Hearing this, Lu Jun thought that Lin Yilaan was in danger, and immediately rushed to the left.

When he arrived, he realized that it was Lin Yilan who had discovered a dark hole.

This hole can accommodate two people to enter, hidden under a floor, there is a strong smell of blood, I don't know what is underneath.

But Lu Jun felt that there must be something weird below, because they were in a cellar. If there is a cellar under the cellar, there might be some secrets hidden.

Thinking of this, the curious Lu Jun took an oil lamp and explored the entrance to let the light illuminate the entrance.

With the help of lights, the Lu Army could clearly see that the hole below was very deep, with a small escalator, which seemed to be where Wu Ren and Wu Liang hid things.

"Help me hold the lamp, I'll go down and see if there is no danger you come down again." The Lu Jun handed the oil lamp to Lin Yilaan, bent over and climbed down the escalator.

Lin Yilaan nodded and squatted down holding the oil lamp to help Lu Jun clear the road below.

After about ten seconds, the Lu Jun climbed down the escalator, but found no living creatures, and waved his hand to indicate that Lin Yi was lazy to come down.

After Lin Yilan brought the oil lamp down, the surroundings were all illuminated, and the scene inside the cave entrance was completely exposed in front of the Lu Army's eyes.

It can be seen that this is a specially remodeled room, in the middle of the room there is something similar to an operating table, which is made of rough wood.

The platform was stained with blood, and there were several stone knives polished from stones on it, which looked like they were used to cut things.

Apart from this, there is nothing else in the room, but the Lu Army has been smelling the disgusting blood.

If Lu Jun was right, this room should be specially used by Wu Ren and his son to kill or dismember corpses. The wooden platform and stone knives still have a lot of blood stains as proof.

As for why they hide below to dismember the body, it is because this is a big project, and the blood of the body will flow everywhere, so they have to find a wide and hidden place.

Thinking of the evil deeds of Wu Ren and his sons here, Lu Jun felt bored, and just wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

But at this moment, Lin Yilan, who was following Lu Jun, suddenly pulled the sleeve of the Lu Jun: "Lu...Lu Jun...over there...it seems...someone... is looking at us... "

Hearing Lin Yilan's intermittent words, Lu Jun didn't react for a while and was taken aback.

But in the next second, he immediately turned his head, widened his eyes, and looked in the direction Lin Yilan said.

As the vision moved, Lu Jun really saw a pair of eyes in the upper left corner of the room, or a floating phantom.

This phantom has the appearance of a normal human, a female appearance, a stiff expression, and his eyes are staring at Lu Jun and Lin Yi lazy.

Seeing the "people" who did not know when they appeared there, Lu Jun's heart beat violently and his face changed drastically, protecting Lin Yilaan and couldn't help taking two steps back.

Because this phantom species is very familiar to him, it is a soul body that can only be produced under certain circumstances.

As for why there are soul bodies here, the reason is also very simple, that is, Wu Ren and his son killed many people here.

These people will surely carry a lot of grievances that cannot be dissipated before they die. When these grievances reach a certain level, the soul body will come into being.

If Ruan Bing was here, the Lu Army would not be afraid of the soul body, but if Ruan Bing was absent, the Lu Army would be very guilty.

After all, the soul body belongs to a species that cannot be inferred by common sense, and Lu Jun can't use abilities now, so he doesn't know how to deal with the soul body.

However, the strange thing was that this soul body seemed not interested in Lu Jun and Ruan Bing. After staring at Lu Jun and Ruan Bing for a while, it slowly flew out of the hole above the room.

Seeing the soul body was gone, Lu Jun did not relax his vigilance, because he didn't know if the soul body would suddenly fly back or block the hole above it.

Fortunately, nothing the Lu Army was worried about happened, and he and Ruan Bing found a wooden box in the corner of the room, which was filled with spars of various grades. There were dozens of them. of.

"What should we do now? Will it be waiting for us outside?" Lin Yilan suddenly pointed to the hole above and said to Lu Jun, her face a little ugly, because the soul really scared her.

"I don't know if it is malicious to us, so I can only go up and see it first." Lu Jun responded softly.

After finishing talking, Lu Jun led Lin Yilan slowly up the escalator. The atmosphere was too heavy and they had to leave.

When they returned to the cellar, Lu Jun and Lin Yilaan did not find the body of the soul, and the mouth of the cellar was opened, and the wind and snow were constantly pouring in, indicating that the soul body was probably gone.

Seeing this, Lu Jun and Lin Yilaan both breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was not clear why the soul body did not attack them, it was really lucky to be able to avoid this wave of battle.

After all, they don’t really want to fight this kind of evil creature.

"It seems to be gone, let's get ready to go." Lu Jun scratched his head, feeling a headache for what had just happened.

After speaking, the Lu Army put on Lin Yilaan's snow boots and short body armor, and he also randomly changed into a set of more convenient clothes.

But after walking around in the cellar, he discovered that the bodies of Wu Ren and Wu Liang on the ground just now had disappeared. They were probably taken away by their soul bodies.

Although he didn't understand what the soul body wanted the two corpses to do, the Lu Jun felt his scalp numb when he thought that the soul body might return at any time, and could not help speeding up his hand movements.

Five minutes later, Lu Jun and Lin Yilan both finished preparing. Each of them carried a small bag containing mineral water and compressed biscuits, which was enough for them to eat for three days.

As for the spars hidden by Wu Ren and his son, Lu Jun counted them. There were seven B-stage spars, 19 C-stage spars, and 32 D-stage spars. The Lu Jun installed them together. Maybe he will use it in Xueyue City in his bag.

Seeing that they had brought everything they could bring, the Lu Jun waved to Lin Yi lazy, indicating that she was ready to set off.

Lin Yilan nodded silently, followed behind the road army, climbed up to the escalator, and used a piece of cloth to surround his face, which would help prevent the erosion of wind and snow.

But when they just walked to the bottom of the escalator, they suddenly heard a sound of "dongdongdong" coming from above.

If the Lu Army guessed correctly, it was probably the footsteps of a certain creature. Realizing that there was a creature above them, the Lu Army's complexion changed drastically. He immediately extinguished the oil lamp next to it to prevent the creature above from seeing the fire...

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