Hearing Hongyue was a good method, and all the people in black robes lit up, seeming to see the hope of living.

"Okay! Lord Red Moon! We believe you! We are also willing to do it your way!" A man in black robes who stood at the forefront said first.

After speaking, they used the control ability to stop the Naga from moving forward, while carrying the sea crystal under the sea crystal extractor.

Seeing that the people in black robes agreed, Red Moon naturally had no objection, condensing the final brain power, and once again used the third ability, Moon Blade, to throw the weapon in his hand forward to help the black robes retreat.

Under the cover of Moonblade, Naga's pace was once again blocked, and the people in black robes were able to leave this position holding Haijing without any further casualties.

Looking at the distant red moon and the black-robed man, the naga were furious, but helpless.

After all, they are sea creatures, they have to rely on sea water to survive, and they can only destroy the sea crystal extractor to vent their anger.

However, this does not mean that they will not be able to go inland for the rest of their lives. As long as their skin adapts to the inland environment, they can also enter the inland battle.

So one day, they will find these people in black robes and pay back a hundred times the losses they have suffered today!

After checking that there were no surviving black-robed men on the ground, the naga began to build defensive buildings on the coast.

They have already thought about it, and they must also include the coast in their defensive range, so that they don't worry about other races coming to make trouble...

When Hongyue and the others left the coast for about half an hour, they suddenly met a large group of black-robed men who came to support them.

The number of these black-robed men is five hundred, and each of them is riding a domesticated mutant wolf beast with a fierce aura.

They are just the vanguard troops that came to support, and it is estimated that there will be many fallen warriors behind.

Seeing Hongyue and others fleeing in a hurry, the black-robed man riding a wolf beast couldn't help stopping.

A middle-aged man dressed in a red robe like Hongyue walked out of the crowd: "Stop! I am the person in charge of the Babuzhong Northwest Stronghold, arrogant, did you send the signal for help just now?!"

When the people who saw them came, Hongyue immediately walked out holding a sea crystal: "Yes! We found a large number of sea crystals, but suffered a large-scale attack by sea creatures!"

Looking at the Hai Jing held by Hongyue and the black-robed men, Kuang Kuang couldn't help but his eyes lit up, showing a greedy expression, not knowing what was thinking in his heart.

"Then why are you here?! Where's the Haijing Extractor?!" Zhang Kuang suddenly scolded.

"I said, we have suffered a lot of attacks from sea creatures. We have suffered heavy casualties and cannot continue to resist. We can only give up the sea crystal extraction instrument and leave with the dug out sea crystal!" Hongyue frowned and said, arrogantly The yelling made her feel uncomfortable.

"Bold! The mission given to you by the organization is to stick to the coast and protect the sea crystal extractor. You dare to leave without permission. Isn't this putting the organization's words in your eyes?!" The robe man put on a "big hat" of disobedience.

Listening to the blatant statement, the people in the black robes around Hongyue shivered. This was the situation they feared the most. It seems that today is suspended.

Although they wanted to explain, Zhang Kuang was wearing a red robe and was talking to Red Moon, who was also wearing a red robe. They were not qualified to interrupt and could only let Hongyue negotiate with Zhang Kuang.

"Oh? You're not deliberately making things difficult for us, are you?" Hongyue also noticed something arrogantly wrong. "We worked hard to regain so many sea crystals. Now even if we leave the coast, what can you do with me?"

Seeing Hongyue as a female classmate, he dared to talk back to him directly, madly unhappy.

However, since Hongyue also wears a red robe, he still has to give some respect for insolence.

"Oh, I can't take you to anything, I can only report what you have said to the organization." Zhang Kuang snorted, "But the people in black robes under you have violated the organization's orders. They must die immediately. Put down the Haijing in your hands and go back with me!"

After speaking arrogantly, the men in black robes riding on the wolf beast took a step forward, gradually forming a circle.

Seeing Zhang Kuang insisting on not letting them go, Hongyue was completely angry, dropped Hai Jing, drew her weapon like a boomerang, and pointed at Zhang Kuang: "Dare you! Don't think I don't know that you want to frame us, take the opportunity Take away these sea crystals!"

Hearing Hongyue revealing his intentions, Kuang Kuang couldn't help it anymore, and quickly raised his right arm: "Do it! Kill this woman! Hai Jing is ours!"

Upon receiving the blatant order, the black-robed man riding the wolf beast moved quickly, throwing out hundreds of abilities in a row, and the target was the red moon and others in the encircled circle.

Although they belonged to the Eight Tribes, they have been following Kuang Kuang since the end of the world. They were really Kuang Kuang's subordinates. Zhang Kuang raised them. Now that Kuang Kuang issues orders, they of course want to listen.

As for why Zhang Kuang knew that Hongyue belonged to Ba Buzhong people who wanted to kill, it was because he saw so many Haijing and became greedy.

After all, as long as Hongyue and the others can be killed, these Haijing will belong to them. This is a precious asset.

And this barren mountain and wild ridge, even if you kill Hongyue and others, they will not be known, and then the organization will not suspect them if all this matter is turned away to the sea beasts.

Looking at the almost "perverted" arrogance, Hongyue gritted her white teeth and organized the black-robed men around her to defend.

Now the people in the black robes also understood the arrogant intentions, immediately put down the sea crystal, used the supernatural ability, and formed a confrontation with the attacking supernatural ability.

But they had just fought against Naga for a long time, and most of them were wounded, so how could they beat the arrogant and powerful others.

"Master Hongyue! Go! Go crazy! He is going to kill us with the organization! You must escape and report to the organization!" A seriously injured black-robed man shouted at Hongyue with all his strength.

"Ha, escape?! Where do you want to escape?! What if I kill you behind the organization?! Who can testify?! As long as I live, black can be called white by me, don’t you understand Hahaha..." Zhang Kuang also heard the words of the black-robed man and couldn't help but mock.

Indeed, his subordinates will not betray him, as long as Hongyue and others die, then he can freely report to the organization what he wants to say.

"If you are to blame, blame yourself for observing the orders of the organization and killing so many people. You must know that now is the end of the world. Only the forces in your hand are solid, and the rest are vain. Now that you have few people, I want Swallow you and strengthen my strength, no wonder I am." Zhang Kuang continued to say...

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