Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 800: Behind the battlefield

Because it has been a long time since there was any news from the rear, he was a little worried about the safety of Hongyue and others.

In addition, the hero-level creatures of the undead clan cannot be dealt with by ordinary people, so he has to go to the rear quickly.

"Yes, Lord Lord!" The Snow Bear Centurion echoed, stood up from the ground, and let out an imposing roar.

The snow bear warrior who heard the roar immediately gave up the river and took the initiative to guard both sides of the river, intending to protect the elves from crossing the river.

The Lu Army immediately walked to the watchman: "Hurry up and let your people cross the river. I have negotiated with these snow bears. They will protect the elves. We will go to the rear now."

After speaking, the Lu Army took all the dinosaurs on the battlefield back and prepared to take them to the rear together.

As for the wounded elves on the back of Thunder Dragon, they were quickly taken over by the Snow Bear Warrior. Their backs were very thick, so carrying some wounded was not a problem.

Although I don't know how the Road Army persuaded these snow bears, I don't know why the Snow Bear Centurion would surrender to the Road Army.

But the watchman knew that it was not the time to struggle with these things, and immediately nodded to signal the elf warriors to set off, and at the same time asked Lin Yilan to help pay attention to the situation here.

With the protection of the snow bear this time, the elven warriors can finally cross the river without scruples.

And in order to speed up the river crossing, the snow bears also organized and took advantage of their ability to swim, and carried some elven warriors across the river.

Seeing that everything was proceeding in an orderly manner without any accidents, the watchman breathed a sigh of relief and cast a grateful look at the Lu Army.

Because if the road army were not here, these snow bears would never help them.

Then they must face many attacks today, even if it can summon the vengeful god, it is useless.

Immediately afterwards, the watchman stopped wasting time, and directly grabbed the arm of the road army covered with bone armor, and used it for five or six times in a row, leading the road army to the rear of the battlefield.

At the moment they arrived, several plague ghosts suddenly rushed towards them, and the road army could even smell the stench on the plague ghost.

Without any hesitation, the Lu Army slammed the bone spear forward, piercing the heads of three plague ghosts in succession.

He swept back with his bone spear again, and directly killed the four ghouls who were planning to attack.

After solving the undead creatures around him, the road army and the watchman discovered that the rear battlefield was completely occupied by the undead creatures at this time, and looked at whether the undead creatures were removed or the undead creatures.

Watchers with night vision capabilities also found a large number of corpses of elven warriors, and even the thick-skinned rock giants died a lot.

Only then did the Lu Army and the Watchers realize that their rear battlefield had actually collapsed long ago, but these brave elven warriors did not leave the defense line even if they died in order to cover the retreat of the large forces...

"You can't hold it here anymore! Find Hongyue and others, and see where they are!" The Lu Army killed a few undead creatures before saying to the watchman.

The watchman who received the order immediately used his night vision ability to scan the surrounding area until he saw the besieged Red Moon and others at a position one hundred meters to the right.

"Found it! Let's go!" The watchman turned his head and shouted to the Lu Army. As soon as the voice fell, he led the Lu Army to use the flash to leave the original word and came to Hongyue.

Facing the Lu Army and the Watcher who suddenly appeared, Hongyue was shocked, thinking it was some new undead creature, because the bone armor on the Lu Army was very similar to the bones of the skeleton warrior...

Fortunately, Lu Jun immediately said: "It's me, how is your situation?"

When he said this, the Lu Jun's hand movement did not stop, he kept using the bone spear to slash left and right, and no undead creature could take a blow from him.

Then the Lu Army drank a bottle of the fountain of life, restored the exhausted brain power, summoned the dinosaurs in the dragon training module, cleaned up the surrounding undead creatures, and protected the red moon and black robe people.

"You...you are finally here... the undead creatures that we supported were too ferocious. We used all the abilities we could use, but we still couldn't stop them from attacking. Many elf warriors died..." Hongyue said with relief first, exhaustion and weakness in her voice.

The continuous retreat and being surrounded had already made her a little desperate. Fortunately, the timely arrival of the road army gave her hope.

"How did the battle become like this? What about the Bone Spirit Guardian I arranged here? Are there other elven warriors?" The Lu Army was puzzled by this question.

Because logically speaking, he arranged six super-order bone spirit guardians here, as well as hundreds of rock giants, and almost all the elf warriors that can fight are placed here. This should not be the result. .

"The hero-level creature of the undead clan is too terrifying. Nothing can stop its attack, even the rock giant and the bone spirit evil body. The bone spirit evil body is about to die in order to protect us."

"The elven warriors are besieged behind us. There are more of them alive, but we just separated from them."

After that, Hongyue pointed to a position more than a hundred meters away on the left, and with a little light, it could be seen that there was a bone spirit evil body fighting.

It was fighting against an undead monster with a two-headed spear, a body like a giant lizard, and a fire on its head.

Although he knew that this was the new hero-level creature of the undead clan, the Lu Jun directly opened the data eye until a line of information appeared in front of him.

[Scourge-Abyss Demon King, a hero-level creature of the undead family. The strength is evaluated as super-rank, with a powerful body like a dragon. The double-headed spear in his hand is forged from the abyss demon crystal and the fire of hell. Can open the gate of the abyss and summon a large number of soldiers from the Scourge. 】

As the road army read the information, the battle between the abyss demon king and the bone spirit evil body also entered a white-hot stage.

I saw the Bone Spirit evil body seized an opportunity, brandishing a bone knife and slashing at the head of the Abyss Demon King, the blade slashed through the air, and there was a burst of air breaking sound, as if it could cut the air.

But just when the bone knife was about to hit, the Abyss Demon King suddenly jumped high, avoiding the bone knife and bone shield of the bone spirit evil body, fiercely throwing out the double-headed spear, and slashing at the bone spirit evil body's waist.

Immediately afterwards, the evil bone spirit body was chopped off at the waist and turned into two pieces. No one would have imagined that such a small double-headed spear could actually divide the evil bone spirit body into corpses.

The Bone Spirit Evil Body, who knew that he was bound to die, did not hesitate at all, just like the five companions before it, opened the self-destruction mode...

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