If Lu Jun is right, these gases should be toxic, because when the green gas touches the branches and leaves of the surrounding trees, these branches and leaves quickly wither.

Fortunately, there are not many such terrifying large creatures, there are only eight, and how to estimate the specific combat power will soon be known.

There was also a flying creature with wings and a head that resembled a bat that attracted the attention of the Lu Army.

The surface of this creature looked like it was made of stone, with a frosted feeling. When it flew, the body would swing to a strange range, which made Lu Jun couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

Although Lu Jun didn't know the names of these creatures at all, he could guess that this was a new race, and from the appearance, it should belong to the undead race.

The snow elves seemed to often fight against creatures of the undead race. After a little confusion, they calmed down collectively and prepared for defense.

When the undead came closer, the snowy elves' combat units immediately opened the recurve bow and fired more than forty iron birch arrows, covering the location of the undead creatures.

As the iron birch arrow rubbed against the air, the air continued to hear a burst of noise and the sound of breaking through the air, flying over a distance of more than 50 meters in a blink of an eye.

Faced with the dense clusters of iron birch arrows, the undead creatures flying in the air took the lead to react, waving their wings and pulling up their bodies, leaving the range of the iron birch arrows.

If someone is accidentally shot by the iron birch arrow, they will immediately fly to the ground, and their body will be fixed in a posture, like a stone statue.

In this form, their defense seems to have been greatly improved, even if they are hit by the iron birch arrow head-on, they are fine, but their physical injuries are still recovering.

Although the two undead creatures on the ground do not have the ability to fly, their peculiar flesh does not seem to be afraid of iron birch arrows.

For example, in front of the small undead creatures, the iron birch arrows will pass through the gaps in their bodies, and will not hurt their vital points.

The fat undead creatures have strong resistance to fight, even if they are shot by a few iron birch arrows, nothing happens.

In this way, the first wave of attacks by the Snowy Elves was virtually resolved, without causing much damage to the undead creatures.

Fortunately, the Snowy Elf seemed to know that this was going to happen, so he was not discouraged and continued to draw his bow and shoot arrows until he shot all the iron birch arrows on his waist.

In the face of intensive firepower, the creatures of the undead race eventually lost one third, and the total number was only about fifty.

But at this time the elves had finished shooting their bows and arrows, and before they had time to replenish them, the undead creatures approached them within ten meters.

Seeing this, the elves in charge of the battle can only ride on the black panther, holding a wooden knife made of iron birch trees, rushing towards the undead creatures, preparing for melee.

Seeing the menacing black panthers and elves, the undead creatures didn't panic at all, even excited.

Because they have no long-range attack ability, they can only exert their true strength by being close to the elves.

In this way, a few seconds later, the snowy elves' combat units and the undead creatures fought each other, almost all of them were you giving me a knife, and I would give you a desperate style of play.

Although the body of the relatively short undead creature is very fragile, it will lose several pieces of meat with one cut.

But they have a special talent, that is, they can restore their flesh by swallowing corpses.

Some of them were obviously chopped off by a wooden knife, but after eating the corpse of an elf or a black panther, the mutilated body recovered in an instant. This is the first time that the Lu Army has such a powerful physical recovery ability. see.

In addition, the fat undead creatures also have a special ability, which is to release poisonous gas.

Whenever there are elves or black panthers approaching them, they will spew a large amount of green gas from the breach in their bodies, covering the surrounding enemies.

Once an elf accidentally inhales this gas, it will burst into bleeding red bubbles all over the body, as if being scalded by the high temperature of Baidu, life is better than death.

Even if several elves can unite to kill a fat undead creature, the undead creatures will explode directly before they die, and they will be buried with the surrounding elves.

Facing the various abilities of undead creatures, the elves could not resist, and soon fell into a decline.

In addition, flying undead creatures directly bypassed the battlefield and came to the village to attack the working units of the elves, which even caused the elven creatures to face collapse.

However, the elven creatures did not give up their resistance. They suddenly took out a small glass bottle from their arms, opened it directly, and fell on the body of the undead creature.

When the liquid in the glass bottle splashed out, the undead creatures suddenly screamed, and their bodies began to dissipate as if they were corroded.

The poisonous gas pervading the surroundings also gradually disappeared due to the touch of this liquid, showing the powerful effect of this liquid.

Seeing the powerful undead creatures would be afraid of the liquid in the small bottle, Lu Jun couldn't help but his eyes constricted because he felt that the liquid was the fountain of life.

Seeing a bottle of precious fountain of life was wasted in this way, Lu Jun's heart was cut, because the fountain of life is worth a lot of spar in the human world, and it is also the hope of Lu Jun returning to the Qingfeng domain.

But after all, Lu Jun was locked in a cage, and just being anxious had no effect. Under the continuous sway of the Fountain of Life, the undead creatures were reduced by two-thirds in an instant.

Except for the fleshy and powerful undead creatures that can survive on the battlefield, there are only flying undead creatures.

Those short undead creatures have all been killed, even if they have the talent for corpses, they can't be saved.

However, there are not many things like the Fountain of Life in this elven village, and it will eventually be used up.

When the last drop of the fountain of life is used up, the elves no longer have the means to stop the undead creatures, and the remaining elves are continuously attacked to death by the undead creatures.

Now it was Lu Jun's turn to be anxious, because he was trapped in a cage at this time. If all the elves died, then the undead creatures would probably trouble him.

Although the elves caught him directly and seemed unfriendly, at least they didn't kill him and Lin Yi lazy.

If the village was occupied by those undead creatures, it would be hard to say how well he and Lin Yi were in danger.

Therefore, in order to save their lives, the Lu Army also began to mobilize their own strength desperately to resist the numbness that came from all over the body.

In fact, there are not many undead creatures left on the battlefield now, only eight flying undead creatures and three fat undead creatures.

If the Lu Army can recover its physical condition in time and take his weapon to help, then there may be a little chance of being able to restore the defeated battlefield and run away no matter how bad it is. This is the Lu Army's idea...

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