Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 752: Full invasion of undead creatures

After finishing this, the Lu Army was ready to leave the Frost Forest and return to Xueyue City, because the Frost Forest was too chaotic and put him in danger at all times.

Moreover, he had some spars in his body, and the five bottles of fountain of life were also worth a lot of spars, so it should be enough to return to the Azure Wind Region.

"We may be returning to Xueyue City. What are your plans? Do you want to go with us?" Before leaving, Lu Jun asked Hongyue casually.

"No, the elves just said that they will take us to the territory of undead creatures to find the teleportation formation. We have more people, and we have to go through that to go back." Hongyue pointed to the elves who was about to leave and said seriously.

"Oh? Go to the site of undead creatures? Isn't that dangerous? You may not be able to break in, right?" Lu Jun's eyes were suspicious.

"No way, that is the only way we can go back. We have to take advantage of our current state to work hard, otherwise there will be no chance in the future." Hongyue said helplessly.

After a brief exchange, Lu Jun and Hongyue fell into silence, neither knew what parting words to say.

The black-robed people also looked straight at the Lu Army. In fact, they felt that the Lu Army was a worthy companion. Unfortunately, their goals were different and they would soon be separated.

In this kind of eschatological world, once they are separated, it will be difficult to see each other again...

"Why don't you come with us? If you find the teleportation formation, we can go back together. You don't have to go to Xueyue City anymore. I feel that the risk you are taking there is not small." Hongyue suddenly confronted the Lu Army. An invitation was sent.

She already trusts the capabilities of the Route Army. If the Route Army can act with them, they will get twice the result with half the effort.

Hearing the words of the red moon, the Lu Army fell into a short period of thought, seeming to consider the feasibility of it.

The people in the red moon and the black robe looked at the Lu Army quietly, and they hoped that the Lu Army would nod in agreement next moment.

But before the Lu Army had time to speak, suddenly a group of elves riding strange birds flew over from a distance and landed directly in the hidden stronghold.

This flying bird is huge, allowing two adult male elves to sit on it, with pointed beaks and antlers. It can be seen that they usually use their mouths to attack the enemy because they are still stained with blood.

The strange Lu Jun directly opened the Eye of Data and scanned the bird again until a row of data appeared before his eyes.

[The antler eagle, whose strength is assessed as level B, is a war beast of the elves, which can carry elves to fight in the air, and can also attack the enemy with its mouth. 】

Seeing that this creature, like the black panther, is a war beast of the elven race, the Lu Jun glanced twice more.

When the road army read the data, the elves on the back of the antler eagle also jumped off, walked aside, and said something to the elves who had been staying here.

Although the Lu Army did not understand Elvish, from their expressions, the Lu Army could feel that something very important must have happened.

Thirty seconds later, the conversation between the elves ended, but the hidden stronghold did not calm down. Instead, they fell into a noisy discussion, and the elves who had just been rescued were discussing it.

Immediately afterwards, two elves with frowning brows walked towards the position of the red moon, and began to talk to Hongyue in a "chiliquala", and then the black robe man relayed it.

This time, the discussion between Red Moon and the elves lasted for a long time, and it seemed to be bargaining. During this time, the Lu Army had been waiting. He was curious about how nervous the elves were.

After another while, the discussion between Hongyue and the elves gradually stopped. The two sides seemed to have reached an agreement. They separated from each other, and the elves began to prepare to evacuate.

"What happened? They seem to be nervous." Lu Jun directly asked Hongyue.

"Something happened. The elves just came over and said that they were invaded by undead creatures. We need to evacuate here immediately because the undead creatures will arrive soon." Red Moon's tone also revealed solemnity.

"Invasion? Haven't they been invaded all the time? Those undead creatures are almost doing whatever they want..." Lu Jun joked casually.

"It used to be just a small fight. The undead creatures will go back if they take a small advantage, but this time it's different. These undead creatures have all assembled, and they are marching from the east and south, as if they want to take all the elves' territory. Swallow it." Hongyue told Lu Jun what she knew.

"Oh? Such a big move? Did these elves just ask you for help? You should be asked to defend them. Did you agree?" Lu Jun also asked with a solemn expression in doubt.

"Well, they are looking for help everywhere. After all, relying on their power, it is impossible to block so many undead creatures. They just told me that as long as I can help them, they will give me 20,000 ml of life after the event is completed. Spring, and you can consume their materials at will during the battle, I promised them.” Hongyue said truthfully.

Hearing that Hongyue really agreed, the Lu Army couldn't help but smile and sighed that Hongyue was too young.

Because as far as he knows, the power of the undead creatures and the elves are not proportional at all. If the undead creatures really want to do it, the chance that the elves can block it is less than 10%.

The 20,000 milliliters of the fountain of life was only given after the event was completed, which meant that the elves could block it.

This also meant that if the elves couldn't stop it, the crimson moon would have nothing, and would even take his own life for nothing.

"Um... you shouldn't have agreed, what's the difference between this and helping them defend in vain..." Lu Jun reminded Hongyue.

"I know, but the way we can go back is in their hands. Only if they are alive can we have a chance to go back. If undead creatures occupy this forest, then our survival will be even more difficult." Said helplessly, if there were other ways, she would not stay in this broken forest.

After finishing speaking, Hongyue pointed to a trail on the left and continued: "You leave, follow the road, you can go outside and return to Xueyue City. The elves will not stop you. Tonight, the undead creatures are coming."

Originally, Red Moon wanted to invite the Lu Army to find the Teleportation Array with her, but now that the undead creatures attacked, she was embarrassed to let the Lu Army stay.

After all, it is still unknown whether it can block the undead creatures, let alone find the teleportation formation...

Looking at the long slender path on the left, Lu Jun was about to nod his head, and led Lin Yilaan away.

Because he didn't want to stay here at all, let alone get involved in the war between the elves and the undead creatures, he just wanted to quickly collect twenty A-grade spars and use Buffy's method to return to the blue wind...

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