In fact, the construction methods of group portals and single portals are similar, but the group portals are relatively large, and it is estimated that 50 people can enter at a time, so it is a little troublesome to set up.

However, with the experience of building a single portal, the Lu Army finally built a group portal that was ten meters high and forty meters wide after spending more than five hours.

Looking at this very spectacular building, Lu Jun couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, because with this thing, his corps can instantly reach other places, and the distance is no longer a limit.

However, since the Lu Army has not yet been able to fuse super spars, and has not encountered super monsters in the real world, the mass portal cannot be activated yet.

Looking at the group portal that could only be seen for the time being, Lu Jun sighed slightly, stretched out, and walked in the direction of the second dragon's nest, ready to see if new dinosaurs hatched.

But at this moment, the Lu Army suddenly heard a noise from outside. If the Lu Army didn't guess wrong, it is likely that people who went to other directions to explore information returned.

Seeing this, Lu Jun immediately walked outside, with a hint of excitement in his heart, because he was looking forward to the good news from those who returned. If he could find a new magic tower, it would be better.

When the Lu Army walked outside along the strategic building, they saw two heavily armed groups. One group was a rebel army riding to the east on ostriches, and the other was a wood group with a dinosaur army to the south.

From a distance, the mental state of the two teams was very good, and no casualties were seen. It is estimated that they did not encounter much trouble on the way.

Seeing this, the Lu Army walked directly to the two teams, exchanged a brief greeting, and then asked them about the situation in the east and south.

After some conversation, the road army finally learned that no new magic tower was found within 30 kilometers of the east and south.

However, the rebels encountered a group of infected bodies with corpse controllers in the east, the number was about 20,000.

In order to prevent the migrating infected group from threatening the magic tower, the Rebels and others thought about it and chose the best tactic, and then launched an attack on the infected group, using their own weapons and aliens. Can smash against the infected body.

Although the infected body was strengthened after the second blood fog, the corpse controller also became smarter.

But in the face of the flexible and sufficient firepower, the infected body group had no good way. It was annihilated by the rebels in less than a day, and even the brain spar was dug out by the rebels...

Knowing that there were only more than 50 people in the Resistance Army, they actually killed 400 times more enemies than their own. On average, each person had to kill 400 infected bodies, which is a very terrifying number.

And with the support of a large number of mental and physical reagents, there are still various stages of infection with virus antibodies to save their lives, resulting in no casualties of the resistance army and others, only the ostriches are more tired...

The Wood and Dinosaur Corps could not find the infected group in the south, and even the other monster groups were not found, but they encountered a gathering place a little smaller than Beizhai.

Originally, Wood didn't intend to take care of this gathering place. After all, there was no grievance and no grudges. Wood had a task and didn't want to be troublesome.

But the guards in this gathering place didn't know how to live or die, they used their own abilities to attack the dinosaurs remotely, and they clamored to catch a few dinosaurs as mounts.

So in a rage, Wood directly activated his third ability, the Thunder Prison Knife, and led the dinosaurs to break through the gate of the gathering place, and began to kill the troubled guard.

Due to the characteristics of the second blood fog, all the guns in the gathering place were scrapped, and no one could stop the wood and the dinosaurs, and the wood leveled the whole gathering place in an instant.

Although some dinosaurs were injured during the siege, they had eaten a lot of spars after all, and their ranks were relatively high. Some minor injuries did not get in the way...

Looking at the more than 10,000 corpse crystals handed over by the Resistance Army and others, as well as a few supernatural light **** in the hands of Mu, the Lu Army reluctantly said to Mu: "Uh... Ordinary people are killed, right?"

Hearing Lu Jun's words, Mu Mu immediately shook his head and said, "No, how can I be so perverted. I just killed the high-level leaders and the troubled guards in the gathering place."

"Later, in order to maintain the order of the gathering place, I could only leave fifty Velociraptors to guard there. There are no more metal weapons in the gathering place, so the Velociraptors should be fine."

"As for why that kind of gathering place can survive to the present, it is estimated that the geographical location is better. It is on a high slope, and it is difficult for the infected and mutant beasts to get up."

Hearing the analysis and arrangement of the wood, the Lu Army nodded in satisfaction. Now the number of human survivors is drastically reduced. Don’t kill if you can. After all, these are all labor...

As for this newly-occupied gathering place, the Route Army has also thought about it, and that is to treat this gathering place as a new stronghold in the south.

Anyway, now that Goshawk and others have joined, there are still enough manpower on the road side, and it is not a bad thing to add an additional base.

"Well, you immediately send someone to Beizhai to find the butcher, and ask him to send a part of the newly formed outer members of the resistance army to the newly occupied gathering place. You must bring enough weapons to prevent monsters or riots." Lu Jun patted Mu Mu on the shoulder.

"Well, I'll do it right away, but the gathering place always deserves a name? Otherwise, the gathering place is always called, weird..." Mu Mu softly responded to Lu Jun, and said his thoughts.

Hearing Mu Mu means that he should give him a name for the gathering place. Lu Jun didn’t even think about it, so he opened his mouth and said, “Since it was found in the south, it’s called Nanzhai. It’s similar to Beizhai, it’s our new one. stronghold."

Hearing this unusually random name, everyone laughed bitterly, but the Lu Army spoke, and they couldn't say anything...

After talking with the Resistance Army and Wood, the Lu Army looked to the west. Now people from other directions have returned, except for Ruan Bing and the Orc Warriors.

The orc warriors all rode on the Frostwolf, and Ruan Bing also has Soul Eater. It is reasonable to say that he has sufficient mobility and should come back faster than the others.

But now it's noon on the third day, and there is no one to see. It is likely that something has happened, Lu Jun thought in his heart.

Therefore, the Lu Army did not let the rebels who had just returned to rest, but put them on standby, and also let the Goshawk and others come over. If the orc warriors did not return before 3 pm, the Lu Army would go out to find someone. Up...

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