As the Lu Army and others left, only the remains of undead creatures remained on the battlefield. They thought they were dead and planned to give up resistance.

But the elves suddenly left, making them a little confused, wondering why the elves let them go.

After thinking about it for a while, they couldn't figure out this problem, after all, their intelligence was limited.

There are two paths in front of them now, one is to chase the elves in front of them, and the other is to stay in place and wait for the night demon's orders.

But they can catch up with their current numbers almost as if they die, they are still worthless.

But if you don't chase them, the night monsters will be blamed, they will still have to die, and they will die even worse.

In the face of a dilemma, the undead creatures racked their brains and couldn't think of a way to achieve both.

Fortunately, at this time, the night demon suddenly issued an order to them with brain waves, that is, to attack the southern line of defense with all his strength, and cover the breakthrough of the eastern line of defense against the elf camp.

The undead creatures who were originally low-spirited immediately became active, because they knew that the direction the night demon commanded was about to win, so they had nothing to hesitate.

In this way, after a brief adjustment, the undead creatures continued to move forward, following the direction in which the road army and others evacuated.

It's just that the undead army at this time is not as mighty as before, and the whole has shrunk a lot, looking a bit miserable...

The Lu Army, who had just returned to the fourth line of defense to the south, did not know what was going on.

He ordered the elves to stay alert and rode the panthers to the fourth line of defense to the east. The speed was very fast because the two places were less than three kilometers apart.

But as soon as they arrived here, the Lu Army was stunned. At this time, the fourth line of defense in the east was full of undead creatures, and the corpses of elves were everywhere.

Even more terrifying is that there are two large monsters on fire all over the elven guardians, one or two elven guardians die every second under the hands of this creature.

There are also two Bone Spirit evil bodies fighting dozens of rock giants, and both sides have back and forth, each with damage.

But other elven creatures have almost collapsed, and the entire front has become messy. It is estimated that it is only a matter of time before they are broken.

The watchman who had been in charge of commanding at a distance saw that the road army had finally returned, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

But it saw that there was only one person in the road army, without any troops, and its eyes dimmed involuntarily.

Because if there is no large amount of reinforcements, this front is impossible to defend, and there is no point in dragging it down.

Therefore, the Watchers intend to tell the Lu Army that they will take the elves from the south to defend the Tree of Life in the middle. That is their last hope.

However, before the Watcher had time to pass, the Night Demon who had been hiding in the dark suddenly rushed out and stood in front of the Watcher.

In fact, it had already discovered the position of the watcher, but just now it had been observing the surroundings and had not come out first.

But now that their victory is set, they don't have to worry about anything anymore. As long as the Warden is killed, the battle here can be declared over.

Facing the interception of the night demon, the watcher couldn't help but frown, quickly took out the thorn wheel to protect him, and at the same time looked for a place where the flash could be used.

Because it knew that it couldn't fight the night monster now, and even if it was hit by the night monster, it would be seriously injured, so it didn't want to stay longer.

So after making preparations, the watchman directly used the flashing, and the goal was to be next to the road army more than 100 meters away.

The strange thing is that the Watcher had obviously used the flashing, but it did not flash away, and it remained in place.

This made the watchman think that something was wrong with him, and immediately used flashing again.

But the result this time was the same as last time, and there was still no response, as if it had been locked in this space.

Looking at the watcher with a blank face, the night demon felt proud, because the watcher could not use the blinking, it was it who moved his hands and feet.

In fact, when it just lurked in the darkness, it has been condensing the dark enchantment, and it was not condensed until the moment before it was completed, in order to prevent the watchman from escaping.

Seeing that the dark enchantment was effective, the night demon didn't want to wait any longer, and directly spread his wings and blood-colored claws, and rushed towards the watcher.

In this case, the watchman could only resist forcibly, and while retreating, he threw the dagger to prevent the night demon from approaching it.

But blindly avoiding when there is always a miss, I saw that the next moment the Watcher was accidentally shot by the Night Demon and flew more than two meters away.

Fortunately, the watchman is protected by a robe, and his physical fitness is not bad, but he stood up again after vomiting blood, and continued to fight the night demon.

After suffering a loss, the Watcher was obviously much smarter, no longer thinking about other things, and started fighting with the night demon, planning to drag the duration of the dark enchantment and then escape.

The Night Demon also knows what the Watcher thinks, so its attacks are getting more and more fierce, every claw is very deadly, and it fought a long offensive and defensive battle with the Watcher...

The Lu Jun didn't know what happened to the Watcher. After he knew the general situation of the battlefield, he opened the Eye of Data and looked at the two monsters with yellow flames until a line of data appeared in front of him.

[Hellfire, the strength assessment is super-level, the creatures summoned by the night demon can exist for two hours, and the whole body is composed of **** rock, covered with the never-extinguishing **** fire, which can burn any creature. 】

Seeing this brief introduction, the Lu Army couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, because these two hellfires were just summoned objects and had no special abilities.

And according to his estimation, the time for the summoning of Hellfire is approaching, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

However, in order to consolidate the elf's fourth line of defense, the Lu Army immediately started, stroked the black engraving on the right arm, and released the four bone spirit evil bodies inside.

After a long battle, the road army now knows how to use this black mark, and can retract and release it freely.

At the moment when the four evil bone spirit bodies came out, two more black qi flew into the black mark of the road army, which were the other two evil bone spirit bodies on the battlefield.

In this way, the number of Bone Spirit Evil Body in the hands of the Road Army reached six, and the number of super creatures on the side of the undead warrior suddenly lost two, and the combat power of both sides instantly changed greatly.

Originally, when the undead creatures saw the four new bone spirit evil bodies emerging on the battlefield, they thought it was theirs. They were so excited.

But when the four evil bone spirits and the other two evil bones began to attack them, all the undead creatures were stunned. I don't know why this happened...

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