Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 633: Total attack

However, after receiving the request for help from the right side of the worm's nest front and the Lu Army and the others, they were shocked and wanted to mobilize troops to support them.

The Lu Jun and others standing in the distance saw this scene and knew that it was likely that Xiaowan had succeeded.

That being the case, they had to continue to help Xiaowan to delay the time. They saw Lu Jun and the others immediately put on a posture of a general offensive, so scared that the worm did not dare to mobilize troops at will.

But this is not the way to go. After all, the defensive power on their right side is very weak. If they are captured, their nest will be dangerous.

So after a difficult decision, the worms finally decided to send 8,000 of the same kind to the right side.

In this way, they still have a large number of troops stationed in the front, even if the road army and others want to launch a general attack, they are not worthwhile.

When I saw the worms, I used to support them. Without him, the Lu Army had no good way to stop them. They could only watch the worms leave, and at the same time pray in my heart that everything goes well for Xiaowan...

However, when the electric discharge worms who went to support arrived on the right side, Xiao Wan had already left with the digging sand worms, leaving only seven or eight large pits, and the lightning tower was inside these large pits.

Just as these electric worms were thinking about where the attacker had gone, they suddenly received a request for help from the back of the worm nest. Then they knew that the attacker must have gone to the rear, and they rushed to the rear...

In this way, in the next hour or so, Xiaowan took the digging sandworm and used the same method to destroy the lightning towers in the left, right, and back three directions of the insect nest.

The electric discharge worms who went to support were thrown around by Xiaowan, and when they arrived at Xiaowan, they left, and even Xiaowan's shadow could not be seen.

After digging and destroying the last two lightning towers on the left side of the Worm Nest, Xiaowan knew that her mission had been successfully completed.

Seeing the worms coming from a distance, Xiaowan waved her four wings abruptly, and waved to Lin Xiaobai who was standing on the bloodthirsty king bat, "Okay, let's withdraw!"

After speaking, Xiaowan ordered the digging sandworms to keep up and retreat to the front of the nest where the Lujun and others were.

When he arrived at the position of the Lu Jun, Xiao Wan immediately descended to the front of the Lu Jun and said, "Brother Lu Jun, the lightning towers in the other three directions have been cleared, and now nothing can stop us!"

Hearing Xiaowan’s report, the Lu Army refreshed and stopped confronting the frontal worms, and directly confronted the rebel army behind him: "The defense in the insect nest is lifted! You can act!"

Upon receiving the order of the road army, the resistance army, the orc warriors and the dinosaur corps immediately divided into three groups and attacked in the left, right and back directions of the dragon's nest.

Seeing this scene, the worms also knew that the Lu Army and others were about to attack, and they crawled to other directions of the worm's nest, leaving less than 5,000 worms on the front of the nest.

After everyone left, the Lu Army looked at the seven or eight lightning towers right in front of him and said: "Xiaowan, I will attract the attention of these worms. You take the opportunity to destroy the sand worms. Lei Light Tower, we will go in from the front!"

After talking about it, the Lu Army brainstormed and directly summoned a Tier A Abelisaurus, a Tier A Chinese Raptor, two Tier A Sickle Dragons, and the advanced Deinclaw. Long.

These five Tier A dinosaurs are the limit of mental power that the Lu Army can withstand at present. Although the number is relatively small, they should be enough for the next battle.

At the moment they appeared, the five dinosaurs roared in the direction of the worms, releasing their pressure as Tier A creatures.

It is worth mentioning that after reaching Tier A, the Deinonychus of the Lu Army was more than three times larger than before, and it was almost the same as Abelisaurus.

In addition, the Lu Army suddenly learned the four purely attacking dragon skills of thunderstorm, flame breath, blast claw blade, and deadly sprint.

It can be said that Deinonychus has completely "turned over" now, and its combat effectiveness is estimated to be higher than the surrounding A-tier dinosaurs.

The most important thing is that Deinonychus is the first dinosaur owned by the Lu Army, and its affinity with the Lu Army is extremely high, resulting in its IQ equivalent to an adult, which is very scary...

Seeing that his main battle dinosaurs had all come out, the Lu Army couldn't help showing a cruel smile and directly opened his dragon-like form, propped up a particle shield, and rushed forward riding on an ostrich.

The five Tier A dinosaurs slammed on the ground, roared forward, stepped on their stout hind legs, and followed Lu Jun.

Although there is only one person on the road side and one riding five dragons, the momentum they burst out is like a thousand horses, making the electric discharge worms shivering in front of the insect nest.

Seeing the road army launching a charge, Xiao Wan who was flying above immediately obeyed the road army's order, beckoned to the bloodthirsty king bat, and rushed to the direction of the lightning tower with the digging sandworms, preparing to repeat the old trick.

Due to the road army and dinosaurs attracting attention, the worms did not feel the Xiaowan flying above and the sandworms underground.

Some of them were even frightened by the aura of the five Tier A dinosaurs. They didn't react until the road army brought the dinosaurs close to the nest and began to panic and organize a defensive formation.

However, the Lu Army didn't care what these worms were thinking, he and the dinosaurs rushed into the attack range of the lightning tower, and continued to charge against the firepower of the lightning tower.

As for why the Lu Army can now use particle shields to withstand the lightning tower, it is because at this time their number of units is small, and the power of the lightning tower will also weaken with the target unit.

After rushing to the front and back of the worm, Deinonychus took the lead to attack and directly used the dragon technique-lethal sprint, broke away from the protection of the road army and came to the worm.

Immediately after that, a gust of claw blade condensed, frantically scratching the surrounding electric worms, and at the same time, the large-scale dragon skills such as flame breath and thunderstorms did not stop, blasting the electric worms at this location to black.

Seeing Deinonychus shot, the four Tier A dinosaurs at the rear also rushed out, tearing the worms with their hind limbs and teeth while condensing their dragon skills.

Needless to say, the combat effectiveness of Abeli ​​Dragon and Chinese Rogue Dragon is not to mention. It is worth mentioning that the two sickle dragons became particularly fierce after learning the dragon skill of Gale Claw Blade.

Because their claws are originally thick and sharp, coupled with the dragon skills that rely on claws to attack, it is just as powerful as a tiger.

As a result, each of their blast claw blades will be twice as large as the blast claw blades of other dinosaurs, and twice as powerful, like two "cutters", tearing all the electric worms that can be seen into pieces...

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