As for why Lu Jun realized that Wu Ren had a conspiracy, he was willing to stay overnight.

It was because he felt that Wu Ren and Wu Liang were not supernatural beings and there was almost no threat to him, so he wanted to see what Wu Ren wanted to do.

If Wu Ren had other ideas, he would kill Wu Ren and take away Wu Ren's resources before going to Xueyue City.

However, if Wu Ren is indeed a rare good person, then the Lu Army will definitely not hurt him.

"It's okay, no matter what he wants to do, he can't help us. We will go to Xueyue City as soon as daybreak, maybe we can find a way back." Lu Jun comforted Lin Yi lazily.

Seeing Lu Jun's confident expression, Lin Yilaan, who was a little worried, calmed down and nodded silently, indicating that he knew it.

After a few seconds, Lin Yilan suddenly raised his head and said: "Then shall we sleep now?"

While finishing this sentence, Lin Yilan also realized that there was some ambiguity in this sentence, and her cheeks turned red again.

But Lu Jun did not let go of this opportunity to tease Lin Yilaan, and deliberately asked: "Why, do you want to sleep with me?"

Seeing Lu Jun's smiling expression, Lin Yilan lowered his head and nudged Lu Jun: "Rogue...Who is going to sleep with you..."

Soon after, Lin Yilaan ran to the side by himself, picked up a quilt, and walked to the side corner.

Seeing that Lin Yi was too lazy to withstand the ridicule, the smile on Lu Jun’s face grew stronger, but he did not continue to ridicule, but regained his seriousness: "You sleep, I don’t need to sleep, I’m responsible for the night watch to prevent Wu Ren. It will be against us at night."

In fact, apart from this reason, Lu Jun also wanted to study the system that stopped working by himself.

After all, if they can restore the system one day earlier, they can go back one day earlier.

"Well, if you are tired, then tell me to get up and change me to watch the night." Lin Yilan whispered.

"Well, rest assured to sleep." Lu Jun responded casually, and then extinguished the oil lamp hanging above, plunged the surrounding into darkness.

Seeing this, Lin Yi lazy lay down on the spot, gently covering his body with the quilt to resist the cold at night.

Lu Jun sat down one metre next to Lin Yilan and began to use various methods to try to enter the closed system.

But with the passage of time, Lin Yi was lazy and did not fall asleep. Maybe he had slept during the day, or he was not used to this environment.

Lu Jun also failed to enter the closed system, even without a clue, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

"Uh... Are you asleep..." The voice of the Lu Army came from the darkness.

"No...It seems that I slept full during the day..." Lin Yilan also responded in the dark.

"Well... let's talk?" Lu Jun said his proposal.

"Okay." Lin Yilan stood up holding the quilt directly from the ground, touched the corner to sit next to the Lu Army, and gave half of the quilt to the Lu Army.

In this way, in the next period of time, Lu Jun and Lin Yilan spent chatting.

They talked a lot, from the past to now, just like old friends, each has a more comprehensive understanding.

Joking in the dark with a girl who has not known him for a long time, this kind of feeling Lu Jun has not tried before, and he also cherishes the rare time now.

By the end of the conversation, Lin Yilaan was already completely attached to Lu Jun's side, with his head close to Lu Jun's shoulder, and both hands holding Lu Jun's right arm.

In fact, Lin Yilan was very scared when she suddenly came to an unfamiliar environment. After all, she was just a young girl.

But she knows that there is no use to be afraid in the last days and must be strong.

Therefore, in Wu Cangyu, she did not show her weak side, let alone drag the road army.

However, in this dark night when he couldn't see his fingers, Lin Yilaan could no longer control it.

Perhaps only Lu Jun’s shoulders can make her feel a little warm, although this shoulder does not belong to her, although she can only rely on it for a moment...

Although this scene was a bit ambiguous, in this cold and icy night, all this seemed so natural and warm.

Lu Jun also knew that Lin Yilan was hugging him, and he could even feel Lin Yilan's soft chest with his elbow.

But instead of taking advantage of Lin Yilan’s advantage, he moved his hand a bit, put his fingers on Lin Yilan’s waist, hugged Lin Yilan lightly, made Lin Yilan lean more comfortable and gave Lin Also lazy to bring more warmth.

This does not mean that Lu Jun is a gentleman, not close to female sex, in fact, like every normal man, he likes female sex.

But he can better control himself and know what to do and what not to do. After all, he is responsible for some things.

For a man, nothing is more important than his responsibility...

Feeling Lu Jun's hug and rising body temperature, Lin Yilan felt slightly happy at first, and then a little bit lost.

Weixi is the light embrace of the Lu Army, which makes her "fawn crashing", and the loss is that the Lu Army has no next move, so she can't help thinking in her heart whether she is not attractive enough to make the Lu Army feel.

However, after a moment of loss, Lin Yilan felt relieved.

Because if the Lu Army did anything excessive just now, she might “impulse” with the Lu Army.

But after the impulse is over, she will definitely choose to forget all this, after all, it is impulse, not love.

But now the Lu Army calmly controlled his own behavior, and Lin Yi couldn't help but raise his feelings about the Lu Army a few more levels, and began to carefully feel the Lu Army's embrace and the powerful beating heart.

As for other things, let fate decide, what should happen will always happen.

If Lu Jun knew that one of his actions would make Lin Yilan have a bunch of messy thoughts, he would definitely laugh unkindly.

However, as a "straight man of steel", he may never know this...

In this way, Lin Yilan lay in the arms of Lu Jun until late at night, about three o'clock in the morning.

Just as Lin Yilaan felt a little sleepy and was about to fall asleep in the arms of Lu Jun, she suddenly realized that someone was walking outside the door, feeling active in the fluctuation of space.

This made her feel sleepy in an instant, and her right hand shook subconsciously, intending to remind the Lu Army softly.

But before she could speak, the Lu Jun lightly covered her mouth, pressed close to her ear and whispered: "Don't talk, they are here, see what they want to do."

Hearing that Lu Jun knew someone was coming outside, Lin Yilaan only felt a sense of peace of mind, or a sense of security, and nodded silently without making a sound, leaving only the heartbeat of her and Lu Jun in the whole room...

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