Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 714: Father and son

But how could the Lu Army let the enemy attack him? He rushed up within three seconds, knocked the enemy down with the wooden plank on his left hand, and pressed it to the ground.

He also used the residual arm of the elite infected body in his right hand to directly pierce the head of the little figure without the slightest drag.

But as soon as the Lu Army raised its stumped arm, the large figure next to him suddenly begged for mercy: "We are humans...don't kill us...don't kill us..."

Hearing the voice of the middle-aged man, the Lu Jun stopped the movement in time.

Because he saw clearly that the two figures were indeed humans, one was a middle-aged man about forty years old, and the other was a boy about fifteen years old.

But this does not mean that the Lu Army gave up the attack, but pointed the stump of the elite infected body at the middle-aged man: "Who are you?! Why are you attacking me?!"

Seeing the ruthless look of the Lu Army, the boy on the right immediately said: "We are survivors nearby! Sorry! We don't know you are a human! Don't kill us! I'm sorry..."

Hearing the boy's words, Lu Jun noticed that his outfit was indeed somewhat "non-human", and the two men in the wind and snow might have really misread them.

However, Lu Jun's wariness is not so easy to eliminate. He first punched the middle-aged man in the face to avenge the arrow he had just shot, even though the arrow never hit him.

Then the Lu Army grabbed the longbow from the middle-aged man and the quiver filled with Tie Ye's arrows. By the way, he searched the boy to see if he had other weapons.

After the threat of the middle-aged man and boy was lifted, Lu Jun got up from the ground and took a look at the longbow in his hand.

Only then did he discover that the bow in his hand was a recurve bow. The handle was made of Tie Yemu, and the length was about 1.5 meters. The bow string was made of a beast's tendon, which was very comfortable to hold in the hand.

What made Lu Jun even more surprised was that the polishing precision of this recurve bow was no different from that of modern longbows, and it was not at all a human product after the second blood fog.

Is it true that Wu Cangyu's industry has not been affected by the second blood fog? This is the most puzzled question of the Lu Army now.

However, the Lu Army did not directly ask the middle-aged man and the boy, but took a look at the two.

The middle-aged man belongs to the public face, slightly fat, and he can't recognize it when he is thrown into the crowd. His face is frightened, and he seems to be frightened by the explosive power just shown by the road army.

The boy's eyebrows are somewhat similar to those of the middle-aged man. They are thin and have a blood stain on his forehead. They have just been scabbed, and they are new injuries that occurred not long ago.

He has been staring at the remnant arm of the elite infected body in the hands of the road army, with fear in his eyes, as if he knew what it was.

"What is your name? Do you have any food? Where is the hiding place?" Lu Jun waved to Lin Yilan in the distance, indicating that she could come over, and asked the middle-aged man and boy.

"My name is Wu Ren." The middle-aged man quickly replied to Lu Jun, then pointed at the boy next to him, "This is my son Wu Liang. We live near here, where we live..."

While Wu Ren was speaking, Lin Yilaan just came over.

Wu Ren and Wu Liang looked at Lin Yilan's face with surprise in their eyes, because they hadn't seen such a beautiful woman since the end of the world.

However, due to the Lu Army's deterrence, they just glanced at Lin Yi lazy and quickly retracted their eyes, for fear that the Lu Army would punch them again.

"Take me to your residence, or I will kill you." The Lu Jun said lightly, and then put the recurve bow and quiver into Lin Yilan's hands.

"Ok...well...you come with me..." Wu Ren quickly nodded and bowed to Lu Jun.

Then he pulled Wuliang to the front, and Lu Jun followed them closely.

At the same time, Lin Yilan also pointed at Wu Ren with a recurve bow. As long as the two father and son moved, she would shoot arrows.

Wu Ren, who was walking in the front, also knew that Lin Yilan was looking at him, and his intestines were all regretful now.

Originally, he and Wu Liang just came out to hunt under the cover of wind and snow as usual. Who knew that the prey had not met, but they saw the road army that looked like a "monster".

So he subconsciously shot an arrow, wanting to see what kind of creature Lu Jun was.

But who knows that not only did the bows and arrows not kill the Route Army, they were almost killed by the violent Route Army, and even their only weapon was snatched by the Route Army...

Lu Jun didn't pay attention to what Wu Ren was thinking, he had been paying attention to the surrounding environment, and beware of Wu Ren's accomplices.

As for why he didn't kill Wu Ren directly, it was because he and Lin Yilan both needed food and a safe place to spend the night.

Moreover, Wu Ren looks like a local. He has to ask Wu Ren for information about this place. Only with sufficient information can he find a way to go back.

Another point is that he doesn't like to kill innocent people indiscriminately. If Wu Ren and Wu Liang are just ordinary survivors and have no malice towards them, he will not kill casually.

After all, monsters are now in power, and humans are becoming fewer and fewer. They should be united and there is no need to kill each other specifically.

In this way, after advancing vigilantly for fifteen minutes, the Lu Army and others finally rushed to Wu Ren's hiding place before dark. It was located on a flat ground, hundreds of meters from the village.

"That's it, we live below." Wu Ren bent down and pulled away a pile of snow and some hay, and pointed to a board opposite the military road.

"Open." The Lu Army's elite infected body stumped arm in his hand gestured to the board.

With a sound of "creak", Wu Liang opened the wooden board, revealing a dark hole.

Lu Jun couldn't help frowning when he saw that he couldn't see the scene clearly.

Wu Ren and Wu Liang also understood the meaning of the Lu Army, and immediately reached into the entrance of the cave, fumbled for a while, and lit something similar to an oil lamp to illuminate the entrance.

With the light of the oil lamp, the Lu Army could finally see the scene below the cave entrance, which was a cellar used to store things before the end of the world.

Seeing that there are many clothing and daily necessities in the cellar, Lu Jun understands that the village was raided by the two fathers and sons just now.

"You two go down first." Lu Jun pointed to the entrance of the cave, still very vigilant.

When Wu Ren and Wu Liang heard what the Lu Army said, they immediately climbed down by a wooden ladder without any tricks.

Seeing that there was no problem, the Lu Jun glanced at the surrounding environment, threw a wooden board close to two meters in his hand into the snow, climbed down the ladder, and let Lin Yi lazy climb down.

It was not until the rear army found out that the cellar was quite big, three meters deep, and there were four rooms, two of which were where Wu Ren and Wu Liang slept, one was the kitchen, and the other was the storage room where they were. ...

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