Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 614: Compressed cookies

So in order to find food supplies, Goshawk and others had to risk encountering the black-robed men and walked back to the place they had visited before, trying to find the food abandoned by them on the road. This is also the case of Goshawk and others who appeared in the distance from the West Wind Fortress. The reason at sixty kilometers.

"Boss Goshawk, I remember our food burial spot is nearby! We will have something to eat soon!" Goshawk's henchman reminded Goshawk in a low voice while walking.

Hearing the words of his confidant, the Goshawk, who was still thinking about other issues, immediately recovered. He couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and responded: "Okay! Find it quickly, and pay more attention to your surroundings. When we have food, we will find a safe one. Place to rest!"

If people who know the goshawk before are here, they will find that the once "heroic" goshawk has lost more than ten catties in recent days, and the hair and beard are messy, and the body has not been cleaned for many days. , I can smell a sour odor from far away...

However, the goshawk's subordinates did not feel that the goshawk was different, because their sloppy appearance was similar to that of the goshawk.

So after hearing what the Goshawk said, they all nodded silently, speeding up the search.

Although they hadn't slept for two days, hadn't eaten for one day, they had exercised a lot during the period, and they were always worried about being afraid, which caused a burning sensation in the entire stomach.

But now this uncomfortable feeling can finally be relieved. When they find food, they must have a full meal, the goshawk's henchmen thought to themselves.

However, because it is night and the surrounding vision is very poor, and the goshawk and others are not illuminated, they know that the food is nearby, but they can't find it.

As time passed, Goshawk and others fumbled around this place for about an hour.

Just when the Goshawk thought they had found the wrong position, one of his confidants finally shouted in excitement: "Found it! I found it! Come here! Right here!"

Hearing this sound, Goshawk trot all the way to the sound source.

When he came to his confidant, the Goshawk immediately took out two flints from his arms and slammed them hard, causing the flints to create a small flame, which ignited the dry grass nearby.

With the help of the increasing flame, the goshawk really saw the large wooden box they had hidden in the grass.

Seeing this, the Goshawk retracted the flint with some trembling hands, half-kneeled on the ground, and pulled the weeds away with the scratched palm, then gently opened the wooden box, and then took out the compressed biscuits in the bag. To his confidants.

In fact, the Goshawk also put a lot of canned beef in the wooden box. Unfortunately, the canned food is made of metal, which has been corroded by the blood mist, and the food inside has also deteriorated and can no longer be eaten.

But now it is enough to have compressed biscuits to eat Goshawk and others, and the group of them quickly gobbled up, replenishing the energy that the body badly needs.

However, it may have been eating too quickly. After biting two bites of the biscuits, the Goshawk coughed violently, probably choking on the compressed biscuits without any moisture.

Seeing this, a confidant next to Goshawk immediately put down the compressed biscuits in his hand, and said to the people around: "Quickly, whoever of you has water, quickly give it to the boss."

Hearing his confidant's words and looking at the goshawk, the person next to him immediately took out his shriveled plastic bottle from his arms, but unfortunately there was no water in it.

As everyone looked at the bottle in their hands awkwardly, a confidant standing behind Goshawk suddenly handed over a dirty bottle and said: "Boss, here, I still have some water."

Hearing his confidant's words, the Goshawk, who was choking to death by the compressed biscuits, immediately took the water bottle and took two sips to make his throat feel better.

But after drinking the water, the Goshawk discovered that the lower lips of the man who handed him the water bottle were chapped, and it was estimated that he hadn't drank water for a long time.

Only then did the Goshawk remember that all of them had the same amount of water a day ago. Since this subordinate still has surplus, it proves that he saved it.

Thinking of this, Goshawk's eyes could not help but red, because he couldn't believe that at this time, his confidant would take the initiative to give him precious water resources to drink, which is basically impossible in the scheming end times. occurring.

Looking at the forty-three confidantes around, Goshawk was moved and sad, but it was more self-blame.

It is moved because even if he is now down, his confidant still follows him, protects him, respects him, treats him as the boss, and does not complain.

The sadness is that his confidant treats him so well, but he has nothing to give back to his confidant, and even wants his confidant to endure the pain with him.

He blames himself because he still had so many people, so many cars, so much food a few days ago, but he didn't make good use of it, wasted those resources, and fell into the current field.

Under the interweaving of multiple emotions, the forty-year-old Goshawk finally couldn't stretch herself, and actually half-kneeled on the ground and started crying.

"I...I'm sorry to you...I blamed me for going my own way...Let you follow me into the wilderness...I'm sorry to the dead brothers...They shouldn't have died...I'm stupid..." Eagle said as he cried, regret in his voice.

Seeing their eldest goshawk actually crying, the goshawk's henchmen were shocked, and they immediately gathered around the goshawk.

"Boss, why are you crying..."

"Boss, get up quickly..."

"Boss, you are not to blame,..."

"Boss, we are fine now, you see we still have bread to eat..."

"Boss, if it weren't for you, we would have died in the last days. How can we live to the present? Don't blame yourself..."

"Boss, you must cheer up, we are still waiting for you to take us to establish a gathering place and return to the previous style..."


As more things were said, the confidants began to choke, and finally a group of their elders actually shed tears.

It's just that they are not crying because of cowardice at this time, but the pressure they have been under in recent days is too great, and they have witnessed too many deaths, too many to bear, they can only hold them in their hearts.

You know, they have survived in the wild for four consecutive days, and even more than forty people died directly from the deaths of more than 2,000 people.

After dozens of brutal battles, their will has been tempered like steel, and everyone's combat effectiveness has also undergone a qualitative change. After all, the weak cannot live for so long.

But when the Goshawk’s emotions collapsed, their emotions also collapsed. This is normal. After all, human emotions are contagious...

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