Seeing that the Night Demon had escaped, the Lu Jun sighed deeply, feeling very regretful, thinking to himself that it was a little too close.

But this is no way. After all, he and the dinosaurs have tried their best. Maybe it is the fate of the night demon...

After thinking for a moment, the Lu Army gathered the dinosaurs and prepared to rush out of the circle of undead creatures.

Because the Night Demon ran away, it didn't make much sense for him to stay here.

Although the dinosaurs can kill many undead creatures, they can even severely damage the undead army while the night demon is away.

But the Lu Army knew that the undead creatures could not be killed. If one batch was killed, a new batch would come. Maybe there were more reinforcements behind.

If it is normal, he may stay and kill undead creatures to earn dragon coins and dragon title value.

But now that he has more important real-time tasks on him, he has to quickly escape with the elves and find a good place to put down the tree of life seeds.

Moreover, summoning so many dinosaurs for a long time is very brain-intensive. The Lu Army does not have many fountains of life, so brainpower cannot be wasted on meaningless things.

Hearing the order of the Lu Army, the dinosaurs immediately assembled and changed into the formation that they had when they rushed in. The Thunder Dragon took the lead and headed in the direction where the Elven Army was.

Originally, the Lu Army thought that the Night Demon was not there, and the undead creatures had no intention to fight, and they should be easy to rush out.

But the Lu Army was obviously wrong, because the Night Demon was injured and fleeing, the undead creatures were very angry. They sent their anger on the Lu Army's head and became even more crazy.

Although their offense did not have any tactics or coordination, at this time, the lack of tactics and coordination became the best tactics, which added a lot of trouble to the road army.

And as the two Fengshen pterosaurs were accidentally injured by dozens of bone dragon attacks, it made the road army even worse, and there was a risk of being surrounded and killed by the undead army at any time.

Facing the attack of tens of thousands of undead creatures who are not afraid of life and death, the Lu Army has no way to change the situation. They can only grit their teeth and let the dinosaurs persist and move forward gradually.

The dinosaurs did not have the slightest doubt about the order of the road army, and they used all the dragon skills that could be used to clear the road ahead.

But they are almost at the end of the battle, at this time they can't make any mistakes, because as long as they make a little, they will be overwhelmed by the undead army.

Seeing this scene, the elves in the distance knew that the Lu Army was in trouble, and immediately prepared to step forward.

Six bone spirit evil bodies and three thunder dragons ran forward almost at the same time, trying to put pressure on the undead creatures and reduce the pressure on the road army.

However, the undead creatures seemed to put their target entirely on the Lu Army, regardless of the attacks of other creatures.

In this way, the elven warriors can't help the road army, because no matter how they shoot arrows at the undead creatures, the undead creatures will not look back.

Seeing this, Lin Yi was too lazy to sit still, and began to condense the space portal, wanting to risk teleporting to the road army, trying to find a way to bring the road army back.

Hongyue also ordered the black-robed people to be prepared. If it doesn't work, they will have their brains fully rushed into the undead army to help the road army fight.

Fortunately, at this moment, the watchman in the distance finally rushed back with the elven warriors left in the south.

When the watchman asked the elves about the situation and learned that the road army had completely repelled the night demon, causing him to be trapped in the undead army, he did not hesitate to use flashing, disappeared in place, appeared on the battlefield, and was Lu Jun's side is on the back of Deinonychus.

"Why are you here? Did the elves left around bring them back?" The Lu Jun was startled by the sudden appearance of the watchman, and then immediately asked.

Seeing the road army still thinking of those elven warriors in the predicament, the watchman was very moved.

But she knew that it was not the time to be sensational, and immediately pointed to the dinosaurs beside the guide army: "Bring it back, don't talk about it, I can take you out of here, can you take these big guys back?!"

As soon as the watchman's voice fell, the Lu Army snapped his fingers and included all the dinosaurs around him in the dragon training module, including the Deinonychus under the crotch.

As a result, there was nothing under the Route Army and the Watcher, and they fell directly from a height of three to four meters.

Because they were on the back of Deinonychus just now, now that Deinonychus is back, of course they will fall down...

Fortunately, this distance is nothing to the Route Army and the Watchers, and they are not affected by the impact and safely step onto the ground.

Seeing that the dinosaurs disappeared, leaving only the road army and the watchman, the undead creatures were overjoyed.

Because they know that both the Lu Army and the Watcher are important figures in the elves, as long as these two people die, the elves will have little resistance.

So the next moment, the undead creatures will use their strongest attack to attack the road army and the watchman.

Without the protection of Brontosaurus and the protection of other dinosaurs, they did not believe that the road army could survive this attack.

The watchman ignored the surrounding attacks. She saw the dinosaur disappear, knowing that the road army took it back.

Immediately grabbed the Lu Army's hand, used the flash, and disappeared in place with the Lu Army both before the attack arrived, and appeared in the array of elven creatures.

The people who were still very worried saw that the Lu Army and the Watcher came back from the danger in the next moment, cheering and celebrating this incredible victory.

The undead creatures watched the "duck" fly away, stamped their feet with anger, and even roared angrily.

Due to the absence of the night demon, the undead creatures have no leader, so after venting in place for a while, the undead creatures began to attack the elf warrior.

Although they were run away by the road army, it did not mean that they lost. At this time, their number was still about 40,000, which was still an advantage and had to continue to attack.

But as soon as they had this idea, they ran into six bone spirit evil bodies and three thunder dragons, and were forced to fight with these nine large creatures. After fighting for a while, they couldn’t break through this line of defense. ...

The undead warriors also tried to let the bone dragons and gargoyles fly over to attack, but the continuous battle resulted in insufficient numbers of bone dragons and gargoyles, which could not pose much threat to the elf warriors. Instead, they were attacked by long-range attacks and renewed by the road army. The summoned Fengshen pterosaurs killed indiscriminately...

Finally, seeing that there was really no way to pass, the undead creatures knew that they were invincible, and there was no point in fighting, so they began to retreat, wanting to wait for the return of the night demon or new support to continue the attack...

Looking at the deflated undead creature, Lu Jun couldn't help but laugh out loud. After being chased by these things for several days, he finally let out a breath...

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