Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 774: East Frontier Line of Defense

In this way, with the passage of time, the front lines of the two sides soon came into contact, and bodies of different sizes collided with each other.

Bone dragons and gargoyles were also in the air to gang up with the antler eagle and the druid of the bird of prey.

The initial battle situation was the superiority of the elven creatures on the ground and the inferiority of the air. After all, it is normal for the Antler Eagle and Druid of the Raptor to defeat the Bone Dragon.

But when the night demon joined the battlefield with two hellfires and two bone spirit evil bodies, the elves didn't even have the advantage on the ground, and the battle line was instantly torn out a breach.

Although the ballistas and the elven guardians are desperately attacking, trying to block the breach, with their attacks, pseudo-super-order creatures can't be helped.

Looking at the battle line that was about to be broken in five minutes before resisting, the Watcher felt a sense of helplessness, and secretly sighed that the power of the undead clan was still much stronger than them.

When there is no other way, the watchmen can only draw troops from the fourth line of defense to the south.

By the way, let his hand go down and notify the road army that is still defending the first line of defense in the south, indicating that the east front is about to fall, and signalling the road army to quickly bring people back to defense.

Although the loss of the east front will not affect the south for the time being, if one side loses, it will be meaningless to defend the other side. The watchman believes that the Lu Army understands this truth...

The road army does not yet know the situation on the east front, they are still defending in an orderly manner.

Although the red moon and the black-robed men are now mentally exhausted and unable to help the road army fight, but fortunately, the elves are strong enough to resist the attack of the undead creatures.

"Bone dragons are here again!" Suddenly a man in black robes who was standing on a high place for warning shouted.

Then all the black-robed men and all the elves' expressions became solemn, because they would be extremely difficult to deal with bone dragons without large-scale abilities.

However, the Lu Jun, as the commander of the battlefield, had a relaxed expression and seemed to have found a way to crack the bone dragon attack.

In the next moment, the road army made the rock giants withdraw from the front line and stood beside a crowd of deer monsters and ballistas.

Immediately afterwards, the road army asked the elven warriors with long-range attack ability to attack the bone dragon above, regardless of the undead creatures on the ground.

Hearing such an order, the black-robed men and the elves were stunned, because in this way, even if the bone dragon is defeated, the ground battlefield will be lost...

However, out of trust in the road army, plus the fact that the road army is the commander of the battlefield, the elves did not hesitate to execute it, and began to aim all their attack methods at the top.

Seeing the completely incomprehensible style of play of the elves, the undead creatures were taken aback for a moment, and then they became excited, pressing forward with all their strength, and the bone dragon and the ground troops moved forward almost simultaneously.

Looking at the enemy close at hand, the elves chose to obey the orders of the road army, ignoring the undead on the ground, and attacked the bone dragon with all their strength.

Facing the attack of the elves, the bone dragons would naturally not be persuaded, and they used their frost ability one after another, spraying the frost on the ground one by one, aiming at the fragile deer demon and ballista.

But what surprised the bone dragons was that their frost attacks failed to reach the deer demon and ballista, because they were all blocked by the tall rock giants.

Now the bone dragon and the elves understand the significance of the road army's transfer back to the rock giant, it turned out to be to protect the fragile long-range elven warriors.

Seeing that their multiple attacks had no effect, the bone dragons were very unwilling, and began to change positions, planning to bypass the mountain giant and attack the deer demon.

However, the bone dragons would go around, and the rock giants would also block them. They used almost perfect cooperation to block most of the attacks for the elves below.

Even if some of the attacks happened to fly down, the casualties would be small and harmless.

When the elven warriors knew that they would not be attacked by the bone dragon, they became bold and began to give up their avoidance and defense, aiming at the bone dragon above.

With hundreds of spears and crossbow arrows flying in the air, the casualties of the bone dragons gradually increased, and bone dragons continued to fall from the air.

This feeling of being unable to hit each other by himself and being beaten by the opponent makes the bone dragons very upset, after all, they usually beat others.

However, the bone dragons did not retreat because they knew that their ground forces were advancing.

As long as they delay for a while and wait for ground troops to come over, the elves' line will be broken and they can attack.

Looking at the undead creatures getting closer and closer to them, the elves were also panicked, because they didn't know what the road army planned.

Although they intend to retreat, the Lu Army is the commander of the battlefield. As long as the Lu Army does not issue an order to retreat, they cannot retreat anyway.

Just when the elves thought they were about to die here, the Lu Army moved, and the black bone mark on his right arm was bright, and then a white creature flew out and rushed into the air.

The white creature grew bigger and bigger during the flight, until it became nearly twenty meters in size, and fell in front of the elven warriors. It was the evil bone spirit that was conquered by the road army.

Seeing the appearance of the bone spirit evil body, the elves became even more desperate, and even the thought of running away disappeared.

Because there is a bone dragon to suppress them, and a bone spirit evil body chases after them, in front of these two powers, they have no chance to escape.

When the undead creatures watched the appearance of the bone spirit evil body, they were all excited. They could feel the dark aura on the bone spirit evil body, so they knew that this was a creature belonging to their side.

As for the detail that the Bone Spirit evil body was summoned by the road army, no creatures noticed it. After all, it was the night and the field of vision was limited.

Besides, no one would have thought that a human being would have the ability to summon a bone spirit evil body...

Fortunately, the next moment, the evil bone spirit made a move that surprised both the elf warrior and the undead creatures.

At the moment when the evil bone spirit body came out, he raised the bone knife in his left hand and waved the bone shield in his right hand, slashing at the undead creature coming forward.

Five plague ghosts and a dozen ghouls were not prepared for this, and were directly chopped in half or crushed into meat sauce by the bone spirit evil body.

Seeing that the evil bone spirit actually attacked them, the undead creatures were stunned, wondering whether it was too dark, causing the evil bone spirit to see clearly and misdirection.

However, the Bone Spirit evil body soon rushed into the formation of the undead creatures and began to massacre the undead creatures on a large scale, using actions to show that it did so deliberately.

When attacked by the Bone Spirit Evil Body, the undead creatures are in chaos, and neither is the fight nor the retreat...

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