Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 769: Night Demon

Due to the lack of vision, the elves were too late to guard and were attacked. Many elves died instantly, and many were seriously injured. Only the thick-skinned rock giants and the claw druids were fine.

Fortunately, these creatures come and go fast, and they don't repeatedly attack. It seems that this is some kind of ability.

But before the elves could breathe a sigh of relief, they heard another "buzzing" sound. You don't need to think about it to know that the attack is coming again.

When the gathered elves were about to scatter and avoid the attack in a panic, the watchman couldn't stand it anymore and instantly used its power, flashed, and disappeared into the battlefield.

Waiting for the next moment the watchman appeared, he had already crossed hundreds of meters and reached the forefront of the battlefield, blocking the front of the elves.

Here the watchman's night vision ability suddenly recovered, and it was clear that what was attacking the elves was a shock wave-like ability.

It's just that the scope of this shock wave is very wide, the power looks great, and the strange creatures in it are even more disgusting.

Therefore, the watchman did not dare to be careless, and immediately threw out the thorn wheel, forming a thorn wheel storm, and hitting the oncoming shock wave head-on.

When the thorn wheel storm came into contact with the black shock wave, the creatures in the shock wave that looked like bats and bees were shattered one after another, and the black shock wave disappeared.

Seeing that they could block the attack, the Watchers breathed a sigh of relief, because if the attack were brought closer, their companions would face a lot of damage again.

However, after blocking the attack, the watchman did not relax his vigilance, after all, the enemy who issued the attack has not been found.

According to its experience in fighting with undead creatures, this attack cannot be sent by ordinary undead creatures, and there must be a strong undead creature hidden in front.

Sure enough, just as the watchman was thinking about this matter, a strange wave suddenly appeared in the air fifty meters ahead.

Immediately afterwards, a black ball more than two meters high appeared on the ground, and a figure about the same height as the watchman walked out of the black ball.

With the help of night vision ability, the watcher can clearly see that this figure is in human form, with many strange-shaped marks on its face, sharp horns on its head, and a pair of downward-curved wings on its back. It has twenty fingers. It is centimeters long and has some red liquid on it.

If the Lu Army is here, you will find that this is a hero-level creature of the undead race, named Night Demon, super-order, and is also the highest combat power and commander of the undead creature attacking the elf warrior this time.

Although the watchman cannot see the information materials of the night demon, it feels that the night demon and it are creatures of the same class.

So the next moment, the Watcher asked the elves to retreat quickly, and it retracted the thorn wheel that was thrown away, and confronted the night demon with a distance of tens of meters.

At the moment when the night demon appeared, the undead creatures suddenly stopped attacking and adjusted their formations, seeming to be waiting for the order of the night demon.

The Night Demon looked at the elven warriors who were not as powerful as them, and a smile appeared on his face, full of disdain.

Immediately afterwards, the night demon suddenly stretched out the index finger of his right hand and hooked the position of the watcher. The meaning of its action is already obvious, that is, it is going to fight the watcher alone.

Looking at the provocation of the night demon, the watchman snorted coldly, without any fear on his face, shook the black robe with hidden weapons behind him, and made a "dangdangdang" crisp sound.

Then the watchman rushed towards the night demon's position on foot holding the thorn wheel, which was considered to have accepted the night demon's challenge.

After all, the elven warriors and the undead creatures are watching now. It must not be persuaded. If they can defeat the night demon, their morale will definitely increase, which is also an opportunity for it.

Seeing the watchman coming, the night demon grinned, revealing its blood-red moon teeth, and also not afraid, patted his wings sharply before facing the watchman.

Feeling the aura of the night demon, the watchman was not ready to head-on, but suddenly turned around and threw dozens of daggers made by the elves from the black robe.

Each of these daggers has been soaked in poison, which is extremely dangerous, and can paralyze the nerves of any creature. Even if the night demon is a super-order creature, it will be dangerous if it is hit by the dagger.

Seeing that the watchman was going to play Yin, the night demon didn't panic at all, using its ultra-high movement speed in the dark night blessing state, one after another dodged all the daggers, the whole set of movements was done in one go.

Seeing that his tentative attack failed to work, the Watcher didn't worry, and turned around again, fanning out hundreds of daggers.

At this time, it is only more than ten meters away from the night demon, and the speed of the dagger is fast, even if the night demon is powerful, it is impossible to run out of the attack range of the dagger. The watchman is forcing the night demon to carry the dagger hard. s attack.

Looking at the dagger close at hand, the night demon also knew the watcher's plan, and saw it suddenly spread its wings to protect its body, it seemed that it was planning to block the dagger with its wings.

Seeing the movement of the night demon, the watcher was delighted, because with the sharpness of the short dagger, it was very likely that it would directly penetrate the wings of the night demon.

Even if it can't penetrate, it's okay to hurt the Night Demon and get the venom inside the dagger.

But the watcher was shocked the next moment, because when the dagger touched the night demon's wings, only a few "ding, ding, ding" sounds were heard, and the dagger was shaken to the ground.

You know that this is a short dagger that can penetrate even steel, but it cannot cause any damage to the wings of the night demon. It can be seen that the defense power of the wings of the night demon is super high...

Another attack was fruitless, making the Watcher a little bit disappointed, but it knew that this is not the time to think.

So the next moment, it waved its own thorn wheel, jumped quickly in the air, and attacked the night demon, intending to attack the moment the night demon retracted its wings.

The Night Demon didn't seem to know what the Watcher was doing. It retracted its wings after not feeling the presence of the dagger, intending to taunt the Watcher.

But at the moment it retracted its wings, it saw the watchman appearing in front of it holding the thorn wheel.

At this time, even if it wanted to re-deploy its wings, it was too late, and it was impossible to run away using its movement speed.

Therefore, in desperation, the Night Demon could only raise his hands and block in front of him, intending to carry the Watcher's attack.

But the thorn wheel in the watcher's hand is not comparable to those daggers. The next moment, the thorn wheel pierced the night demon's arm, causing the night demon to shed green blood.

Feeling the pain from his hand, the Daredevil was very angry, and pushed the Watcher away so hard to prevent the thorn wheel from entering further.

Immediately after the Night Demon ignored the wound on his hand, he directly lit his claws and attacked the watchman. The watchman dared to hurt it just now. It must find its place...

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