For various reasons, Zhang Kuang and the others could only leave nearly three hundred corpses to escape, without daring to look back.

Seeing these black-robed men ran away again, the naga did not chase them deeply, after all, they couldn't stay inland for long.

But they were very disdainful of the black-robed people, thinking that they had to go back to the sea and tell the people that the black-robed people on land were all "counsel".

If the arrogant arrogant knows that the naga despise him, he must be furious.

But he had no chance to know, because as soon as he fled the coast, he quickly returned to the stronghold and reported all this to the contact person sent by the organization.

When the contact heard that Hongyue took Hai Jing to convict the organization, he was shocked.

Although he couldn't believe all this, seeing the tragic situation of Zhang Kuang and others, he immediately reported the news to the organization headquarters using his unique contact information.

The headquarters of the organization, thousands of miles away, was extremely angry after receiving the news.

Because they believed in the red moon, they let the red moon leave with the precious sea crystal extractor.

But now, Hongyue not only broke the Haijing extraction instrument, but also defected to the organization, which was literally hitting them in the face.

Therefore, after a brief discussion, the eight high-level officials immediately issued a wanted order to all branches.

That is, as long as the red moon is found, the red moon and the black robes must be captured back. If the red moon dares to resist, it can be killed on the spot, as long as it is brought back to Haijing.

And this wanted order has a very high reward, and it is equally effective for other forces.

In this way, the disappearing Hongyue suddenly changed from a red robe to a traitor to the eight tribes within a day, and was chased by all the black robe men.

Perhaps the arrogant who deliberately framed the red moon would not have expected such an effect...

And as time passed, on the other side, a person was slowly waking up from a coma. This person was the road army who was teleported away by Lin Yilaan.

When he opened his eyes and regained consciousness, Lu Jun only felt so cold. There was a biting coldness. He has not been so cold since the end of the world.

The strange Lu Jun couldn't help but glance around, only to find that he was in a relatively dilapidated small house.

The inside of the house was empty, about 20 square meters, without any furniture, only a wooden door, the window was not even glass, and it was snowing outside, and the wind was constantly blowing in.

But Lin Yilan was curled up close to Lu Jun, his face pale, his lips were purple with cold, his eyes were closed, and he didn't know if he was asleep or frozen to death.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Yilan has only one thin underwear on her body, because she put the red jacket on Lu Jun.

Although this does not help the Lu Army keep warm, it is the only thing in the house that can be covered by the Lu Army.

At this time Lu Jun discovered that he didn't even have a piece of cloth on his body, and he was naked...

Seeing all this, Lu Jun's brain became short-circuited in an instant. He now only has three questions.

That is where is this place? Why does Lin Yilaan lie here? What's the matter with the snow outside?

When the Lu Army had these questions, a familiar system prompt sounded suddenly.

"Ding! Real-time mission completed! Actively engaged with the Zerg and achieved victory. The Zerg has evacuated. The reward is dragon title value*300000, dragon coin*50,000, super dragon knight’s supply box*3, strategy point*300, research point*100 ."

"Ding! The real-time mission is completed! The magic tower has been taken from the hands of the Zerg, and the occupation has been completed. The reward is dragon title value *500,000, dragon coin *100,000, super dragon knight's supply box *8, strategy point *500, research point* 200."

"Ding! The real-time mission is complete! The total number of occupied magic towers has reached 3, rewards the first-level magic tower stone*3, the S-level melee tower guardian*5, the S-level remote magic tower guardian*5, and the S-level flight Guardian of the Magic Tower*5, Dragon Title Value*200000, Dragon Coins 30000."

"Ding! The legendary real-time mission is completed! Successfully escaped from the Cerebral Siwak, rewarded with dragon title value*1000000, dragon coins*200000, super-order dragon knight's supply box*15, and super-order dragon knight's supply box*1, Legendary ability-hand of god*1, strategy point*1000, research point*400."

Hearing this series of real-time task completion prompts, Lu Jun was directly shocked. After all, the rewards in it were too terrifying. The dragon rank value alone was close to two million.

And there is also an unprecedented supply box and legendary ability-Hand of God.

However, Lu Jun did not get excited because he saw these real-time missions and suddenly remembered something that happened before the coma.

That was when he led the crowd to attack the Zerg's territory, who knew that Siwak, who was half-ranked, suddenly appeared, forcing him to open the real body of Tyrannosaurus.

But he still couldn't beat Siwak. In a crisis, he could only take the opportunity to activate the ban on the real body of Tyrannosaurus-Kanglong's return.

The effect is to cancel the tyrannosaurus body form, consume all energy, and cause a big explosion that surpasses its own class, which is extremely powerful.

But the consequence is that the coma time becomes 24 hours, the tyrannosaurus cannot be used within 15 days of its true form, and there are a lot of side effects.

It is estimated that all the clothes on his body are destroyed, which is also one of the side effects of the use of ban, Lu Jun thought to himself...

I just remember that after using the forbidden energy, he lost consciousness. He didn't know what happened afterwards, and he didn't know whether the forbidden energy was effective.

However, judging from the degree of completion of the real-time mission, their resistance army should have achieved the final victory and drove the Zerg away.

That being the case, why did he and Lin Yilan appear in a place where it was snowing desperately? You know, they rarely snow in the Blue Wind Region...

With this question in mind, Lu Jun turned his attention to Lin Yilan. Perhaps only Lin Yilan could answer his question at this time.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun immediately moved his weak body to warm his body.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun put the red jacket on Lin Yilan's body and patted Lin Yilan's cold cheek lightly: "Hey, wake up, don't sleep..."

But after patted Lu Jun, he realized that Lin Yi was lazy at all, even breathing occasionally.

"Damn! You won't lie here for a long time?!" Lu Jun frowned and said to himself.

Then he wanted to enter the armed module, ready to take out some medicine and warm clothes, and planned to put on the clothes to wake Lin Yi lazy.

But Lu Jun tried several times before discovering that he could not enter the system at all, as if he was isolated from the system, he could not take out things, and couldn’t put things in. Other modules could not be used, he could only receive the system Task reminder.

This situation gave the road army a bad premonition. Is this also a side effect of using prohibition?

Although Lu Jun wanted to try a few more times, Lin Yilaan obviously couldn't wait any longer...

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