As for why he asked the middle-aged man this question, it was because according to his speculation, the area of ​​Xueyue City would be very large, which is estimated to be about the same as the medium-sized city before the end of the world.

If he wants to go in by himself to find someone and ask for information, he will be busy until the year of the monkey, but he has no such time.

But now he paid the price of a C-level spar, and asked a person familiar with Xueyue City, if he had a goal, he would save a lot of things.

In this way, when Lu Jun and Lin Yilan entered Xueyue City, they directly followed the method the middle-aged man said.

After paying a D-step spar to the children on the side of the road, they turned left and right and successfully came to a place called Baker's Tavern.

After observation along the way, Lu Jun discovered that all the buildings in this Xueyue City were made of ice, and there were few things made of normal materials, just like the world of ice and snow.

The Baker Tavern is also an igloo, only the wooden sign and a few crooked characters on the door can prove that it is a tavern.

Although it doesn't look like business hours now and there are no people around, the Lu Army pushed open the wooden door of the tavern and walked in with Lin Yi lazy.

When I came in, I realized that the tavern in Wucangyu was completely different from their bar in Qingfengyu.

They have a lot of bar facilities, and they have all kinds of drinks, even in the last days.

There are only a few large tables and a dozen round stools in this pub, and the wine cabinet is also filled with some low-quality beer.

From these aspects, we can see that the resources of Wucangyu are very poor. Unless you are very rich, you will not be able to enjoy a normal life.

"These two friends, it's not the opening hours of this tavern. Please leave and come back later in the evening." At this moment, a voice suddenly interrupted Lu Jun's thoughts.

After Lu Jun and Lin Yilan looked past the sound source, they realized that a man was standing on the right side talking to them.

The man is not tall, has a short head, has no beard, is about 30 years old, has a conspicuous black mark on his face, and has an ice skate on his waist. He looks very sophisticated.

"Um...we are not here to drink, we want to find someone named Buffy, is he here?" Lu Jun directly said his intention.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for him?" The man became vigilant, putting his hand on the ice skate on his waist intentionally or unintentionally.

"We are survivors who have just entered Xueyue City from the outside. We wanted to inquire about a bit of news. We came here after being introduced and didn't intend to offend." Lu Jun raised his hand and said that he had no malice, so that the men were not nervous.

Hearing that Lu Jun and Lin Yilan were just ordinary survivors, the man seemed to be relieved, put his hands off the ice skates, and waved his hands: "You are mistaken, he is not here. I want to know what to go to the office in Xueyue City. Well, there are a lot of staff there who will tell you about Xueyue City."

Seeing that the man’s expression and behavior were a little weird, the Lu Jun could guess something. He took out the cloth bag around his waist and revealed the shiny spar inside: "Mr. Buffy, we will just ask some common questions, and after we ask them You will be paid accordingly."

Looking at the spars that were "jingling", the man's vigilant expression suddenly eased, as if he believed what the Lu Army said.

"Sit down and talk. You want to know what the problem is, and how do you know that I am Buffy?" The man pulled two round stools and pushed them to Lu Jun and Lin Yilaan. On the bench.

Although he didn't know the identity of the road army at all, he recognized the spar, as long as there was a spar, it would be fine to answer strangers' questions.

After all, this is the end of the world, spar represents food and weapons, there is no need to have trouble with spar.

"I guess, Mr. Buffy, we are going to a very far place recently, but when we first came to Xueyue City, we are not familiar with the place of life, so I want to ask you if you know any means of transportation that can travel far." Lu Jun also Sitting on the round stool, he said his question.

"Oh, that's the problem." Buffy nodded silently, poured himself a glass of inferior beer, and took a sip. "How far are you going? I need to know the distance to know what transportation is suitable. "

"Well... the place we are going to is Qingfengyu, which is relatively far away, probably tens of thousands of kilometers." Lu Jun said truthfully.

"Puff!" Buffy squirted out all the beer in his mouth, and spilled his trousers with the beer in his hand, "Cyan Wind? Ten thousand kilometers? Still far away? You deliberately tricked me early in the morning?"

Seeing that Buffy didn’t believe him, his face became difficult to look at. Lu Jun directly threw the cloth bag on the ground: “Mr. Buffy, I’m not kidding, as long as you can provide me with a quick way to Qingfengyu. Method, and reasonable, then these spars are all yours."

Seeing the Lu Army so determined and the spar rolling out of the cloth bag, Buffy couldn't help but be stunned.

"Hey, it's the end of the world now, and every domain is probably the same, otherwise we would have rescued it a long time ago. Why would you risk going there?" Buffy stood up and poured himself another glass of beer.

At the same time, he also poured a cup for Lu Jun and Lin Yilan, which seemed to have the meaning of having a good talk with Lu Jun.

"I know, Mr. Buffy, but I did not go to Qingfengyu to escape, but there are my relatives and friends over there. I must go back. Even if there is only a slight possibility, I have to try it." Lu Junqing I took a sip of bad beer and filled my mouth with the taste of wheat.

Hearing this, Buffy could also guess that Lu Jun was a member of Qingfengyu, and now he just wanted to go back and nodded silently.

As for how the Lu Army came, why are they here, he did not ask, because this is someone else's private matter, and this is the end of the world, everything can happen, there is no need to ask about it.

"Now is the end of the world, you must know that all vehicles and flying tools were destroyed after the second blood fog, and humans have basically lost their long-distance ability."

"Fortunately, a group of animal trainers appeared in our Xueyue City half a month ago. They can tame all kinds of mutant beasts, flying in the sky, running on the ground, and swimming in the water."

"If you are relatively close, I would recommend you to go to the market to buy some mutant beasts suitable for long travel."

"But your distance is too far, no matter how powerful mutant beasts are, it is difficult for them to cross tens of thousands of kilometers, let alone the extremely harsh environment in Wucangyu." Buffy muttered to the side, seemingly self-conscious. Talking to himself, it seems to be analyzing with the Lu Army.

But Buffy never said the point, making the Lu Army a little anxious, and couldn't help but interrupt: "What then?"

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