Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 772: The fierce battle of super creatures

In this way, their idea of ​​surrounding the Vengeful God is no longer valid, and it will take a lot of time to stay close to the Vengeful God.

But during this period of time, the Vengeful Sons will continue to output, and they will suffer death and injury of many companions.

But in any case, the Vengeful God cannot continue to exist, so the next moment, the Hellfire and the Bone Spirit Evil Body will tirelessly rush towards the position of the Vengeful God.

Seeing the enemy coming again, the Vengeful God still didn't panic and didn't choose to escape. Instead, he took advantage of the time to constantly wave the thorn wheel phantom in his hand to kill the undead creatures he saw in his field of vision.

Because the Vengeful God is a super-rank creature, its attack power is very high, and even the bone dragon cannot stop its attack, let alone other undead creatures.

With the cooperation of the Vengeful God and the Vengeful Son, the undead creatures died in pieces, and the number of bone dragons dropped from 500 to more than 300.

As for the elven warriors, they are well aware of the destructive power of the Vengeful God, and they understand that they cannot let the enemy harm the Vengeful God.

So the next moment, the rock giants all stood in front of the vengeful gods, forming a "gable" to prevent hellfire and bone spirit evil bodies from approaching.

If there were only one or two bone spirit evil bodies or hellfire, the rock giants might be able to stop them.

But at this time, there were as many as four Bone Spirit Evil Body and Hellfire, and a night demon who looked at him eagerly caused the pressure on the rock giants to be not ordinary.

As time passed, it only took 30 seconds for the Hellfire to come into contact with the rock giants, all creatures made of stones.

The advantage of the hellfire is that it is relatively large, and with the nameless fireworks burning on the surface, it can burn the enemy. It is not a problem for one hellfire to hit five rock giants.

Fortunately, the rock giant has a resistant skin, which is immune to some fire damage, and is not very afraid of the burning of hellfire.

The only thing that is more uncomfortable is that when the rock giants use the trunks of their hands to hit the hellfire, the trunks will be directly burned, which shows how high the temperature of the hellfire body is.

After losing their weapons, the rock giants had no means of attack, and could only be passively beaten.

At first, the rock giants were able to withstand one or two thanks to their rough skin and thick flesh, but when the other two bone spirit evil bodies also came up, the rock giants died, one by one they were beaten to the ground.

In this way, they would not be able to protect the vengeful gods, and they could only allow hellfire and bone spirit evil bodies to step past them.

Watching the vengeful **** face the danger of being surrounded again, the watcher looked in his eyes and anxious in his heart.

It's a pity that it doesn't have a very good way, after all, all its brain power is used to summon the vengeful gods, and now it belongs to the kind that has no combat power.

Looking at the four menacing enemies in front, the Vengeful God stopped attacking other creatures and began to withdraw to the rear.

It is not without the power of a battle. If it does fight, it is confident that it can kill one or two hellfires or bone spirit evil bodies.

But now it doesn't need to fight the enemy recklessly, as long as it can delay enough time, the victory belongs to them, and it should be the opponent who is anxious.

As for why it does not need to flash to escape directly, it is because its flashing has a time limit and cannot be used infinitely like the watchman.

Seeing that the vengeful **** wanted to escape, the Hellfire and the Bone Spirit evil body couldn't help speeding up their steps, even if they stepped on their own creatures.

But no matter how they accelerate, their speed is similar to that of the Vengeful God, always keeping a certain distance, forming a scene where you chase me.

However, this situation is undoubtedly very beneficial to the elves, because when the Vengeful God fled, the number of Vengeful Sons had reached 20,000, and the entire battlefield was full of Vengeful Sons.

The undead creatures also changed from their advantage to a balance of power at the beginning, and then became a disadvantage, and even risked defeat.

The watchman saw that they were about to usher in victory, and his heart was secretly excited. It was originally just trying to do its best, but he didn't expect the Vengeful God to be so strong.

In fact, it was considered that they were lucky, they happened to be fighting undead creatures, and there were enough corpses on the ground, so that the vengeful **** summoned the son of vengeance.

If it is in a heads-up match, without the help of a corpse, the combat effectiveness of the Vengeful God is still far from the normal super creature.

Just as the watchman was thinking about all this, it suddenly realized that something was wrong, that was, it hadn't seen the night demon in a long time.

Is it going to unite with the Hellfires to attack and revenge the gods? The watchman suddenly had a terrible thought.

Immediately afterwards, it raised its head and looked at the location of the Vengeful God, intending to use a unique communication method to remind the Vengeful God to be careful.

But before it had time to issue an early warning, it saw the Vengeful God settled in place, seemingly under some control.

And behind the Vengeful God, it is the Night Demon who has been sneaking close to the Vengeful God in the dark.

It started to act after seeing that the hellfires couldn't take revenge on the gods a few minutes ago.

As for its method to control the Vengeful God, its unique ability, hypnosis, can only be used in the dark. The effect is to make a unit fall asleep, and the time depends on the strength of the unit.

Although the Vengeance God is a super-rank, large in size, and immune to most control, it is still very difficult to be immune to the same super-rank night monster, and it will be controlled by accident.

However, the Vengeance God doesn't really fall asleep, it just can't move temporarily, and has to resist the sleepiness in his mind on the spot, and it is estimated that it can get rid of it in ten seconds.

If it is normal, ten seconds may be fine, but it is being chased by hellfire and bone spirit evil body at this time, ten seconds is enough to kill.

In the next moment, the Vengeful God was surrounded by the Hellfire and Bone Spirit Evil Body. Immediately after, the Hellfire and Bone Spirit Evil Body waved their weapons and smashed the Vengeful God.

At this time, the Vengeful God had just recovered from control. When it saw the weapon in front of it, it was too late to avoid it, and it was directly hit by the fist of the hellfire and the bone knife of the bone spirit evil body.

Since the Vengeful God can be attacked, when these attacks fell on it, its nearly 20-meter-high body shrank a lot and became blurred a lot. This is a phenomenon of declining strength.

Seeing the effect of their own attack, this time it was the turn of the Hellfire and the Bone Spirit Evil Body to become excited, and they hurriedly waved the weapon in their hands again, and the target was the head of the Vengeful God.

Facing the enemy’s attack, the Vengeful God was willing to resist, but there was only one. It was really hard to fight with four hands...

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