Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 704: Naga Reinforcement

"Master Hongyue...this...what's going on...there are too many Haijing..." A man in black robes couldn't help looking at Hongyue.

The people in the black robes all around focused on Hongyue. After all, this was really too scary.

"I feel that we have dug a sea crystal mine! This is even the heavens are helping us! Immediately notify the headquarters of the Eight Departments and let them send more people to defend here!" Hongyue said excitedly. Order.

Hearing Hongyue's words, the people in black robes were also excited. After all, if they really dig a sea crystal mine, then they will get rich!

However, just as a group of black-robed people were tidying up these sea crystals, a black-robed person suddenly issued a warning: "Master Red Moon! There seems to be a situation on the sea!"

Hearing this sound, Hongyue didn't react, and he didn't even lift his eyelids.

Because she knew that every time after the battle, there would be sea beasts, responsible for cleaning the body of Naga, there was nothing to be afraid of.

But this time the red moon was obviously wrong. As the movement on the sea became larger and larger, the sea seemed to boil, and tens of thousands of naga appeared instantly.

These naga are all riding a shark-like creature, and they are also wearing some equipment made of sea crystals. From here, it can be seen that the nagas also know the value of sea crystals.

It was not the sea beasts responsible for cleaning the battlefield, but the menacing Naga Legion that came out. Red Moon and the black-robed men were stunned.

After all, the number of these naga is several times more than before, and the equipment is more sophisticated, they have not encountered it before.

"Master Hongyue...Do you want to stop the operation of the Haijing Extraction Apparatus... These monsters seem to be angry..." A man in black robes who had just returned to his mind weakly asked Hongyue.

"Don't stop! If they dare to come up, directly line up to fight them! We occupy the advantage of the geographical position, and we are afraid that they will not succeed?!" Hongyue responded domineeringly to the black-robed man.

Although stopping the Haijing Extractor was the best choice at this time, they finally found the Haijing Mine, and Hongyue didn't want to stop there.

Hearing Hongyue's order, the black-robed man could only do so, letting tens of thousands of fallen fighters stand in front.

Those in black robes who had just used the combined abilities not long ago also stood up, regrouping their brains.

Looking at the black-robed men on the coast and the corpses of their companions on the sea, the newly-appearing naga were extremely angry and rushed to the shore riding a sea shark.

They are actually reinforcements newly sent by the Naga clan to force these black-robed men back.

Originally, they thought they were just going to scare the black-robed people, after all, they also have other enemies in this sea area, their foundation is not stable, and it is not suitable to fight inland.

But they didn't expect the black-robed people to kill so many of their companions and want to steal their sea crystals, which made them couldn't help it anymore, and secretly vowed to slaughter these black-robed people to avenge their companions.

With the help of the sea sharks, the nagas moved very fast, just like assault boats, and there would be waves of waves wherever they passed.

Watching the Naga approaching, Hongyue and the black-robed men dared not be careless, and immediately let the fallen warriors toss thousands of bottles full of poison, polluting the sea to black.

In addition to poisoning the sea creatures, these poison bottles can also make the sea surface sticky. It is Red Moon's inventory.

Sure enough, when the swimming sea shark touched the polluted sea surface, its speed instantly dropped and it was unable to accelerate on the sea surface.

Seeing this, the people in Red Moon and Hei Robe were happy in their hearts and quickly made the fallen warriors prepare to gather their abilities.

As long as these slow-moving sea sharks dare to enter their attack range, they will launch an attack.

With the sticky sea surface at that time, their attacks will surely produce miraculous effects.

However, the plans of Hongyue and others obviously fell through again, because the sea sharks and naga suddenly stopped advancing and no longer entered the poisonous sea.

Seeing this scene, Hongyue was half happy and half worried, because the sea shark stopped moving and gave them time to continue to extract sea crystals.

Worry is because Naga's actions are very strange, which makes her feel uneasy.

But before Hongyue could come up with something, she saw all female Gana suddenly summon a large amount of flames, covering the sea.

Since Naga is a sea creature, it is quite rare to be able to use the fire ability, at least Hongyue and others have never seen it.

But this is not the point. Under the scorching flames, the sea surface suddenly burned with a lot of stench and black smoke.

This is because the poison dropped by the fallen warrior contains a lot of grease, which can burn when floating on the sea.

The heat generated by the combustion will evaporate and remove the harmful substances in the poison, which is equivalent to "sterilizing" the sea.

When the burning was over, the originally black sea had returned to normal, leaving only light blue and part of the Naga's blood.

Seeing this, the naga continued to ride the sea shark towards the shore.

This also means that Red Moon's plan to pollute the sea with poison to delay time has failed.

Looking at the arrogant and arrogant Naga, who was getting closer and closer to the shore, Red Moon knew that these creatures could no longer be brought close, and immediately slammed his right hand to signal the black-robed man to prepare to combine abilities.

Upon receiving the order from Hongyue, the black-robed men immediately became serious, closed their eyes, and began to mutter complex spells.

Although they had just finished using the last combination power, they were exhausted physically and mentally and needed a rest.

But now the situation is urgent, they have to stand up, otherwise Hongyue and the organization will not let them go.

In this way, as time passed and dozens of seconds passed, the black-robed man's combined abilities also condensed into an embryonic form.

That is, the sky turns dark, produces a lot of dark clouds, and thunder rolls above.

Seeing that the sky thunder would appear immediately, Hongyue couldn't help getting excited.

Because the positions of the naga at this time are very cheats, as long as the sky thunder comes down, it is estimated that the naga will die in batches.

However, before the sky thunder condensed, a sea beast over fifty meters high suddenly appeared behind the sea area.

This sea beast is completely dark, with smooth head and skin. It has no fewer than fifty tentacles, each of which is more than forty meters long.

Although this sea beast is terribly big, people in black robes can still tell at a glance that this sea beast is just like a squid before the end of the world, but it has undergone mutation after the end of the world.

Facing the newly emerged sea beast, Hongyue felt a headache. After all, the size of this sea beast was too terrifying and its strength was unknown.

But Hongyue did not make the black robe man and the fallen warrior retreat half a step because of this.

Because the sea beasts are still far away from them, they can't make it in a short time, let alone go ashore to attack them...

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