Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 685: Catch Zhifei

Seeing that Zhifei still had this escape ability, Lu Jun secretly cried out bad in his heart, and immediately let the bloodthirsty king bat and the wind **** pterosaur step forward to intercept it.

But the speed of Jianguang was too fast, and it also carried a shock wave. When the bloodthirsty king bat and the wind **** pterosaur were in front of it, they were instantly lifted off and suffered a lot of damage.

In this situation, the Lu Army no longer had the ability to block the sword light, and could only watch the sword light formed by Zhifei fly farther and farther.

Looking at the sword light that was about to disappear from his field of vision, Lu Jun was extremely upset and urged to slap himself.

Because he really didn't expect Zhifei to have such a method, the victory of the offensive stronghold made him a little inflated, and he was careless about Zhifei.

If he is known to fly away, he will undoubtedly release the tiger and return to the mountain, and it will definitely attract more serious revenge from the Knights of Apocalypse.

Just when the Lu Jun began to blame himself, the Tier 3 elder next to him suddenly realized something, and immediately put his hands together and pointed in the direction where Zhifei left.

Immediately afterwards, an enchantment appeared in the sky, just blocking the front of Jianguang.

When Jianguang hit the barrier, there was a burst of noise in the air, and the Tier 3 old man spit out a mouthful of blood as if he had suffered a heavy injury. He couldn't even stand firmly, and the barrier disappeared.

Although Jianguang smashed the barrier, it seemed to consume 90% of Jianguang's flight energy.

At the next moment, Jian Guang stopped flying upwards and began to descend.

When it fell only fifty meters from the ground, Jianguang returned to Zhifei's human form.

Seeing this, Lu Jun immediately smiled and patted the Tier 3 old man next to him hard: "Okay! Old fellow! You can!"

Hearing Lu Jun's compliment, the heavily injured Tier 3 elder smiled first, and then vomited more blood. It seemed that he was really seriously injured.

However, the Lu Army didn't have time to pay attention to the injury of the third-order old man, but immediately let the Fengshen pterosaur go and catch the Zhifei in the air.

The Fengshen pterosaur had a stomach fire due to being hit by the sword light. Now that Zhifei fell off, of course he flew over happily, grabbed Zhifei alive, and threw it to the Lu Army.

Seeing that he not only failed to escape and fell down, but also fell into the hands of the Lu Army, Zhi Fei's face changed drastically after regaining consciousness, and beads of sweat rolled from his forehead.

Originally, he dared to be so arrogant because he had the third ability. He didn't expect that the third ability would fail at the critical moment, which made him almost desperate.

"Old thing! You **** dare to betray me! I...I killed you! Kill your whole family!" Zhifei suddenly turned his hands into a knife and rushed towards the Tier 3 old man.

Because he knew that he was blocked by the third ability of the third-order old man just now.

However, before Zhifei could rush up, he was kicked to the ground by the Lu Army.

"Don't, didn't you want to kill me at first? What kind of ability to bully the old man now? Come, I'll be here, come and kill me." Lu Jun stepped on Zhifei's hand knife with a smile on his face.

Seeing Lu Jun's proud expression, Zhi Fei was almost angered internally and closed his eyes desperately: "I was planted today. You kill me. Our Apocalypse Knights will avenge me."

Looking at Zhifei who was about to die, the Lu Jun shouted boringly, kicked Zhifei's head and said, "You don't intend to talk to me? Tell me how powerful your Apocalypse Knights are?"

Hearing Lu Jun trying to play with him, Zhi Fei opened his eyes with a sneer and looked at Lu Jun and said: "Don't think about it, I won't disclose any information, I will use any means!"

Seeing Zhifei look like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, Lu Jun learned the pose in front of Zhifei and clapped his hands: "Very good, courageous."

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun raised his head and gestured to Xiaowan: "Xiaowan, this person is handed over to you. Give him some pain and let him die slowly."

Hearing Lu Jun's words, Xiaowan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although it seems that she can't deprive the memory of Tier 3 elders now, it is not bad to deprive Zhifei.

After all, Zhifei’s position in the Knights of Apocalypse seems to be much larger than that of the third-order elders...

"Okay! Obey!" Xiaowan flew down from the air excitedly, staring at Zhifei's head.

And the Tier 3 elder on the side saw that Xiaowan finally turned his attention to others, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, because Xiaowan's faint eyes almost cast a psychological shadow on him...

"You...what do you want to do!" Seeing Xiaowan approaching him gradually, Zhifei couldn't help but said, and moved back with both hands.

Even though he had looked down on life and death, he didn't know how these people were going to deal with him, it still made him fear.

"Hehe...you will know soon..." Xiaowan transformed herself into a spider form, staring at Zhifeidao with green eyes.

Seeing Xiaowan turned into a "monster" in a blink of an eye, Zhifei was startled, and immediately used the ability to turn his hands into hand knives, ready to kill Xiaowan.

But before he had time to start, the wood next to him moved, and he directly raised the Lei Ying Heng Knife, and immediately chopped off Zhi Fei's hands.


However, he had only rolled twice and was fixed by Xiaowan with spider silk. Then Xiaowan plunged the spikes of her hand into Zhifei's eyes and began to deprive Zhifei of his memory.

Since the Lu Army's order was to make Zhifei die slower and more painful, Xiaowan deliberately slowed down the deprivation process a lot, causing Zhifei to cry and struggle in fear.

Seeing that the memory deprivation mentioned by Lu Jun and Xiaowan was so cruel, the Tier 3 old man couldn't help shrinking his head.

Secretly rejoicing, fortunately, he didn't provoke the Lu Army anymore, otherwise he might be lying underground now...

When Lu Jun looked at Zhifei like this, he was suddenly in a good mood, walked to the third-order old man, and patted the third-order old man on the shoulder: "Originally, I must kill you because you attacked the orc camp with someone Is our enemy."

"But since you don't know that these orcs are mine, and the two timely reminders in the previous battle have reduced our losses, and helped us catch Zhifei in the critical moment."

"So I plan to make an exception to give you a chance to survive, that is, to provide me with information about the Knights of the Apocalypse and help me kill them."

"If you can do it, I will return you free one day, you can go wherever you want, or stay."

"If during this period I find that you have any dissatisfaction or do anything against us, I will still kill you without hesitation, understand?"

Hearing the long passage of Lu Jun, the third-order old man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and nodded fiercely: "Thank you! Thank you! I will do well! Thank you..."

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