Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 662: Zerg withdrawal

The rest of the situation was just as the Lu Army thought. The Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King could not move, they were hit by the flame bombs, and each received a dozen flame bombs.

During the period, the Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King frantically used their own abilities to fight against the road army, but when they were unable to move, their abilities could not exert their due effects and could only be beaten in vain.

As for the surrounding dying wind praying mantis and armored army ants, they cannot join this kind of battle.

Even if you get close, you can only be killed by the road army, so I stayed around to watch the battle...

Ten seconds later, gravity dissipated, and the flame bombs in the air also disappeared, but the Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant Emperor still did not move, because the flame bombs wounded them all.

Seeing the appearance of the Blade Man Emperor and the Spiked Ant Emperor, the Lu Army knew it was time to end the battle, and immediately reunited the flames and bombs, preparing to give the two Zerg leaders a fatal blow.

However, this time the road army's flame bombs could not be ejected, because he only condensed the flame bombs in half, and the duration of his tyrannosaurus body was up.

As for why this is the case, it may be because of his continuous use of offensive ability to speed up energy consumption.

In this case, the road army in the form of a dinosaur quickly converted from a physical entity to a virtual shadow, then returned to a human form, and fell to the ground without consciousness.

The two Zerg leaders who happened to escape saw the ruined army fall. They were desperate and cheered up again and crawled to where the ruined army fell.

They know that this is an excellent opportunity for them to kill the Route Army, and only if they kill the Route Army can they have the possibility of winning...

On the other side, the Resistance Army members saw that the Lu Army suddenly fell down, and the two Zerg leaders were still crawling towards the Lu Army. They were shocked to see the roots of their hairs standing upright, and they immediately resisted the hot air to support them. Save the road army.

However, they were also 300 meters away from Lu Jun Shao Shuo. It was impossible for them to save the Lu Army in front of the two Zerg leaders. They could only watch the Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King approach the Lu Army.

Just after the Blade Man Emperor and the Spiked Ant Emperor approached the Lu Army, when everyone felt a trace of despair, a sudden "swish" in the sky flashed a shadow.

Immediately afterwards, the Fengshen Pterosaur and the Bloodthirsty King Bat appeared. First, the Fengshen Pterosaur pecked the heads of the Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King with its sharp beak, attracting the attention of the two Zerg leaders.

Then the bloodthirsty king bat sneaked up to the road army, grabbed the road army in a coma with its feet, took the road army off the ground, and flew to the protection tower.

Feeling the pain in the head, seeing that the Lu Jun was rescued, the Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King were anxious and angry, and wanted to go forward and pursue them.

But at this time, the members of the resistance army had arrived, and they were ready to raise their hands to be a round of supernatural powers, and instantly suppressed the Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King.

Seeing that the road army had fallen, this group of "smelly fish and shrimps" dared to attack them. The two Zerg leaders were furious, and rushed forward, preparing to destroy these humans first.

However, the members of the Resistance Army did not make the Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King as they wished, because they quickly withdrew around the protective tower after one round of attacks, and fought guerrillas with the two Zerg leaders.

Seeing this, the Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King planned to summon all the Zerg army behind them to destroy and occupy the protective tower in one fell swoop.

Although in the successive offensives, their nearly 300,000 troops lost about 150,000 and wounded 50,000, their remaining combat power was less than 100,000.

But now the Lu Army has fallen, Ruan Bing has also fallen, and the two strongest combat powers on the human side are gone, so the Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King are still confident of winning.

Hearing the command of the leader of his side, the surviving zerg creatures around immediately took action, regrouped, and surrounded the protective tower demon.

But before they had time to go far forward, the fire guard and the draw artillery suddenly opened fire, instantly suppressing the Zerg creatures.

In fact, when the Lu Army was fighting with the two Zerg leaders, the members of the Resistance Army and the Periphery Army took advantage of the time to quickly fill all the fire guards and the magazines of the plucked artillery.

Originally, they just wanted to reduce the pressure on the Route Army just in case, but they didn't expect this move to provide them with the greatest protection.

Seeing those annoying defense facilities fire again, Blade Man King and Spiked Ant King couldn't help but hesitate, because they had no confidence in this battle now.

After all, with these defensive facilities, the combat effectiveness of the resistance can be increased by at least 30%.

Coupled with the fact that the opponent has a large number of dinosaurs and orc warriors, it is really hard to say whether the two sides will fight to death.

The most important thing is that the two of them were seriously injured in the battle with the road army, their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, and they did not have the previous ability to use one enemy and one hundred.

So even if they can barely win, it is estimated that they will win miserably, which is not in line with their original purpose.

Therefore, after careful consideration, the Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King finally decided to withdraw their troops instead of attacking the protective tower.

But this does not mean that they have given up, because the protective tower was originally occupied by the Zerg, and it is impossible to give up.

They just want to withdraw their troops first to adjust their state, heal their injuries and restore energy, when the time comes, they will bring more Zerg creatures to attack...

The other Zerg creatures received the retreat instruction from their leader, and they were puzzled, because from their perspective, they were only one step away from victory.

But they were puzzled, and the commander's command still had to be listened to. After looking at the direction of the protective magic tower with hateful eyes, they began to withdraw from the direction they were coming and going.

As for the more than 100,000 corpses on the ground, the Zerg creatures can no longer control, they only have time to take the injured companion away from here.

Looking at the Zerg army that was constantly retreating, everyone in the Resistance Army had mixed joys and sorrows. The joy was because they finally guarded the protective tower and they didn't have to die.

The worry was because both Lu Army and Ruan Bing were unconscious, and many high-ranking rebels were injured, which suddenly lost their backbone.

Moreover, the damage to the dinosaurs and orc warriors is also great, so that they have not been able to completely annihilate the Zerg warriors, which is rather regrettable...

After the Zerg creatures completely withdrew from their field of vision, many resistance army members and people from the outer legions collapsed on the ground. Half of them were tired and half were scared.

Some people would clap and hug their companions, shouting that they were victorious, while others would hold the corpses of their companions on the ground and cry bitterly, each with his own posture...

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