Fortunately, this wave of ultrasonic attacks came and went quickly. It only lasted about ten seconds before disappearing, without causing irreversible damage to everyone below.

When the black-robed men had resisted the attack, they raised their heads and were about to look for Xiaowan's figure to continue attacking. Suddenly they saw a huge "bat" in mid-air and stayed beside Xiaowan. The attack just now was very serious. It may be from this "bat".

It's just that this "bat" has four wings, the color is the same as Xiaowan's wings, and it has no deterrent power from a distance, not even the pressure of Tier A.

Therefore, Baqi had a slight contempt for the four-winged "bat" and gave up directly attacking Xiaowan, and immediately used the snake hand to attack the position of the "bat", wanting to kill the annoying "bat" first.

What is strange is that the four-winged "bat" saw Baqi's attack and did not evade, but instead allowed Baqi's snake hand to wrap its feet.

But Baqi didn’t know that the four-winged “bat” was deliberate. He thought his attack had taken effect, and immediately controlled the snake’s head on the snake’s hand to gnaw the four-winged “bat” and injected a large amount of toxins into the four. Wing "bat" inside.

Feeling that the toxin is about to explode, Baqi was happy, and immediately controlled the snake hand to pull it hard, intending to pull the four-winged "bat" from the air.

However, Baqi's idea was not as expected, because under his jerk, the four-winged "bats" in mid-air remained motionless, as if they were not affected by toxins at all.

Seeing this, Baqi was very puzzled, not knowing what went wrong.

But immediately afterwards, Baqi's expression changed, because he felt the pressure of this four-winged "bat" suddenly rise rapidly, and instantly reached the level of S rank.

In the face of this degree of coercion, all the mutant beasts that the black-robed men rode immediately lay on the ground, seeming to be surrendering to the four-winged "bats" in the air, even the maned lion of Baqi.

Seeing this, Baqi is even more certain that this four-winged "bat" is a Tier S creature, because the mane lion he brought is Tier A, and it is impossible to surrender to creatures of the same or lower tier.

Thinking of this, Baqi suddenly realized that his snake hand was still wrapped around the four-winged "bat", and wanted to release the snake hand immediately.

But at this moment, the "Bat" above shook its wings suddenly and began to climb about five meters. The snake's hand clutching the four-winged "Bat" was also taken by Yachi, and even let go. No.

Seeing that he was getting further and further away from the ground, Baqi knew that if he flew like this again, he would be thrown to death.

So Baqi immediately made a decision, enduring the risk of being backlashed, forcibly interrupting his own powers, disarming the snake hand, breaking away from the pull of the four-winged "bat", and falling to the ground from a height of seven meters.

He only heard a sound of "boom", and Baqi fell firmly into a bush, smashing up a lot of dust, and the collision between his muscles and the ground made Baqi extremely painful, and he couldn't help but curl up to relieve the pain.

Fortunately, Baqi is a Tier 3 ability player, this level of damage did not hurt him, but he recovered after a few seconds of pain.

But Baqi, who stood up, didn't dare to look down on Xiaowan anymore. After all, Xiaowan could control an S-order mutant beast, which Baqi could not imagine.

"Who the **** are you?! Our Babus are on mission! If you are acquainted, go away! I will assume that this has never happened before, or our Babus are bound to chase you to the end!" Enduring the anger, patted the dust on the black robe, trying to talk to Xiaowan.

As for why we need to talk about it, it's because Xiaowan is flying in the sky, and most of their abilities can't be hit. If Xiaowan appears on the ground, Baqi will not talk nonsense with Xiaowan.

Hearing Baqi’s threatening tone, Xiaowan smiled indifferently: “I was just passing by, and I came over when I heard the fighting here. I didn’t expect it to be you guys here. What I was fighting was You eight, do you understand what I mean?"

In fact, Xiaowan is telling the truth. Since she left the magic tower during the day, she has taken the bloodthirsty king bat and a group of sandworms to the north, destroying enemies along the way, and collecting useful information.

Because the bloodthirsty king bat and the digging sandworm move very fast, Xiaowan searched for a distance of 30 kilometers in less than half a day.

This situation made Xiaowan fall into a difficult decision, to go back, it was too early, why not go back, and nothing to do.

So after struggling for a while, Xiao Wan finally decided not to go back first, but to leave the control of the magic tower and continue to march north to collect more information.

Although it was dangerous to do so, and the order of the Army was not like this, Xiaowan didn't mean to defy the order of the Army. She just wanted to do more for the resistance.

In this way, Xiao Wan advanced about 30 kilometers in the night, just to the place where the goshawk and the black bird were fighting, and witnessed the battle between the two sides in the air.

However, because it was at night, Xiao Wan couldn't see the identity of the people below, and couldn't hear the conversation below. She purely thought it was people from two forces fighting.

Originally Xiaowan didn't want to be nosy and was about to leave, but she suddenly noticed that the auras of several mutant beasts were approaching, and these mutant beasts were the mounts that Baqi and other black-robed men tamed.

When Xiaowan learned that Baqi was a member of Babuzhong through the brain of the mutant beast, she no longer chose to leave, and began to hide with the bloodthirsty king bat, staying in the air and watching quietly.

In the end, there was a fight in Baqi with the people below. When Xiaowan became slack, Xiaowan appeared with the bloodthirsty king bat, attacked Baqi and just saved the goshawk and the others.

It turned out that Xiaowan's idea was to kill a few black-robed men and leave, but when she saw the goshawk here, her plan changed.

After all, the goshawk is also a friend of Lu Jun, how can it be said that he used to help the resistance army when he gathered in Tianhai, so Xiaowan would naturally not watch the goshawk die here...

When Baqi heard that Xiaowan was deliberately making trouble for them, he immediately sneered: "I really don't know how to live or die! I think we really can't help you?!"

After speaking, Baqi made a secret gesture to let the man in the black robe who had already prepared behind him do it.

Seeing Baqi's order, a small black-robed man immediately activated his condensed second-order ability, the flame cage.

When this ability was used, the position of the bloodthirsty king bat and Xiaowan suddenly ignited in mid-air, and then a ten-meter-wide flame cage appeared out of thin air, tightly closing Xiaowan and the bloodthirsty king bat. Tightly locked inside...

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