Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 635: Super Long Halberd

[Emperor of the halberd, whose strength is evaluated as super-level, is the leader of the halberd clan, has the halberd horns that can destroy everything and the armor with strong defense, and there will be a large number of tridents and caterpillars around him. 】

Seeing that it was actually a super-order worm, Lu Jun’s face paled after a brush, because at this distance, they encountered a super-order monster and they didn’t have any countermeasures, so the consequences would naturally not be much. Say.

So the Lu Army immediately recovered and ordered the surrounding people: "No! This is a super-order monster! Can't let it attack first! Give me back! The resistance army uses abilities to suppress!"

After speaking, the Lu Army patted the ostrich's back and made the ostrich retreat. At the same time, he took out an anti-tank bazooka from the armed module, and a rocket was directed at the head of the halberd.

The surrounding corps immediately responded when they heard the order of the road army. The wolf cavalry and dinosaur corps, which only had melee combat methods, immediately retreated and ran to the outskirts of the Worm Nest.

Troll hunters and rebels with long-range attacks use their respective abilities to storm the halberd king, preparing to suppress the halberd king.

But neither the rocket launcher of the road army, the spear of the troll hunter, nor the ability of the resistance army can damage the halberd king, and even leave a mark on the carapace of the halberd king. .

Seeing this situation, everyone felt cold. If they couldn't even break the defense of the Emperor Longhalberd, let alone kill the Emperor Longhalberd...

However, fortunately, the emperor halberd did not launch an attack the moment he came out, nor did he choose to hit the road army and others. Instead, he stood in place with various attacks and protected the pit behind him, like What is waiting for, giving the Lu Army and others a chance to continue to adjust.

Seeing how strange the actions of the Emperor Long Halberd, Lu Jun suddenly remembered. According to the introduction of the Data Eye, there will be two other kinds of protection from Emperor Long Halberd, but he has not seen those two so far. Kind of worm.

Thinking of this, the Lu Army immediately realized something, and immediately said to the surrounding people: "There are other worms to come out! It is protecting those worms! Transfer firepower! Attack the big pit!"

At the moment when Lu Jun finished talking, he really crawled out of the big hole continuously two kinds of worms, one with a body size of about ten meters, with three fork-like horns, and other places similar to the emperor.

The other type is about five meters in size, has only one upwardly curved horn, and the limbs are thick and look heavy.

Seeing this, Lu Jun opened the Eye of Data without even thinking about it, scanning the two kinds of information.

Among them, the information of the ten-meter worm is [Trident worm, whose strength is assessed as S-level, and has three sharp horns. When they fight, they use these three horns to pierce the enemy’s abdomen and shatter the enemy’s internal organs. In the long halberd pocket emperor's side. 】

The information of the five-meter-sized worm is [Mammoth worm, whose strength is assessed as A-level, has strong limbs, moves slowly, and has no special attack ability, but they have great strength and can lift more than An object ten times its own weight. 】

Seeing that this was the high-level arm of the worm clan, the Lu Army immediately shared the data obtained with the surrounding rebels.

At the same time, the anti-tank rockets were loaded with new rockets, and they attacked the positions of the trident and mammoth.

The surrounding rebels heard the order of the road army, looked at the data shared by the road army, and took a breath of air.

Because they couldn't think of being in this pit, besides a super-order monster, there are so many S-order and A-order monsters, this is simply killing them!

However, in this case, if you think about it again and don't fight well, then they are really dead.

So after a few tenths of a second, the rebels and troll hunters threw their own attacks into the trident and mammoth or the big pit.

Although they don't understand why there are so many monsters hiding underground, they still can't feel it, but at this time they can't think so much...

With all the rebel forces working together, the trident who had just ran out couldn't help but retreat several steps and almost fell into the pit again.

Only the Mammoth worm of Tier A was directly broken by various flying abilities and turned into a corpse.

Xiao Wan and the bloodthirsty king bat took Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Bing directly into the air, and Lin Xiaobai blasted the pit with her explosive crossbow.

Ruan Bing summoned the soul body, used soul storm and soul funeral, and tried every means to suppress the worm below.

With the continuous sound of various explosions, the big pit was gradually covered by smoke and dust. It seemed that the attack of the road army was very effective.

However, it is a pity that Trident and Mammoth are very high in rank, and their defense power is much higher than that of Discharge. They are not so easy to die.

The casualties were only a small number of mammoth worms. There were many mammoth worms crawling out of the pit, and hundreds of them came up in a short time.

As for the number of tridents, it is relatively small, only a dozen, but they are Tier S creatures, and a dozen of them are very scary.

Facing an enemy of this level, the Lu Army and others didn't even have time to think about the problem, they could only throw out various abilities regardless of their brain power, and at the same time began to retreat slowly, looking for a safe location.

During the period, the Emperor Longjidou and the other two kinds of worms did not counterattack, but used the protection of the carapace to defend silently, seeming to protect the hole, waiting for their companions to come out completely.

This situation lasted for five minutes. In the end, the number of mammoths was about 1,000, and the number of tridents reached 20.

After gathering his own forces, the emperor halberd first roared, making a harsh insect sound.

Immediately after the halberd halberd emperor stepped away from its sharp feet, listening to the two sharp halberds in front of them collided with the corners, they rushed straight towards the position of the Lu Jun and others.

Since the emperor halberd has reached twenty meters in size, it looks like a hill and looks very imposing, not to mention the charge, the super-level pressure makes Lu Jun and the others cold...

However, in any case, the Lu Army had to resist. They saw that the Lu Army immediately propped up a particle shield, and with the ultimate output of brain power, they planned to take the blow of the long halberd.

But Lu Jun obviously thought too simple, and saw that the particle shield he propped up was in front of the impact of the halberd pocket emperor, and he could not hold on for three seconds. He only heard a "bang", like a balloon shattering. Lost.

After the particle shield was shattered, Lu Jun’s head was like a heavy punch, and it was beaten back by brain power. Blood could not help flowing out of the corners of the mouth and nose...

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