Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 581: Break the city alone

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, the Lu Jun directly lowered his head and glanced at the middle-aged man and said: "No food, right? Then I can only kill you directly, it's really a shame."

After speaking, the Lu Army shook his head with a very "unfortunate" expression, turned and walked towards the butcher's position, no longer looking at the middle-aged man, letting the middle-aged man be dragged down by the resistance.

As for why he just wanted to eat a portion of food for the middle-aged man and then kill it, it was because the middle-aged man answered his question honestly, so he wanted to pay the equivalent reward, which was a deal.

Someone might ask at this time, since the Lu Army wants to pay the other party, why not just let the middle-aged man go?

Give the other person food first and then kill the other person. Isn't this a matter of taking off your pants and farting? Why waste food?

This is because the middle-aged man is a member of Beizhai. Beizhai is the enemy of the resistance army and the enemy of the road army. The road army will not let go of any enemy. This is the principle.

So Lu Jun wanted to complete the transaction first, and then obey the principles. The two did not conflict. Anyway, the last thing he lacked was food.

But the middle-aged man just said that he didn’t want food, then the Lu Army had no choice but to hack the middle-aged man to death...

After coming to the butcher, Mu Mu and others, Lu Jun pointed to the Beizhai stronghold in the distance and said: "The situation is clear now. The previous is the Beizhai stronghold we were looking for before, in a state of demon. Ruan Bing might also want to attack here."

Hearing what Lu Jun said, the butcher immediately wondered: "But how did Ruan Bing find this place? This place is so deep that no one will lead the way to find it. Could it be that Ruan Bing has been here before?"

After listening to the butcher. Everyone around was lost in thought. Indeed, Beizhai is hidden in the woods and mountains, and it is impossible to find it from the outside. Normal people may not be able to find it. I did not expect to be found by Ruan Bing in a state of demon. Confusing...

"It's the soul body! Sister Ruan Bing should have been found through the soul body of the Beizhai member! She can read the memory fragments of the soul body!" Xiao Wan suddenly shouted from the side.

Hearing Xiaowan's words, everyone showed a stunned expression, looking at the witty Xiaowan with admiration. Indeed, many people from Beizhai died there. Ruan Bing can know the location of Beizhai by simply absorbing a few souls. Up.

"Okay, everything is clear, so shall we take the opportunity to attack Beizhai now? Or should we remember this position first and bring more people back later?" Wood turned and looked at Lu Jundao, which was also the resistance army. Questions that the members want to know.

"The offense must be offensive. Since we found Beizhai by accident, there is no reason to leave, but we can't get too close to Ruan Bing now, because in her state, it is easy to accidentally hurt us. Let's see what she will do next. Let's do it." Lu Jun answered Mu's question seriously.

Hearing what Lu Jun said, everyone nodded silently, convinced of Lu Jun's statement, after all, they had just been "ravaged" by Ruan Bing's soul storm.

"But there are a lot of people in Beizhai, and a lot of guns. My sister, in her state, it won't be dangerous to attack alone..." Ruan Xue on the side suddenly raised her concerns. She has been worried since Ruan Bing's accident. Ruan Bing's situation.

Hearing Ruan Xue’s words, the Lu Army scratched his head and said helplessly: “To be honest, Ruan Bing’s current strength is higher than all of us. If even she can’t do anything about Beizhai, then we don’t have to attack. And she must have the means to protect herself, don't worry."

Seeing Lu Jun said this, Ruan Xue sighed in her heart because she knew the relationship between Lu Jun and Ruan Bing and knew that Lu Jun cared about Ruan Bing.

Since Lu Jun is so confident in Ruan Bing, then she has nothing to worry about, otherwise she would appear too artificial...

After answering everyone's questions, the rebels and orc fighters checked their weapons and ammunition, ready to attack at any time.

Lu Jun and a group of key members went to a high place and watched Ruan Bing's situation at a distance of hundreds of meters, intending to support them at any time to prevent any accidents to Ruan Bing.

But the Lu Army only reached the heights in less than twenty seconds, they heard a burst of gunfire from the gate of Beizhai. It seemed that the city guards had no results in warning Ruan Bing, and they didn’t understand Ruan Bing’s identity. So I decided to shoot.

Facing the hundreds of bullets fired, Ruan Bing did not dodge, but brightened his blood-red eyes, waved his soul-devouring sickle, and instantly propped up a gray shield to block him around. All the bullets.

Just as the guards of Beizhai were looking at Ruan Bing with an incredulous expression on his face, Ruan Bing suddenly closed his eyes and began to use the gray shield against the bullet to condense the soul storm.

After the brain development value reached 50%, Ruan Bing’s soul storm condensed speed reached a terrifying level. It took only three seconds to condense. Then she suddenly released it, covering the surrounding three. Distance of one hundred meters.

Needless to say the next thing, the members of Beizhai who were within the scope of the soul storm held their heads and wailed, as if their souls were about to be torn apart.

The guards standing at the gate of the city bleeds directly from the seven orifices, and instantly fell to the ground and died, without even knowing how he died.

When the duration of the soul storm ended, the members of the Beizhai who had fallen to the ground and howled also died. No one was standing within three hundred meters of the surrounding area. It almost became a "vacuum" zone. The gates and walls of the Beizhai were also It became an empty shell unguarded.

The Lu Army in the distance also saw this scene, secretly marveling that Ruan Bing's soul storm is almost insoluble to humans.

But then what Lu Jun thought was that the wall of Beizhai was so high and the gates were tightly locked, it was impossible to climb up directly, so how to get inside Beizhai was still a problem.

However, Ruan Bing quickly used actions to tell the Lu Army how to enter Beizhai.

I saw that Ruan Bing, who was originally relatively calm, suddenly slammed the Soul Devouring sickle in his hand, and directly used his Ten Thousand Soul Slash at the city gate, flying out a blade of several meters long.

When the knife light flashed, the extremely hard steel door was completely vulnerable to a blow in front of Wanhunzhan.

Only heard the sound of "Boom!", the city gate of Beizhai was ruthlessly torn apart by Wanhunzhan, various fragments flew far away, and the gully created by Wanhunzhan could be seen on the ground...

Seeing that the city gate broke open, Ruan Bing with the blood-colored pupils expressionless, patted the Soul Eater on the back, and let the Soul Eater lead her directly into the gate of the North Walled City, and disappeared in Lu Jun and others. In view...

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