However, the Lu Army did not directly attack the Blade Manking King, but let the Blade Manking King approach.

The Lu Jun called out the Fengshen pterosaur when the Blade Mantra was less than 100 meters away from them, and directly sat on the Fengshen Pterosaur and flew to the position of the Manchu Blade. Xiao Wan rode the Bloodthirsty King Bat to follow Behind him.

Looking at the wind **** pterosaur and the bloodthirsty king bat flying straight towards it, the Blade Man Emperor knew that he had been discovered, otherwise these humans would not come over.

But Blade Man King didn't mean to retreat. Instead, he canceled his invisibility and accelerated his body shape. Because it noticed that the wind **** pterosaur and the bloodthirsty king bat are only S-level creatures, it is not afraid at all.

And it discovered that the bloodthirsty king bat and Xiaowan were the guys who ran away from it ten days ago, which made it extremely excited, and planned to forget the old and new hatred together today.

Although from time to time there will be a series of energy bombs hitting Blade Manking and the shells will explode beside Blade Manking, but Blade Manking is a super-rank creature after all, and will not be affected by these attacks.

Looking at the Manchu Blade, who was getting closer and closer to them, Lu Jun knew that they had to attack first, and immediately said to Xiaowan's position: "Xiaowan! I am in charge of the frontal attack, you go behind it!"

After finishing talking, the Lu Army ordered the Wind God Pterosaur to start flipping irregularly, using the newly purchased and learned Tier S dragon technique, Gale Cut.

When the Fengshen pterosaur flipped to a certain number of times, its wings suddenly gave birth to flames, and then it created dozens of wind-cuts with blazing flames, and attacked the position of the blade man.

These wind shears are getting bigger and bigger during the flight, and in a blink of an eye, each path is one or two meters long, and even the air seems to be scorched wherever it passes.

When Xiaowan heard the Lu Army's order, she immediately climbed with the bloodthirsty king bat to a higher position than the Blade Man King, ready to attack.

Feeling the power of the gale cut, Blade Mantra didn't dare to be careless and immediately evaded in all directions.

At the same time, he took a cautious look at the Fengshen pterosaur, because it could not imagine that the S-tier Fengshen pterosaur could attack as much as a super-order creature.

However, even though Blade Man Emperor had evaded, there were still four or five gales hitting him, almost knocking Blade Man Emperor from the air. Fortunately, it quickly adjusted.

But just as the Blade Man Emperor was preparing to counterattack, Xiao Wan and the bloodthirsty king bat also attacked.

I saw the bloodthirsty king bat above the Blade Man Emperor suddenly spit out a burst of red gas, and then hundreds of blood bats flew out of the gas, and instantly surrounded the position of the blade man.

Although these blood bats are relatively small, they have sharp teeth and will gnaw on the blade Man King from time to time.

Seeing any "stinky fish, rotten shrimp" dared to attack it now, Blade Man King was a little angry, and directly waved its forearm, slashing at the blood bats around it, instantly killing a large number of blood bats.

What made Blade Man King unexpectedly was that the moment it killed part of the blood bats, the blood bats still around exploded collectively, and a large amount of fire suddenly enveloped it.

After the flame disappeared, the surface of Blade Mantis's body was scorched, and it could be seen that the explosion just injured it.

Looking at the Fengshen pterosaur and the bloodthirsty king bat that flew away with a single blow, the anger in the heart of the Blade Man King became even stronger, and he directly chased the bloodthirsty king bat.

Feeling the distance between the Blade and the Manchurian Man is pulling in, the Lu Army knew that the situation was critical and immediately ordered the fire guard below to lock the figure of the Manchurian Blade.

Since the fire guard has been replaced by the rebels, the energy bombs are now sufficient.

When the Lu Jun thought to make the fire guard fire at full force, the firepower net composed of tens of thousands of energy bombs instantly covered the position of the Blade Man Emperor.

Seeing so many energy bullets flying towards it at once, the Blade Mantis was also taken aback.

Although it is a super creature with thick skin and thick flesh, energy bombs can't help it under normal circumstances.

But that is limited to fewer energy bombs. There are now tens of thousands of energy bombs, which can't be stopped anyway.

So after weighing the pros and cons, Blade Man King decided to give up the pursuit and retreat first.

After all, it is fighting alone now, and it is a bit unrealistic to break through the enemy's defenses in one fell swoop.

However, it was only when the Blade Man Emperor wanted to retreat that it could not be removed, because the wind **** pterosaur and the bloodthirsty king bat were blocking its back road.

If it wants to withdraw, it will inevitably face the attacks of the wind **** pterosaur and the bloodthirsty king bat, and then it will become a three-way flanking attack on it, and its situation will become more difficult.

At this time, the Blade Man Emperor also understood that Lu Jun and Xiao Wan were not escaping at all, but had blocked its way in advance.

Seeing that these two humble enemies were so "cunning and treacherous", Blade Man's Head was so angry that the development of the matter was completely different from what it planned before.

But it is useless to think about it now, it has to get out as soon as possible, otherwise it will be planted here today.

After thinking about this, the eyes of the Blade Man King Condensed, his aura became sharp, and he exuded a heavy pressure.

Immediately afterwards, the Blade Man Emperor began to spin at high speed in place, seeming to avoid the attack of the energy bomb, and it seemed to be displaying some of its ability.

Feeling the tearing sensation in the air, Lu Jun knew that this blow of the Manchu Blade must be extraordinary, and his expression became extremely solemn.

"It's going to work hard! Interrupt it! You can't let it use this blow!" Lu Jun shouted to Xiao Wan on the back of the bloodthirsty king bat.

After yelling, the Lu Jun ordered the Fengshen Pterosaur under him to rush forward, preparing to perform another Tier S dragon skill to interrupt the Blade Man Emperor, Xiao Wan also followed Lu Jun closely.

What the Lu Jun didn't expect was that before they were close to the position of the Blade Manking, the spinning blade Manking suddenly created a storm, which drove the surrounding air.

Under the continuous rotation, the storm became bigger and bigger, and even became visible to the naked eye. The flight of the wind **** pterosaur and the bloodthirsty king bat was also hindered, and it was extremely difficult to get close to the Blade Man Emperor.

Even more frightening is that the spinning storm can even swallow the energy bombs below, and the shells from the drawn artillery can't penetrate.

Seeing that the storm had taken shape, the Lu Army knew that it was impossible to interrupt the Man King of Blade's Edge, so he immediately took Xiao Wan and the bloodthirsty king bat to withdraw below.

When the distance from the ground was only 20 meters, the Lu Army immediately activated his third ability, absolute defense, and propped up a particle shield covering hundreds of meters.

Prepare to protect everyone and the fire guards and draw the artillery from the storm...

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