Seeing this, Lu Jun suddenly remembered that it was the undead lich spitting out these black qi to condense this bone spirit evil body, perhaps this is the key to solving the bone spirit evil body.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun turned his head and looked at Lin Yilaan: "We have to go in for a while. You must hold me tightly. Whenever you are in danger, use the power, otherwise I will die..."

After finishing talking, the Lu Jun asked the two rock giants to hold down the arms of the bone spirit evil body, and he took Lin Yi lazy to climb on it.

As the Bone Spirit evil body was still struggling, the whole body was shaking, making it very difficult for the Lu Army to get up.

In the end, it took seven or eight minutes before Lu Jun and Lin Yilaan climbed onto the body of the evil bone spirit, and through the densely packed bones, entered the head of the evil bone spirit.

Seeing Lu Jun and Lin Yilan go straight in like this, the black-robed men and the elves in the distance were very surprised, thinking that Lu Jun was too courageous and would dare to go anywhere.

Only Hongyue felt relieved and began to take over the command of the battlefield, because after this time of getting along, she knew that the Lu Army was a very sensible person, and everything had its own truth, so there was no need to worry.

The Bone Spirit evil body also knew that two humans had gotten into its body, and wanted to get the two **** humans out, but it was so crushed that it couldn't move, let alone make other actions.

And now the degree of physical damage has not reached the critical point, it cannot directly detonate its body, it can only continue to maintain this position...

As it penetrated into the head of the bone spirit evil body, the Lu Army finally saw the swimming black energy up close.

These things seemed to be alive, and they ran quickly when they saw Lu Jun and Lin Yi lazy coming over.

Seeing this, the Lu Jun knew that there must be something wrong, so he immediately stepped forward and chased forward.

Lin Yilaan followed closely behind the Lu Army, pulling the corner of the Lu Army's clothes, and at the same time, with full brain power, always paying attention to the surrounding environment.

As long as she feels a trace of dangerous fluctuations, she will immediately open the gap in space and lead the army to escape.

In this way, after running inside the bone spirit evil body for about forty seconds, the black energy finally stopped, because there was no way to go ahead.

But these black qi didn't seem to want to be caught by the road army just like that. They only saw that they condensed into a human form in the next moment, and rushed towards the road army, as if to get into the road army's body.

Of course, Lu Jun wouldn't be afraid of these black qi. He immediately waved his fist and slammed a few punches at the black qi's head, which immediately dissipated the adult black qi.

Now the black spirit is honest, otherwise it will continue to fly around and become a group and stay in place.

Seeing this, some curious Lu Jun stretched out his right hand and gently stroked the black air.

But as soon as he touched the black air, Lu Jun was shocked, and his whole person was shaking.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding black energy suddenly jumped and slammed into the body of the road army. It seemed that the calm just now was just a trap they set up for the road army.

Seeing the Lu Army look like this, Lin Yilan immediately stretched out his hand and took the Lu Army's arm, wanting to restore the Lu Army to normal.

But the moment she met Lu Jun, she was also entangled in black air, and her brain felt a trance and lack of oxygen, and she was shocked to let go.

Because if it continues, her mind will be affected by the black energy. Not only will it not be able to save the Lu Army, she will also get in.

But looking at the convulsing Lu Army, Lin Yilaan felt that this was not a solution, and wanted to run out and call for support.

However, there is still some distance from the outside here. If she ran out and then came back in, it would take at least a few minutes. During this time, the Lu Jun could not decide what would happen.

Just when Lin Yi was too lazy to know what to do, she suddenly saw the black energy around her being sucked back into her body by the road army, like a whirlpool.

Originally, Lin Yilaan thought it was these black qi that deliberately got into Lu Jun's body, but when she saw that black qi seemed to want to escape, she knew that it was not that simple, and she started to stand beside her quietly.

As the Lu Army inhaled more and more black air, a black bone copy suddenly appeared on the Lu Army's right arm, as if it had been carved into the flesh.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding black energy disappeared, becoming empty, and the bone spirit evil body began to tremble constantly, as if it had lost the black energy as its core, it was about to explode.

Feeling the violent energy coming from around, Lin Yilan immediately grabbed the Lu Army who had not recovered his consciousness, opened the gap in space, and escaped into the unknown space.

At the moment when they were hiding well, the evil bone spirit body really exploded, which was more terrifying than the power produced by the last explosion, and many rock giants were injured as a result.

Fortunately, Hongyue and the elves hid farther away, and escaped again without any harm.

But when they realized that Lu Jun and Lin Yilan were still not coming out of the bone spirit evil body, everyone became nervous and hurried to the center of the battlefield.

Although they have only met the Lu Army not long ago, but have experienced many lives and deaths, they have long regarded the Lu Army as their own.

However, before everyone had time to enter the battlefield where the smoke was soaring, they suddenly saw the Lu Army taking Lin Yilan out of the explosion place, safe and sound.

Seeing this, everyone sighed in relief, and at the same time began to wonder how Lu Jun and Lin Yilan escaped the explosion.

The Lu Army who had just recovered from the confusion actually did not know what had just happened. He only remembered to touch the black qi, and the black qi suddenly started to counterattack and invaded his consciousness, and then he forgot everything...

Fortunately, Lin Yilan, who was next to him, retelled what had just happened, so that Lu Jun’s memories were linked together, and by the way explained to Hongyue and others.

Hearing that he was actually sucking the black air, and a strange rune appeared on his shoulder, Lu Jun looked at a loss and didn't know what was going on.

But Lu Jun didn't think too much, after all, as long as he was still alive, that was a good thing, and sooner or later the effect of the seal would be known.

"Um... Then it should be dead this time..." Hongyue said with some uncertainty.

"I don't know, it should, maybe, maybe..." Lu Jun was even more uncertain.

Because although he absorbed the black energy, he did not receive the hunting mission prompt when the evil bone spirit body exploded, so he didn't know whether the evil bone spirit body was dead or not.

"It doesn't matter, just treat it as dead. Let the elves go to the watchman to report the situation here, and ask the watchman to send us people to defend. The next wave of undead creatures is expected to come soon." Directly issued a series of instructions, they have wasted enough time, they have to hurry up...

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