Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 794: Glacier crocodile

Although the Lu Army can't see much for the time being, there must be a demon if something goes wrong, so the Lu Army plans to figure out the source of the rapids before leaving.

Hearing the order of the road army, an antler eagle soon flew forward with an elf.

But before they had time to fly far, they hurried back, their expressions panicked.

"Report! A lot of glacier crocodiles came up upstream! There are hundreds of them in the front, and how many in the back are temporarily unclear!" The elf warrior yelled to the Lu Army before it could land.

At the moment when the elf warrior finished the report, the road army with poor night vision ability also saw the movement in the upper reaches, it was a large number of glacier crocodiles attacking.

In addition, in the middle of these glacier crocodiles, there is a giant glacier crocodile four meters long and full of blue.

If the Lu Jun guessed correctly, this giant glacier crocodile should be the leader of the glacier crocodile, and it was also the source of the rapids just now.

In order to prove his idea, Lu Jun directly opened the Eye of Data and scanned the giant glacier crocodile with a little light until a row of data appeared before his eyes.

[Glacier Crocodile, whose strength is evaluated as S-level, is the leader of the glacier crocodile family, lives under the water, and is good at controlling water flow and frost attacking enemies. 】

Seeing that the facts were really the same as what he thought, Lu Jun couldn't help but feel a headache, because the glacier emperor crocodile came at an untimely time, so he didn't know how to deal with it.

Fighting, the Abyssal Demon is still attacking behind them. If you don't block, the defense line will collapse, and all the elves will not escape.

If you don't fight, the glacier crocodile will directly block the river, preventing the elves from crossing the spring, and staying here is also very dangerous.

Moreover, from the data introduction, the glacier crocodile's attack is not limited to the just one. It is estimated that there are other types of attacks, and the elves will definitely be unable to stop it.

So the Lu Jun decided to look at the situation for a while. If the dinosaurs and elves can hold on, then he will leave immediately. If they can’t hold on, then he has to find a way to kill the glacier crocodiles.

Only the road soldiers and elves who were paying attention to the river did not notice. On the opposite side of the river, a few snow bears who were patrolling had discovered that the elves were crossing the river. They seemed to want to come to their territory, followed by a large number of undead creatures.

This made some lazy snow bears immediately vigilant, because their territorial awareness is very strong, and they ran to their camp location. From this perspective, they must be reporting the situation and calling for reinforcements...

The Lu Army didn't know that they had been spotted by Snow Bear. The leader of Snow Bear was bringing his army to the location of Unfreezing Spring. He was still thinking about dealing with the glacier crocodiles.

And while he was thinking, the glacier crocodile quickly approached with the glacier crocodile and began to hit the elves crossing the river.

Due to the existence of the glacier crocodiles, these glacier crocodiles seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, which was more than twice as cruel as before.

Fortunately, the Tyrannosaurus and Deinonychus of the Lu Army were not vegetarians. They madly displayed their dragon skills to resist the attack of the glacier crocodile, so that the glacier crocodile could not harm the elves.

If this situation continues, the advantage is on the side of the road army, because the defense line composed of dinosaurs and glacier crocodiles still cannot break through, so that the road army and the watcher can go to the rear to fight the abyss devil.

However, the glacier emperor crocodile is obviously variable, and it suddenly uses its own abilities to condense a huge wave, which slaps on the dinosaurs and elves.

Fortunately, the tonnage of the dinosaurs was heavy enough and they stood relatively stable. This huge wave did not help them.

But the elves were in a miserable situation. Although they were prepared this time and held each other's hands, the huge wave rushed them far away, and the casualties were still relatively high.

Seeing this, Lu Jun was itching with hatred in his heart, staring at the glacier emperor crocodile with fierce eyes, thinking of slashing the glacier emperor crocodile thousands of times.

Although the glacier crocodile is only S grade, the strength is not very strong, and any dinosaur can beat it.

But the glacier crocodile was hiding in the deep water area, and couldn't come at all, and the dinosaurs of the road army couldn't make it. This is the troublesome place.

"Give me some time, I'll kill it!" The watchman suddenly let go of the Lu Army's hand and said softly.

The next moment she disappeared in front of the Lu Army's eyes, flashing to the position of the glacier crocodile.

This is not the impulse of the watchman, but she knows the urgency of the situation very well in her heart, and must get rid of the glacier emperor crocodile as quickly as possible, otherwise all the elves will be consumed here.

Because the Watcher is super-class, she has an overwhelming advantage over the glacier crocodile. As long as she can get close to the glacier crocodile, it is estimated that she will instantly kill.

But looking at the watcher entering the water, the glacier crocodile did not panic much, submerged its mouth and body in the water, leaving only its eyes outside.

Then the glacier crocodile ordered the surrounding glacier crocodile to attack the watchman and make a siege.

At the same time, the glacier crocodiles continue to use some small frost abilities to harass the watchmen, reducing the pressure on other glaciers.

Seeing that the glacier crocodile was so cunning, the watchman in a hurry did not hesitate too much. He threw a circle in the water and threw a large number of daggers, hitting the surrounding glacier crocodile.

Although the dagger has been weakened a lot in the water, it is no problem to deal with the glacier crocodiles of Tier A.

In the next moment, all the glacier crocodiles hit by the short dagger died, and the blood stained the river red.

In this way, there is no glacier crocodile in front of the watchman, so that the watchman can quickly lock the glacier crocodile and throw a lot of daggers again.

The watchman thought that these daggers would be enough to kill the glacier crocodile, but the glacier crocodile's reaction speed was too fast.

It dived deep into the water the moment the watcher made the action, and did not come out again.

Because it saw the scene where the watchman killed the glacier crocodile, it knew that he was not the opponent of the watchman, so naturally he did not dare to take any risks.

Since the watchman could not dive in such a cold river, she had nothing to do with the glacier crocodile who dared not show her head.

Even though the glacier crocodile couldn't attack the elves in this way, the Lu Army and the watchman knew that this was only temporary.

After all, the glacier crocodile stays at the bottom of the water, has the initiative, and can come out at any time. As long as the road army and the watchman leave, it will definitely not let the elves go.

It seems that the IQ of the glacier crocodile is not low, knowing that the elves are controlled by the undead creatures, there is no time to deal with it, and know how to take advantage of the fire...

In this way, the Army still faces a difficult choice. He must choose between guarding the rear and protecting the river.

At this time, the watchman also crawled out of the river, looking at the Lu Army solemnly, wondering if the Lu Army has any good methods...

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