flesh and blood were torn apart, almost threatening its heart.

This kind of pain and fear immediately energized the Abyss Demon King, immediately distanced himself from the Lu Army, and quickly recovered his wounds.

The Lu Jun sighed deeply, because he was almost ready to succeed just now, but he was still reacted by the Abyss Demon King.

However, Lu Jun was not at all discouraged, he still stared at the Abyss Demon King with playful eyes, and stared at the Abyss Demon King for many seconds.

At the same time, the battle between Deinonychus and Night Demon also started.

When the Night Demon saw the Deinonychus, he did not hesitate, and directly condensed a rotting bat swarm, locking the Deinonychus' position.

Deinonychus didn't mean anything about this, and didn't choose to avoid it. Opening its mouth was a hot flame, and it seemed that it was going to face the Night Demon head-on.

When Yan Xi collided with the rotting bat swarm, there was a burst of air-breaking sound from the middle position, as if two heavy trucks collided, producing a shock wave.

Immediately after the night demon's rotting bat swarm began to burn violently, it looked like it was lit by the flames, and all the rotting bees inside were also burned out.

In fact, the rotting bat swarm originally contained a large amount of combustible gas, but it was usually not visible. Now that it is burned by the flames, it is blamed for not catching fire...

Without the rotting bat swarm, the night demon would have no more powerful means of attack. The Hellfire was still cooling, and the only control ability that could be used was hypnosis.

But it's daytime, and the night demon cannot get the blessing of darkness, even if it uses hypnosis, it can't help Deinonychus.

Thinking of this, the night demon couldn't help but feel a headache, thinking to himself that it would be fine if it was still daytime, so that it would not be so passive.

But Deinonychus didn't care what the night demon was thinking. After it broke the rotting bat swarm, it moved its eyelids and summoned a thunderstorm. The place where the night demon fell.

Feeling the pressure from above the sky, the night demon was taken aback, and subconsciously stepped back several steps.

As soon as the night demon retreated, the thunderstorm fell and hit the place before the night demon.

If the Night Demon is one step late, then it will have to endure another thunderstorm, which is uncomfortable.

But before the Night Demon could breathe a sigh of relief, it was thrown down by the Deinonychus which suddenly rushed from the right side. The Night Demon didn't know when Deinonychus ran there.

Only the Lu Army knew that this was the strategy of Deinonychus. In fact, the thunderstorm just now was just a bait in order to attract the attention of the Night Demon.

When the night demon was really attracted by the thunderstorm, Deinonychus took the opportunity to run to the right, because the night demon would not notice it.

When the night demon avoided the thunderstorm, the Deinonychus was in place, and then it directly issued a fatal blow, letting the night demon fall into its hands.

Feeling the tingling sensation from the neck and looking at the Deinonychus on its body, the night demon knew he was fooled.

But it has no good way to do this. After all, it is daytime, and it has many abilities that cannot be used. Its combat power has not even been used for 70%, and it can only open its mouth and curse Lu Jun with undead words.

It probably meant to say that the Lu Army was despicable and shameless. It was good to let the two of them go together, but let Deinonychus deal with it, not "keeping promises" at all.

It's a pity that the Lu Army didn't understand the words of the dead, and all the night demons were screaming.

Otherwise, he will definitely respond to the night demon, that is, he did let the night demon and the abyss demon go together, but he did not say that he would not find a helper, it seems that the night demon has a deep misunderstanding of his words...

While the Night Demon yelled at him, Deinonychus was not idle, constantly biting the body of the Night Demon, all of which were weakly defensive.

At the end of the bite, the wings of the Night Demon were actually torn off by Deinonychus, and Deinonychus swallowed these things into its stomach.

This kind of result made the night demon's heart cold. You must know that its body is not that abnormal. It is estimated that it will take ten and a half months to recover after being destroyed.

And the place to be ripped off is the wings that it can use, which is equivalent to that it can no longer use this ability in a short time.

In fact, this is not the problem that the Night Demon is most worried about. What it fears most is that it will be caught or killed by the road army. It does not want to die here...

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