However, although the abyss demon ran away, the attacks of the abyss creatures did not stop.

Because the gates of the abyss are still operating, the success or failure of the abyss demon has little influence on them.

Instead, with the passage of time, the surrounding abyssal creatures grew more and more, and the succubus crawled over the cave, all rushing to the vengeful god.

You must know that double fist is very difficult to defeat four hands, not to mention there are more than 400 hands here, even if the Vengeful God is a super-order, it can't stand it, and it will get injured from time to time.

The life of the elves and the snow bears is not easy. After all, there are too many headless guardians and millipedes. They are fighting at higher levels, and sometimes it is very difficult to protect themselves.

Fortunately, there are many vengeful sons around them, who can attack at the same time to help them reduce pressure and strengthen their defense.

At this time, the tyrannosaurus finally rushed to the vengeance god, they kept throwing left and biting, and got the succubus above it.

And any succubus who dared to get close to the vengeful gods would be directly torn into pieces by them, swallowing them alive.

In the face of this level of attack, the succubus became difficult to survive, and from time to time, a succubus fell from above and became the son of revenge.

The Deinonychus staying by the road army is not idle, it will spew a flame from time to time, or condense a thunderstorm, the target is the surrounding soul lockers.

Because Deinonychus knows the horror of soul lockers and also understands the rarity of soul lockers, it is attacking with the idea of ​​killing one or one.

Although the soul locker and Deinonychus belong to the S Tier, due to their relatively fragile body, the soul locker will die as long as they are attacked by Deinonychus, whether it is flame breath or thunderstorm.

The soul locker who reacted wanted to escape with the abyss demon king, but at this time, the cave was full of succubus, and there was no place for them to throw the chain away.

After several soul lockers tried to escape to no avail, the other soul lockers gave up the idea of ​​hanging away, intending to join forces to kill Deinonychus and the Lu Army and create a way out.

But the number of them is too small, and there are no high-level creatures beside them. It is really difficult to break out any storms by their control alone, and they are quickly killed by Deinonychus and the Watcher.

After the death of the soul locker, the battlefield to the north was actually no longer threatened. Because the abyss demon ran away, the abyss creatures lacked the main breakthrough power, and it was difficult to break the defense.

In addition, the Son of Vengeance is a non-attackable existence, directly blocking the cave, making the headless guardian and the millipede unable to pass, and the succubus alone has no deterrent effect.

Although the abyss gate is still sending out new abyss creatures, with the passage of time, victory has completely belonged to the road army.

However, before the Lu Army who had seen the situation clearly had time to breathe a sigh of relief, a new situation suddenly occurred.

That is, the elves and snow bears on the southern line of defense can't stop the attack of the undead creatures. All the lines of defense have been breached, making the undead creatures less than 100 meters from the tree of life.

This news was told by Lin Yilan to the Lu Army, using the space portal. At this time, she was covered with blood from undead creatures, and there was a laceration on her left hand. The whole person looked very bad.

When she reported the situation to the Lu Army, she blamed herself, because she felt that it was her own problem that made the line of defense like this. I am very sorry to the Lu Army.

But her strength is really limited, there is no other way, she can only ask the road army for help...

Seeing this, the Lu Army didn't mean to blame Lin Yilaan. He slapped his forehead, thinking that it was broken. He patronized the Abyss Demon King, forgetting that the Night Demon was still attacking the south.

So the next moment, the Lu Army asked the Watcher to take him and the red moon to the cave to the south, and came directly not far in front of the Night Demon.

As for Lin Yilan, the Lu Army did not let her come. First, Lin Yilan was injured and had to let her rest. Second, Lin Yilan was not a combatant and did not help much.

Because the Lu Army placed its main force in the north, the night demon had almost no enemies in the south, killing the elves and snow bears all the time, and would grab the elves' corpses and gnaw at them.

Seeing that the night demon who had been beaten up by them was so arrogant now, the Lu Jun clenched his fists and his eyes were full of cruelty, wishing that the night demon would die immediately.

But his dinosaur stayed in the south to protect the vengeful gods, and he had no fighting power. He could only let the red moon throw moon blades to attack the night demon, delaying time.

But after all, Hongyue's power alone is limited, her main ability is still unusable in the cave, and the line of defense is still being pushed forward.

The most terrifying thing is that when they advanced to about 80 meters, the undead creatures discovered the existence of the tree of life, which made them almost crazy.

Because they originally thought that the tree of life had been destroyed, but they didn't expect that there would be another one here, or a new one.

If this tree of life is not destroyed, the power of the elves will soon be restored, which they do not want to see.

So in the next moment, the undead creatures put down all their attacks and rushed towards the tree of life.

The succubus didn't even care about the Vengeful God, and climbed forward directly over the Vengeful God.

Moreover, the Abyss Demon King who ran away at this time also reappeared, and his right arm had recovered, but his face was very ugly and very weak.

In fact, it didn't run far just now, it just hid to the other side to recover from its injury. Now that the situation is in chaos, the undead has regained control of the advantage, and it has returned.

After all, its weapons are still here, and it has to retrieve its weapons while in chaos.

What's strange is that the watchman didn't know where she took her weapon, so that it could not feel the weapon in the hole.

This situation made the Abyss Demon a headache, thinking to himself that it seemed that he had to catch the Watcher to ask the whereabouts of the weapon.

So in the next moment, the Abyssal Demon went into the battlefield with his bare hands, speeding up the advancement of the defense line.

It’s just that this time it’s a lot timid, always paying attention to the location of the dinosaurs. If something goes wrong, it will run away because it’s really scared of being beaten...

At this time, the Lu Army didn't care what the Abyss Demon King was doing. It was very difficult for him to deal with the attack on the Night Demon, and there was a feeling that he could not care about the tail.

Fortunately, without the restraint of the night demon, the vengeful **** can give full play to it, constantly waving the thorn wheel in his hand, providing the maximum output to the road army and protecting the tree of life.

The attacks of the children of Vengeance are also very impressive. At this time, there are nearly 20,000 of them in the cave, with branches everywhere, and from time to time they consume an abyss creature...

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