Looking at the direction that the Lu Army wanted to take them away was actually the direction with the most undead creatures, the red moon and the black-robed people were shocked, because it didn't seem like an escape route.

However, out of trust in the Lu Army, Hongyue did not think too much, and directly held the large boomerang: "Fight! All abilities are used for me, follow him to break through!"

After shouting, the red moon rushed to the forefront, following the Lu Army, even though there were hundreds of undead creatures in front of him without fear.

Seeing that the red moon was on, the black-robed people didn't think too much. They also rushed forward, squeezing the last bit of brain power to cast their own abilities.

Seeing that these humans did not continue to run away, but instead rushed towards them, the undead creatures were extremely surprised, thinking that these humans wanted to fight them desperately, so they quickly stopped and prepared to organize a defense line.

However, the stop of the undead creatures just gave the Lu Army a chance to find a safer evacuation route and take Hongyue and others away.

When the undead creatures realized that the Lu Jun and others wanted to escape, they wanted to step forward and block the breach.

It's a pity that their movements are still slow, and the next moment, the abilities that the people in the black robes condensed desperately flew out, forming a dense firepower net.

In the face of the destructive power, the undead creatures can only stop again and dare not continue to charge.

As the firepower net dissipated, the Lu Army and the Red Moon and the others also ran away, and the undead creatures chased after it angrily.

Seeing them really run out, the people in Red Moon and Black Robe couldn't help admiring the Lu Army.

Because this man can infer the psychology and habits of the undead creatures in a short time, and use these to bring them out safely.

However, soon a new question posed before the red moon and the black robe.

That is, although they ran out, what's next? Now the undead creatures are still chasing behind, they still can't run away, except for changing their positions, they don't seem to have changed much...

"They... they're about to catch up again! We can't run away! What can you do?" Hongyue shouted to the road army riding the panther.

Although the Lu Army seemed not as strong as her, I don't know why. The more we get along, the more reliable Red Moon feels that the Lu Army is reliable, so at this time she put almost all of her hopes on the Lu Army.

"Don't panic, I brought reinforcements." Lu Jun pointed straight ahead with a confident expression on his face, "Just keep running, and I will protect you from death!"

Hearing that the Lu Army was full of confidence, the people in Red Moon and Black Robe were refreshed, and they ran a lot faster, because they thought that the Lu Army really brought the army.

But with the passage of time, they finally realized what the Lu Army called the "big army", but Lin Yilaan was the only one.

This makes them extremely disappointed, and even into despair, because it is impossible for one person to beat so many undead creatures, and nothing can be changed at all.

Hongyue also discovered that there was no army at all, which made her sigh deeply in her heart.

Although she understood that the army just said that the army wanted to encourage them, the feeling of falling into despair after seeing hope was really uncomfortable.

But at the next moment, Hongyue suddenly saw a portal appeared in front of Lin Yilan, two meters high, not knowing where it would lead.

Now Red Moon understood what the Lu Army meant by the army, because as long as there was a portal to allow them to run away, then Lin Yilaan alone would be equivalent to an army!

Lu Jun also saw that Lin Yilaan condensed the space portal in time, which made him breathe a sigh of relief. He only pointed to the space portal and said loudly: "Everyone quickly passes through the portal. Only one person can enter at a time. Everyone If you can enter, you will be safe if you enter. I said to protect you from death, then you will not die!"

After speaking, the Lu Army patted the Panther on the back and signaled the Panther to stop and stop moving forward.

Immediately afterwards, the Lu Army raised the recurve bow, equipped with iron birch arrows, and began to attack the undead creatures still chasing after.

Because they have arrived at their destination at this time, just postpone for a while and let the black-robed people enter the space portal in an orderly manner.

"Quick! Do as he said!" Hongyue also echoed loudly. Now that she knew the Lu Army's plan, she was very excited.

Seeing that Red Moon and Lu Jun said so, the people in black robes naturally stopped thinking too much, one after another, they poured into the space portal and disappeared in this place.

Whenever a black-robed man enters the space portal, Lin Yilan's face will be ugly, because it consumes brain power.

Fortunately, her current brain power is sufficient, and she has taken a lot of Fountain of Life before, which is helpful to her mental power growth.

So her space portal should be able to support the entry of more than 30 people in black robes on the field, which she calculated in advance.

Thirty seconds later, most of the people in black robes entered the space portal, and the undead creatures also chased up from behind, and it is expected that they will be approached in ten seconds.

Seeing this, Hongyue threw the alternate boomerang in his hand to kill two gargoyles, and then shouted to the Lu Army: "You go first! I will stop them!"

In fact, Hongyue is now at the end of the battle, but she feels very sorry to let the Lu Army block so many undead creatures alone, so she wants to stay behind and delay the time.

Looking at Hongyue's weak arms and the shaky body, Lu Jun shook his head: "Hurry up! You can't even stop a ghoul in your state now!"

After speaking, the Lu Army ignored the red moon, and while riding the panther back, continued to shoot arrows, shooting down the nearest undead creatures one after another.

Seeing that this was not the time to argue for these, and she really didn't have much combat power, Hongyue gritted her teeth and immediately followed behind the last black-robed man, closing her eyes and entering the space portal.

Seeing that the Red Moon and the black robe people had all retreated, Lin Yilan felt as if she had collapsed, and shouted to the front with all his strength: "Lu Jun! Go in! I'm about to lose it!"

Hearing this sound, the Lu Army quickly shot all the Tie Ye arrows in his hand, turned his head abruptly, and ran to Lin Yilaan riding a panther.

Immediately afterwards, the Lu Army let the two black panthers who followed them run into the portal, and then took Lin Yilan's hand, and the two entered the space portal one after another and disappeared in place.

And when Lu Jun and Lin Yilan first entered the portal, the portal just lost energy and dissipated immediately, as if it had never existed before.

The undead creatures who followed saw that the enemy who was still there just disappeared in an instant, and they didn't even leave a trace. They were dumbfounded...

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