Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 693: Cerebral-Siwak

Even the Zerg leader felt a headache, not to mention other Zerg creatures, they couldn't lift their heads even if they were killed by the road army.

Just when the Lu Army thought the battle would end in this way, the attacking dragon under his hip suddenly raised his head, looked around, and let out a restless roar.

Immediately afterwards, the Lu Army saw that the air pressure in the center of the battlefield suddenly became dignified, and even the air became still, making it uncomfortable to breathe.

"I feel severe spatial fluctuations! Something is coming!" Lin Yi lazy yelled at the road army, giving an early warning.

The moment Lin Yi finished shouting lazily, the center of the battlefield gradually darkened, and a channel full of dark power appeared out of thin air, as if it could swallow space.

Then a strange figure walked out of the passage, floating quietly in the center of the battlefield.

The figure is about two meters tall, with a very deformed face. I can't tell what kind of creature it is. The head is bigger than three balloons combined. It walks on two feet. Its hands are similar to two fat reptiles. , Disgusting.

At the moment when this unknown figure appeared, all the Zerg creatures became excited, and the dinosaurs collectively stepped back, as if this figure put a lot of pressure on them.

Seeing this, Lu Jun opened the Eye of Data and scanned the newly-appearing figure until a row of data appeared in front of him.

"The Cerebral-Siwak, whose strength is evaluated as a research level, is one of the heroes of the Zerg. Siwak has a strong brain power, is good at using brain waves to attack, and can even open a space tunnel to reach another place from one place. "

Seeing that this freak who just came out was actually a Zerg hero, or a tiered creature that he had never encountered before, Lu Jun's heart was about to jump out, and he could not remove his eyes when he looked at Siwak.

It may have been discovered that the Lu Army was watching it. Siwak suddenly turned his head and looked towards the Lu Army.

When Siwak's eyes met the Lu Army, the Lu Army only felt that his head was about to explode, and the pain caused him to roll off the back of the attacking dragon.

It wasn't until Lu Jun held his head and rolled for several seconds before he relieved the pain and climbed back on the back of the attacking dragon.

At the same time, Lu Jun also sighed in his heart that Siwak was too abnormal, just staring at him would do it.

Siwak saw that the Lu Army was all right, and he was able to get up from the ground, and he couldn't help taking a high look at the Lu Army.

Because it just invoked the brainwave control ability, I wanted to directly control the road army and read the memory of the road army.

But I didn't expect that Lu Jun carried something that could be released from control, which made his idea fail.

The Lu Jun didn't expect that the Holy Spirit pendant he was wearing saved his life invisibly. After a little slowing, he immediately propped up the particle shield to prevent Siwak from attacking him again.

When this was done, a system prompt sounded in Lu Jun's mind.

"Ding! The legendary real-time mission is triggered! Encounter the Zerg hero, Cerebral Siwak, if you can knock it back, you will get a legendary reward!"

Hearing that this was a legendary real-time mission, the Lu Jun who should have been excited was not at all happy, because he had no confidence in confronting the first-time creatures.

Moreover, he had just learned about Siwak's attack. In front of enemies of this level, they might all die...

Siwak didn't have what the pipeline army was thinking about. It looked at the particle shield in front, smiled disdainfully, and directly activated its brainwave attack, covering a range of three kilometers around it.

In front of Siwak's brain waves, the Lu Army's particle shield instantly shattered, and the Lu Army spit out a large mouthful of blood, depleting its brain power.

Immediately on the battlefield, all the people of the road army fell with their heads and rolled on the ground wailing, whether it was an orc warrior, a dinosaur, or a resistance army.

Only the S-order Fengshen pterosaur, the fourth-order Ruan Bing, the bloodthirsty king bat and the Lu Army were able to resist a little bit, and they did not fall.

But they can only last for a while, and if this continues, they will fall within a minute.

Seeing that the Lu Army's subordinates were no longer capable of fighting, the two super-order Zerg leaders were overjoyed, and they ordered the Zerg army to launch a fierce attack, taking the opportunity to slaughter the road army.

Looking at the sudden battlefield, Ruan Bing became anxious and immediately condensed a storm of souls, trying to contend with Siwak's brain waves.

However, what is more strange is that Ruan Bing's soul storm just condensed and was swallowed by Siwak's brain waves without a trace.

Seeing this, Ruan Bing swept out several Ten Thousand Soul Slashes on the back of the Bloodthirsty King Bat, and attacked Siwak's position.

But as soon as these Ten Thousand Souls approached Siwak, they were swallowed by inexplicable power and dissipated in the air.

Seeing that his attack was completely ineffective, Ruan Bing was desperate, and could only fly around with the bloodthirsty king bat to escape the pursuit of the mantis army.

Seeing that the Lu Army had no power to fight back, Siwak smiled contemptuously. It was a Zerg creature that appeared after the second blood fog, and it didn't know how it came.

But it knows that its mission is to protect Zerg creatures, attack other creatures on this planet, and even occupy this planet.

So it originally stayed at the Worm's Nest hundreds of kilometers away, but after receiving a request for help from two Zerg super-level leaders, it rushed over and changed the situation.

Just as Siwak saw that there were no threatening enemies here, and when he was about to reopen the space channel and rush elsewhere, it suddenly felt a dignified pressure in the air.

Silvak, who felt strange, glanced around, searching for the source of the pressure, until he looked at the position of the road army.

Immediately afterwards, Siwak saw that the road army disappeared out of thin air, followed by a dinosaur figure ten meters high with a fierce appearance.

Seeing this, Siwak showed an expression of interest, canceled the space channel, and waited for the figure to transform into a physical appearance.

Ruan Bing, who was running for her life in the air, clenched her fists excitedly, because she knew that this was the dinosaur that would only appear after the Lu Army turned on the tyrannosaurus. It seemed that the battle was not over yet.

At the moment of transforming from a human form to a tyrannosaurus form, the Lu Jun immediately raised his head and roared, allowing the dragon's roar to cover the entire battlefield.

The roaring this time was not because the road army was venting. After he finished roaring, the brainwaves covered by the battlefield disappeared, and the orc warriors and dinosaurs gradually recovered and regained their fighting power.

Most importantly, this roar stunned other Zerg creatures, preventing these creatures from continuing to attack and helping Lu Army subordinates buy time.

Seeing that the dinosaur turned into by the Lu Army had forcibly removed its brain waves, Siwak's face became difficult to look, because it did not expect that there will be creatures that can compete with it...

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