Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 645: Do it for me!

Of course, the prerequisite for all this is that they have to interrupt the halberd pocket emperor at this point, otherwise, once the halberd pocket emperor's wound is healed, even if they use the third ability together, it won't work.

But at this time, the heavens seemed to no longer care for them, because when the Emperor Long Halberd was in this state, the defense on the beetle was doubled, almost "invincible."

In the face of this level of defense, even the attacks of the Fengshen pterosaurs began to be useless, let alone the "small fights" of the Lu Jun and others.

Looking at this scene, Lu Jun saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart, his brain was spinning fast, thinking about ways to interrupt the emperor.

But no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of a means to break the beetle. Seeing that more than half of the wound of the halberd was healed, the Lu Jun sighed deeply. Is it necessary for him to turn on the Tyrannosaurus to solve it? All this?

Just as Lu Jun thought of this, his eyelids suddenly jumped, staring at the motionless emperor halberd.

Immediately afterwards, the Lu Jun pointed at the bottom of the halberd pocket emperor and said loudly: "We can turn it over! Attack its abdomen! It can't move in this state, and it can't fight back. As long as it can be turned over, it will definitely die! "

Hearing the Lu Army’s order, everyone’s eyes lit up. Yes, although they can’t deal with the halberd’s beetle, they don’t have to fight against the halberd’s beetle. The weakness of the Emperor Jidou will do.

However, after less than a second of excitement, everyone fell into silence again, because facing the long halberd pocket emperor who was close to 20 meters in size, they did not know what method should be used to turn the halberd pocket emperor over...

Looking at the people who didn't know where to start, the Lu Army couldn't help scratching their heads. Although the method to deal with the emperor had been thought of, it was too difficult to implement...

Just when everyone didn’t know what to do, the Fengshen pterosaur suddenly flew onto the carapace of the emperor's halberd. With its sharp and powerful lower limbs, it grabbed the gap in the carapace of the emperor’s halberd. I want to lift the halberd pocket emperor.

But the long halberd Douhuang weighs close to 20 tons, and the wind **** pterosaur weighs less than one ton. No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to fly with objects twenty times more than itself.

After trying to no avail, Fengshen pterosaur did not give up, but directly activated its own wind system ability, Windchi Wings.

When the Fengshen Pterosaur used this ability, its wings suddenly became a lot bigger, and every time it was shot, it would create a violent wind, which made Lu Jun and others almost unable to open their eyes.

However, this is not over yet. As the speed of the Fengshen pterosaurs continues to increase, the surrounding gusts are getting stronger and stronger, and the emperor halberd is also showing signs of being lifted by the wind gods.

However, it is a pity that the Emperor Long Halberd Pouch is still too heavy. Even if its own abilities are activated, the Fengshen Pterosaur still fails to succeed. Instead, it consumes a lot of physical strength and sees a lot of blood from its lower limbs.

Seeing this, the Lu Army knew that the Fengshen pterosaur needed help, and instead of throwing special grenade to the emperor's halberd, but ran to the emperor's halberd against the strong wind, and exhausted all his strength to push the emperor. Body.

Wood also retracted Lei Ying's horizontal knife, jumped from the back of the long halberd pocket emperor, and came to Lu Jun, clenching his teeth and pushing with Lu Jun, Li Feng did the same.

From a normal point of view, the total weight of Lu Jun, Mu Mu, and Li Feng is less than four hundred catties. Even if they exhausted all their strength, how could they push a halberd of nearly twenty tons? How about the emperor, what is the difference between this and the mantle arm as a car?

In fact, Lu Jun and others also knew this, but what they thought was that Fengshen pterosaurs needed help, so they had to use their own power.

Even if they know that the chance is not great, they should try their best. What if it succeeds?

Seeing Lu Jun and the others look like this, Ruan Bing's eyes turned red in an instant, and he was ready to run to help.

But at this moment, she suddenly thought of something. Instead of moving her footsteps, she stood on the spot and summoned a large number of soul bodies. There were more than 3,000 of them. They all surrounded the emperor with the halberd. It's airtight.

Immediately afterwards, Ruan Bing asked the souls to exert their strength and push the halberd to the right, hoping to use this method to overthrow the halberd.

With the help of so many soul bodies, Fengshen Pterosaur was supported, and gradually pulled the halberd pocket emperor about one meter, and it was about to succeed.

However, this is also the limit of the Fengshen pterosaurs and the soul bodies. If you want to continue to pull higher, you need external help.

But at this time, the emperor Longhalberd Pocket was already full of soul bodies, even if Ruan Bing could continue to send soul bodies, there was no place to accommodate him.

Seeing that his plan to succeed is about to fall short, Lu Jun is anxious, because he can feel that the Fengshen pterosaur is about to run out of energy, if they can't turn the halberd over the emperor in ten seconds, they will never Chance!

Just as these ten seconds were about to "tick tick tick", a huge figure suddenly flashed in the sky. It turned out that Xiaowan, Lin Xiaobai and the bloodthirsty king bats who flew in from outside to see the situation finally arrived.

Looking at the scene below, Lin Xiaobai immediately realized something, and immediately let the bloodthirsty king bat go down and help.

Since the bloodthirsty king bat is also a Tier S creature, it can still hold it in the surrounding wind. When it flies below, it just like the wind **** pterosaur, grabbing the back armor of the halberd emperor with its feet. Begin to flap the four wings and pull up.

Xiaowan, who was flying in mid-air, was not idle, and immediately directed the sandworms who followed her to drill under the emperor, rushing out of the ground, against the abdomen of emperor, and forcefully Push up.

With the support of many creatures, the 20-ton halberd was finally getting farther and farther from the ground until it was completely overthrown, exposing its soft abdomen to the air above.

Seeing this, the sweaty Lu Jun's forehead was exposed, and he slammed his fist and yelled: "Gan it for me!"

After the roar, the Lu Army immediately retreated back to a safe distance, picked up the special grenade bag on the ground, and threw all the grenade on the abdomen of the emperor.

Mu Mu, Li Feng, and Ruan Bing respectively activated the third ability that they had just cooled down. The targets were the abdomen of the emperor's halberd with the thunder knife array killing, air blasting, and soul burial.

As for the wind **** pterosaur and the bloodthirsty king bat, they can only immediately evacuate from the top of the halberd pocket emperor and fly to a higher place to prevent being affected by the following abilities...

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