Just when Ruan Bing stood up and prepared to fight the Zerg creatures for the last bit of brainpower, she suddenly noticed that the wood that was dragged by Siwak's neck for hundreds of meters had some subtle changes.

Although the wood was **** at this time, the skin was also peeled off in large areas, and even one eye was injured.

But the momentum of the wood has not diminished in the slightest, but there are signs of strengthening, it seems that a force is awakening from the body of the wood.

Feeling strange, Ruan Bing couldn't help standing still, looking at the wood quietly, wanting to see what happened to him.

At the next moment, Mu Mu's eyes turned red, and a black gas appeared on his body, entwining him.

Immediately afterwards, the wood grabbed Siwak's worm hand and pulled it hard to stop Siwak.

Feeling the mighty power erupting from the wood, Siwak couldn't help looking back curiously.

When it saw the black air on the wood, its eyes widened because it suddenly felt uneasy.

In order to avoid extraneous branches, Siwak didn't dare to ravage the wood any more, and directly ejected dozens of luminous balls, covering the wood, intending to kill the wood.

What's strange is that the originally almost invincible ball of light suddenly fails to take effect on wood, and can't even damage wood.

On the contrary, the momentum of the wood became stronger and stronger, and he punched Siwak in the abdomen, with a little black energy, hitting Siwak more than one meter away.

Looking at the wood like chicken blood, feeling the sharp pain from his abdomen, Siwak was shocked, and he took a few steps back, and at the same time called the other two super zerg leaders to come and support.

Because it was already badly injured, it was inconvenient to fight, and now the wood suddenly became stronger, causing it to not be sure to kill the wood, so it could only ask for help.

Hearing Siwak's order, the two Zerg super-level leaders were overjoyed and rushed over.

What they thought in their hearts was that they could finally perform well in front of Siwak.

However, in the face of two more Zerg super-order creatures, Wood did not retreat, but its momentum was still rising.

At the same time, Wood suddenly used the black energy around him to condense a big knife, held it tightly in his hand, and slashed at the two Zerg super-commanders.

I saw that every time the wood cut a knife, it would form a shock wave composed of black energy, or a blade.

When these black shock waves hit the two Zerg leaders, the skins of the two super-order leaders were split instantly, and the terrifying attack power of the wood could be seen from here.

After being beaten by the wood, the two Zerg super-level leaders can only retreat continuously, obviously a little confused, after all, they don't know why the wood becomes so fierce.

The resistance army and others standing in the distance didn't know, they thought it was Wood and awakened the fourth ability.

But only Ruan Bing could see that Wood was using the power of another soul in his body to forcibly raise his strength to Tier 4 or even higher.

In this dark form, the wood's body is greatly enhanced, immune to pain, and all abilities have additional effects.

It's just that every time the wood swung an extra knife, he would lose a part of his life force and his face became paler.

This also means that no matter what the outcome of this battle is, the vitality of wood will be greatly damaged. Perhaps this is the last battle of wood.

Although Mu knew this, he didn't mean to stop the attack at all, but accelerated the speed of swinging the knife.

And Wood also used his second ability, summoning more than ten energy clones at once, rushing to the surrounding Zerg creatures.

When they got close to these Zerg creatures, the wood clone immediately waved the black knife in his hand and shredded the corpses of the Zerg creatures in front of him.

Although the number of clones is small, even S-tier armor marching ants can't resist a single shot of clones.

After all, the destructive power of Wood's body is too terrifying, resulting in his clone's strength being strong enough.

With the help of these super energy clones, a strange scene appeared on the front, that is, the battle situation was stabilized, and even the Zerg creatures could be pressed back.

The Resistance Army and others even directly followed the avatar of Wood, desperately releasing powers, wantonly massacring the enemies in front of them, and venting their anger.

Seeing that the battle line on the other side was no longer in danger, the blood-red wood focused on dealing with the enemy in front of him.

I saw that he first used the black energy to force the Blade Mantis back, and then even cut the Spiked Ant King three times, and the Spiked Ant King was also hit hard.

Facing the wood's fierce attack, the Blade Man King and the spiked ant king directly used their most powerful abilities to combine thousands of spikes and violent wind blades, and the target was wood.

Siwak, who was hovering in the air watching all this from a distance, also opened the small hole in its head and launched dozens of luminous balls, joining the attacks of the Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King.

As soon as the attack of two super-ranked creatures and the attack of a research-ranked creature came out, the air was frozen, and the surrounding air pressure began to drop sharply.

Seeing this scene, the people and the Zerg creatures in the battle stayed directly on the spot, looking blankly at the distant battlefield. No one thought that the wood would survive this attack.

But Mu Mu did not panic when faced with the siege, but raised the black long knife in his hand and activated his third ability, the Thunder Prison Knife.

The original Thunder Prison Knife Array Kill would only split dozens of Raikage Crossblade, but in the dark form, in addition to the Raikage Crossblade, hundreds of black broadswords were split.

When all these blades were flying in the air, this area suddenly became lightning and thunder, and there were thunderstorms after another, like a natural disaster.

When the thunderstorm fell into the ground, it instantly confronted the Zerg leader's attack. Various forces mixed together and collided with each other, making it hard to separate.

However, all this ended when the phantom of the horizontal knives in mid-air moved. As hundreds of horizontal knives danced, the air kept cracking and breaking through the air.

Immediately afterwards, the phantom of the horizontal knife collided with the attack of the Zerg leader, smashing this power, or swallowing this power, there was a burst of noise, and a piece of land was opened.

The Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King who were within the killing range of the Thunder Prison Blade were hit with one wound after another, and were severely injured in an instant.

Although Siwak was far away, it was not much better. There were several stab wounds on his body, and even the insect hand was severed.

Ten seconds later, the duration of the Thunder Prison Knife array killing ended, and the two Zerg super-level leaders fell in a pool of blood in front of him, and Siwak was also panting, his face pale.

Only the wood is still holding a black knife standing on the ground washed by wind blades and thunder and lightning, covered in blood, raising his head high, his face is determined...

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