"Well, old guy, your life is temporarily saved. I'll talk about this later. Let's take us to the stronghold you mentioned." The Lu Army said to the third-order old man.

It's not that he doesn't want to talk about it now, but that he sees their ground troops coming, so he plans to save the remaining orcs.

The moment Lu Jun finished speaking, a system prompt sounded immediately.

"Ding! Real-time mission completed! Successfully rescued the orcs, the witch doctor of the intermediate unit, and the Thunder Rhinoceros of the intermediate unit have been unlocked."

"Ding! The real-time mission is triggered. Since some of the orcs have been captured, please find these orcs and rescue them together. If the rescue is successful, you will get a lot of rewards. If the rescue fails, there is no punishment."

Hearing that another real-time task was coming, the Lu Army couldn't help but shine, because this was an advanced real-time task, which the Lu Army had received before, and it seemed that the reward was not bad.

And the third-order old man heard that the Lu Army would not kill him for the time being, and couldn't help but wave his fist.

Immediately afterwards, with a shy old face and a smile, he nodded and bowed one by one to the people around the Lu Army, seeming to be thanking and apologizing.

Because he knows that he can live longer only if he pleases the Lu Army and the people around him...

However, Mu Mu and others did not pay attention to the third-order elders, but Xiao Wan was still staring at the third-order elders' heads, seemingly interested in the information inside.

Seeing this, the third-order old man could only laugh, and shrank his head, for fear that Xiaowan would "eat" him...

After the episode passed, the ground troops of the road army came to support it, consisting of the resistance army, orc warriors and the dinosaur corps.

Seeing such a powerful force, the old man of Tier 3 was so scared that his legs were weakened. He secretly rejoiced that he was witty and didn't continue to fight the Lu Army, otherwise he would die and there would be nothing left...

After the key members of the Resistance Army had assembled, the Route Army gathered these people and held a brief meeting, mostly talking about what had just happened.

Everyone was very happy to hear that the road army had found a new orc soldier, but when they heard the situation in the Black Cliff Region, they were deeply worried.

Because for a long time to come, they may have to face the invasion of the black cliff domain humans, and also beware of the monsters from the black cliff domain.

After talking about these things, the Lu Army issued a plan to further rescue the orcs with everyone, and everyone had no opinion on this.

Next, the Lu Army and his party set off in a mighty manner, and the Tier 3 old man ran ahead to show the way while he was pleased with the Lu Army, which was the direction that Zhifei and others had left.

Since everyone on the road side had a mount, they moved so quickly that they saw the shadow of the Knights of the Apocalypse within five minutes of their departure.

Looking at the knights walking slowly in front, the Lu Army couldn't help but sneered, and directly issued the order for all members to attack, no longer doing the bells and whistles.

Because now he has the ability to annihilate the Knights of the Apocalypse, he will naturally not miss it.

And that Zhifei was a person who knew how to forbearance and made Lu Jun very uncomfortable, so it's best to get rid of him early.

Zhifei, who was walking in the front, was still thinking about other issues, and when he heard the commotion coming from behind, he immediately turned his head.

When he saw the corps of thousands of soldiers of various types behind him, Zhifei almost fell off Ban Liehu in fright.

Because he really couldn't think of where these creatures came from, let alone how to deal with these creatures.

"Second Young Master! It's the few people just now! They are also inside." A subordinate next to him reminded Zhi Fei, and Zhi Fei followed along and saw Lu Jun and others rushing in front.

"Damn! It was them! Damn! That old man dared to betray us! Damn!" An angry Zhi Fei Lian said three damn.

But Zhifei also knew that just saying **** it was useless, and immediately raised his arms and said to everyone: "Everyone will run for me! Let's withdraw to the camp first!"

After shouting, Zhifei took a group of supernatural beings, riding their mutant beasts to a stronghold a few kilometers away.

Because he knows that if he stays here and fights with the Route Army, he will undoubtedly lose, after all, they can't even match the Route Army in number, let alone combat effectiveness.

Seeing that the mighty army of the Apocalypse Knights began to throw away their helmets and abandon their armor, the Lu Army and others did not stop, but made the ostrich under their feet run faster.

Although the Knights of the Apocalypse had tried their best to run, they still couldn't run away.

Soon the road army and others caught up with some of the slow-running fighters and started the massacre without hesitation.

After killing about a thousand people without the ability to resist, the Lu Army suddenly saw a building group in front of him, like a small town before the end of the world.

Around the town, there are many wooden buildings that have just been erected, and there are many figures, which seem to be the strongholds of Zhifei and others.

Just when the Lu Army was about to take advantage of the situation to slaughter more people, the Tier 3 elder who was next to the Lu Army suddenly turned his head and looked at Lu Jundao: "Be careful there are traps ahead! It is designed specifically for large mutant beasts, humans and small mutant beasts. It's okay to step on, but we have so many numbers and heavy weight, and the trap will be triggered as soon as we step on it!"

Hearing the warning from the Tier 3 old man, Lu Jun frowned suddenly, wondering why Zhifei and the others had just dispersed and ran away. It turned out that there was a trap in front of them and they wanted to lower their weight.

"Xiaowan! Let the digging sandworms come and explore! It's best to destroy all the traps!" Lu Jun raised his head and said to Xiaowan above.

Upon receiving the Lu Army's order, Xiaowan immediately followed suit, causing hundreds of sandworms to swarm from the ground to the front.

Sure enough, when the digging sandworms collectively passed, the ground collapsed, revealing dozens of large pits.

Seeing that the scope of the trap was so large, the Lu Army couldn't help but a cold sweat broke out on his head. Fortunately, the third-tier old man reminded him, otherwise they would be recruited.

"Thanks." Lu Jun said lightly, seeming to be talking to himself.

But the Tier 3 elder knew that the Lu Army told him this, which made him secretly happy.

At the same time, he stared at the fleeing Zhifei with hatred eyes, and silently swears that he must make the Zhifei and the Apocalypse Knights who abandon him pay the price!

After all the ground traps were exposed, the Lu Army and others easily walked around, continuing to pursue and slaughter the people of the Knights of the Apocalypse.

After killing about a thousand people again, the Tier 3 old man spoke again: "Be careful! They have large siege weapons! We are already in the attack range!"

At the moment when the Tier 3 old man finished speaking, dozens of fireballs measuring five or six meters in size suddenly shot out from the distant stronghold.

These fireballs are not abilities, but are made of boulders drenched with flammable materials and throwing equipment. The power is no worse than the abilities...

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