Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 596: Low-level Healing Tower

As for the role of the Beitian pterosaur, there is no need to say more, it is all responsible for investigating the enemy's situation and helping the road army predict danger.

Although there are not as many dinosaurs as creeping monsters, they use dragon skills to cooperate with each other, and it is estimated that they can deal with five times more enemies than themselves. This battle is also a good opportunity for the road army to experience them.

In addition to the dinosaurs of the Lu Army, there are also the bloodthirsty king bat carried by Xiaowan and more than three hundred sandworms of various levels. These are also important forces participating in the war.

At present, the underground digging sandworms have not accidentally injured the passers-by, which also made the passers-by a little relieved.

In this way, as time passed, the Lu Army and others quickly advanced about three kilometers.

Since the blood fog has dissipated and it is daytime, the vision on the road is very good, causing the road army and others to encounter no dangerous situations.

After walking through a hillside, Lu Jun and others could see the magic tower erected far away, still in its original position.

It's just that the magic tower at this time is very strange, it is constantly shining green light, and the inscription on the magic tower continues to shine.

In addition to the magic tower, there are tens of thousands of creeping monsters moving under the magic tower, seeming to want to turn the area around the magic tower into their nest.

The most important thing is that the number of these creeping monsters is more than twice as many as the last time the Lu Army saw them. There are about 40,000. It is estimated that all creeping monsters in a radius of a hundred li have come here.

And after many days of nourishment by blood fog, there are no D-level crawling monsters around the magic tower. Looking at it, they are at least C-level, and B-level has the largest number.

When the Lu Jun was looking at the creeping monster in the distance, Xiao Wan, who was flying above the bloodthirsty king bat, suddenly descended sharply, and came to the Lu Jun and said: "Brother Lu Jun, I saw a lot of creeping monsters from above. Inside the tower, something seems to be attacking!"

Hearing Xiaowan's words, the Lu Army immediately took out a telescope from the armed module and scanned the inside of the magic tower through the gap of the magic tower.

With the help of the telescope, the Lu Army saw many creeping monsters fighting in the magic tower, and most of these creeping monsters were Tier A creeping monsters!

Seeing this, the strange Lu Jun opened the Eye of Data and scanned the magic tower until a row of data appeared in front of him.

[Name of the magic tower: low-level healing magic tower. Function: As long as you successfully occupy this magic tower, you will be blessed by the magic tower. If you or your partner are injured, you can quickly recover the wounds with the help of the magic tower. Range of action: within 30 kilometers. If you occupy multiple magic towers, the occupied magic towers will form a connection, and the effect of this magic tower will also be enjoyed within the range of other magic towers. 】

At the moment after reading this line of data, the arms of the Lu Jun holding the telescope trembled a little, because the magic tower's effect was too great.

Literally it can be seen that the effect of this magic tower is healing. As long as the road army can occupy the magic tower, then he and the people of the resistance army, as well as the orc warriors, including the dinosaurs in the dragon nest, will enjoy this treatment. Effect.

This is not the most important thing, the main thing is that the magic tower has a range of 30 kilometers!

This means that in the future, the road army will no longer be afraid of being injured, and can fight at will. If it is injured, it only needs to return to the range of the healing magic tower. This is simply a dream for the road army.

Although I don't know how to occupy the magic tower for the time being, the road army is bound to win this healing magic tower, and he must get this magic tower!

Just as Lu Jun was thinking about this secretly, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Ding! Real-time task trigger! The magic tower is already present and is being contested by various races. The more magic towers you occupy, the stronger your army will be. Please quickly occupy all the magic towers you can see! When the magic tower reaches one, three, five, seven, and nine towers, you will receive different rewards! If the goal cannot be completed within three months, 200,000 dragon titles will be deducted!"

"Ding! Real-time task trigger! Discover the Healing Tower! Please complete the occupation quickly! After occupying the Healing Tower, you will get a lot of rewards! If you can't complete the goal, you will deduct 50,000 Dragon Rank points!"

"Ding! Real-time task trigger! The monster-creeping monster branch is trying to occupy the healing magic tower, please stop them! Successfully stopping you will get a lot of rewards! If you can't complete the goal, you will deduct 100,000 dragon rank points!"

"Ding! Real-time task trigger! When encountering a creeping monster army, please kill 10,000 creeping monsters within eight hours. The more creeping monsters you kill, the more generous the reward will be. If you fail to complete the target, you will deduct 50,000 dragon points. Title value!"

Hearing the prompt sounds of four real-time missions in succession, the Lu Army couldn't help but stunned for a moment, because this was the first time that this situation occurred, and two real-time missions in a row would be considered the best.

However, this also illustrates the importance of the magic tower, which makes the system feel anxious before it crazily triggers real-time tasks.

Although there will be heavy penalties for failing to complete these real-time tasks, the Lu Jun is not worried because he is bound to win the magic tower, and he is confident to complete these real-time tasks.

Thinking of this, the Lu Army immediately shared the information about the low-level Healing Tower with everyone around, and then said loudly: "No, those creeping monsters are occupying the Healing Tower. We absolutely can't let them succeed!"

Hearing what the Lu Army said and looking at the magic tower information shared by the Lu Army, everyone realized the seriousness of the problem, and their faces became serious.

Now they understood why the creeping monsters gathered here, and why there were so many bones of creatures in the surrounding clearing.

It is estimated that in the previous few days, creatures of other races tried to occupy this place, but there were too many creeping monsters, and they directly repelled the attacks of other races, holding on to the opening of the magic tower...

Seeing that everyone had entered a fighting state, the Lu Army immediately continued: "Command! The wolf cavalry will be responsible for the frontal charge, the troll hunter will be responsible for the long-range suppression, and the resistance army will follow me to the bottom of the magic tower! I will let it The Dinosaur Corps cooperated with our attack."

After finishing talking, the Lu Army began to mobilize the dinosaurs in the Dragon Nest, so that the Triceratops were in the forefront. Velociraptors were in charge of the middle and flanks. Ankylosaurus was behind the palace. Utahraptors and Pachycephalosaurus acted freely, while Beitian pterosaurs were in charge. Provide information above.

This was the first time that the Road Army commanded a large-scale corps operation, and his orders were given hastily without much scrutiny.

But at this time the Lu Army didn't have much time to think about it, because he didn't know how long the creeping monsters had entered the magic tower, or when the creeping monsters would complete their occupation of the magic tower.

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