Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 616: man of Steel

After speaking, the goshawk's size began to skyrocket, and in a blink of an eye he became a "steel giant" more than two meters high. Except for the eyes, all parts of the body were densely covered with unknown metal, and he immediately punched him. Swiping on the fallen soldier next to him.

The fallen warrior who was punched by the goshawk hadn't reacted, so he flew straight for more than two meters and was broken his neck on the spot and died.

In fact, turning the body into this shape is the ability of the Goshawk. The name is called the body of steel. He realized it two days ago, but he has never told anyone or used it.

Because he learned from the Route Army that he must not let others know your abilities until the moment of crisis, so that others cannot target you.

Seeing the goshawk's sudden increase in size, the morale of the goshawk's subordinates has greatly increased, and they have also activated their own abilities, leaning against the goshawk, and attacking the fallen warriors.

There are a total of forty-three of them, fourteen of whom have realized the supernatural powers, and the physical fitness of the other twenty-nine people has also been greatly improved, only one step away from becoming the supernatural beings.

Therefore, even if their number is relatively small, they can temporarily resist the attack of the fallen fighters, and will not lose instantly.

Seeing that the only remaining subordinates of the Goshawk were able to fight them back and forth, the Black Bird was shocked in his heart and couldn't help but stepped back two steps before summoning three black crows to attack the Goshawk again. .

Because he knew that the goshawk was the backbone of these people, as long as the goshawk was laid on the ground, these people would not be able to overcome any storms.

The black-robed man with the electric shock ability also condensed several electric balls, and also attacked the goshawk's position, planning to cooperate with the black bird to kill the goshawk first.

But what is strange is that Goshawk looked at the black crow and the electric ball flying in front of him, and did not mean to avoid it, but let the black crow and the electric ball hit his chest.

Just when the black bird thought that the goshawk would fall to the ground, something even more surprising happened to him. Instead of falling, the goshawk continued to attack the fallen warriors vigorously.

This is because the steel body of the goshawk is immune to corrosion and electricity abilities, so these two attacks have no effect on him at all.

Seeing that the goshawk can actually fight so well, the black bird immediately said to the fallen fighters around him: "Quick! Set fire to kill him!"

Hearing the order of the black bird, the somewhat dumbfounded fallen warriors also gradually reacted and began to throw their own abilities towards the goshawk's position.

But the next moment the goshawk made a move that surprised the black bird even more, and saw that the goshawk directly used the super defensive power of the steel body to resist all the abilities that flew towards him.

Immediately afterwards, the goshawk stepped away from his cold-lighted legs and rushed straight towards the black bird's position.

Although the body has become steel, Goshawk's brain is very flexible. He also knows the principle of catching the thieves first, and as long as they can kill the black birds, they might be able to end the battle early.

Seeing the intimidating goshawk, the black bird stepped back two steps again, fully activated, and condensed more than 20 black crows and attacked the goshawk.

Immediately afterwards, the black bird didn't look at the black crows, and ran back, because he knew that the black crows could not hurt the goshawk, and it was just an instinctive reaction that he threw these black crows.

And the black bird's choice is undoubtedly correct. The black crow can't hurt the goshawk. If it weren't for him to run fast, he might be lying on the ground at this time...

In this way, in the following time, Blackbird and Goshawk were caught in a chase battle.

It's just that the Blackbird has no resistance in this chase, and can only run forward without looking back.

Goshawk couldn't catch up with the black bird behind, and didn't worry in his heart, and began to clean up the annoying fallen warriors around.

As long as a fallen warrior dared to stand in front of him and accept a punch from him, he would instantly fall to the ground and die. This is the power of the Goshawk Iron Fist.

As the goshawk drove the black bird around, the goshawk's henchmen also launched a counterattack in the encirclement, and suddenly achieved a considerable advantage.

But unfortunately, this advantage did not last long. After all, the Goshawk's ability was time-limited. Once the time limit passed, the Goshawk's steel body disappeared and he became an ordinary person.

And because this was the first time the Goshawk used the ability, he was not used to it, so when the ability disappeared, he was backlashed, dizzy, and unable to stand firmly.

Seeing the goshawk, the black bird who had been chased for a few minutes knew that his opportunity had come. The five black crows on the backhand blocked the goshawk's position and planned to take the opportunity to kill the goshawk.

Fortunately, the goshawk’s confidants have been paying attention to the goshawk. The moment they saw the goshawk appear abnormal, they responded, using their own powers to protect the goshawk and drag the goshawk back to them. Around.

But as soon as the Goshawk fell, all the advantages in front of them vanished, and in a blink of an eye they were surrounded by fallen warriors, and they could only persevere.

"Don't kill the white-haired man, I want him to watch all his men die in front of him!" Black Bird pointed at Goshawk viciously.

The fact that he was being chased around just now made him too angry, so he decided to torture the goshawk first, after all, killing people and killing people is more interesting than simply killing people.

Hearing the words of the black bird, the people in the black robes all around smiled cruelly, using their abilities to attack the goshawk's confidant, and burst into laughter from time to time.

Seeing his confidantes fall in front of him one by one, Goshawk's heart is extremely painful, and he wants to use the body of steel again to restore combat effectiveness.

But the body of steel is really exhausting. With his current state, it is impossible to use it a second time, so the goshawk can only slam the ground with his fist, venting his inner pain.

But just when the black birds thought they had taken control of the situation, when the winning ticket was in hand, the mutation happened, and a strong wave suddenly spread in the air, and then several fallen fighters who were using their abilities separated. , Collapsed to the ground.

The broken head of the fallen warrior who died was very flat, and it looked like he was instantly beheaded by the sharpest guillotine, very crippled.

But all this happened so quickly that Blackbird and the others didn't even see how these fallen fighters died.

"Who! Who is it! Come out!" The black-robed man who can use the electric shock ability shouted to the surroundings, his head kept looking around.

He knew that this kind of attack would not come from the Goshawk and others, otherwise the Goshawk and others would not use it now, so there must be other people around.

However, before the black-robed man could find the attacker, there was a burst of sound in the air. Then the black-robed man's head flew high, ejecting a large amount of blood, and even with broken black. The robe fell on the ground...

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