Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 766: Take back the line of defense

At the same time, on the other side, the watchman is watching the battlefield nervously.

Since the commander-in-chief of the elves is it, it cannot walk around at will, and must stay around the tree of life to command the entire battlefield.

The two news it knows now is that the first line of defense on the south side of the battlefield has been breached, and the first line of defense on the east side has also been breached. The enemy who made all this is the bone dragon.

Moreover, the second and third lines of defense to the east are also in jeopardy. The undead army is estimated to reach the fourth line, which is the last line of defense, soon.

As for the second line of defense to the south, no news has come back yet, but the Watchers basically have no hope.

Because it knows the horror of bone dragons, and their second and third lines of defense are too weak, the chance of defending is basically zero.

The entangled question for the Watcher now is whether it has to support the east or the south.

After all, there is only one, and a choice must be made, otherwise it will be too late when the enemy hits the door.

What's more, this is just the forward corps of undead creatures. The more powerful undead creatures are still behind. If you can't even guard this, then you don't need to guard it...

Just as the watchman was thinking about this, it suddenly saw a group of Black Panther fighters running back from the south, which seemed to be reporting the news.

Seeing this, the Watcher, who was anxious to know the situation of the battle, immediately stepped forward and asked coldly in elf language: "How is the situation in the south? Is the second line of defense lost?"

Facing the watcher’s question, the elves immediately jumped off the black panther and stood respectfully in front of the watcher with excitement in their expressions: "No, Lord Watcher, we have defended the second line of defense, and we are all Annihilated the forward troops of undead creatures!"

Hearing the report from his subordinates, the watchman suddenly couldn't react, thinking that he had heard it wrong: "What?! Keep it?! How is this possible?! What is our loss?!"

"Yes, hold it, those humans helped us hold it." The elves also said excitedly.

Then they told the watchman the course of the battle in detail, as well as the casualties of their side.

When the watchman heard that the elven warriors at the first line of defense were almost wiped out, he couldn't help taking a deep breath, knowing that it was one-third of their current strength, how could it be gone like this...

What's more surprising to the watchman is that it randomly assigns humans in the past to become "saviors", which is really ironic...

"Huh, then let our remaining comrades withdraw back, together with those humans, withdraw the third line of defense, and just stick to the fourth line of defense." The watchman seemed to have made a difficult decision, with a deep tone. Talking.

After all, removing the first three lines of defense means that they have no retreat, and they are not allowed to make further mistakes, otherwise their homes will be completely exposed to the undead creatures.

"But... Your Lord Watcher..." the elves hesitated, "Those humans took our remaining warriors to the first line of defense, saying they wanted to take the first line of defense back and let We ask you for troops and need reinforcements..."

"Still going to guard?" The watchman was obviously surprised. "If the second batch of bone dragons comes, will they still have the power to resist?"

"We don't know." The elves shook their heads one after another. "But that's what those humans say..."

Listening to this, the watchman couldn't help but fell into contemplation. In fact, at this time, it is the safest way to retreat to the fourth line of defense.

But those human beings can knock back the enemy and keep the second line of defense, which shows that they are indeed very powerful.

And these humans took the initiative to share their defensive pressure, which made it very grateful.

"Okay, then you can bring all the troops at the third line of defense. By the way, tell them that there are no more troops to reinforce. If the situation is not right, you can withdraw immediately without holding on." The watchman said in an elf language. Following its order, I decided to trust those humans again.

"Yes, Master Watcher." The elves lowered their heads to agree, and then they were about to ride back on the panther.

"What about the command of the battlefield? Do you want to be separated from the humans as before?" A male elf warrior suddenly asked before leaving.

"No, give all the power to the human command, and give me back alive." The watchman said without hesitation.

"Yes!" the elves added another sentence, then patted the panther on the back and ran away together.

Looking at the backs of the elves, the watchman's eyes revealed determination, waved the thorn wheel in his hand, and left in the opposite direction without looking back.

Since there is nothing wrong with the battle situation in the south, it can rest assured to support the battlefield in the east at this time, and maybe it can also grab back the first and second lines of defense in the east...

On the road side, they had just arrived at the first line of defense.

Although there were remnants of undead creatures guarding here, more elven warriors arrived, and the first line of defense was cleared all at once.

This also means that the Lu Army and others successfully regained the first line of defense. Although it was only temporary, this is definitely exciting news.

"What should we do next?" Hongyue suddenly turned around and asked Lu Jun.

Looking at the empty first line of defense, the Lu Army didn’t think too much, and directly replied: “Move all the rocks that can be seen around, build a line of defense, and let the rock giant dig a few trenches in front to limit the undead. The forward speed of the creature."

Listening to this, Hongyue asked the people in black robes to quickly go down and make arrangements, and the elves also acted exactly as the road army intended.

Although they still feel that this approach is useless, but care about it, they believe in the Lu Army, and they just do what the Lu Army says...

Looking at the busy elf creatures, Lu Jun nodded silently, his thoughts gradually drifting away, as if returning to the days of defending the West Wind Fortress.

At that time, they were also facing offensive, eager to defend, and their strength was severely insufficient. The overall number was smaller than these elf fighters.

It's just that there was no problem with his system at the time, and there were dinosaurs to help out, which made him feel confident.

And now he has nothing, even the black-robed man and the elf warrior have only just met...

Just as the Lu Army recalled this, the Panther soldiers who went to the Tree of Life to report to the Watchers finally rushed back.

They carry a large number of elven warriors behind them. It is estimated that there will be more than 3,000 in total. They were originally the power of the third line of defense, but they are now sent by the watchers...

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