Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 575: Ruan Bing's abnormality

Hearing Lin Yilan's question, Wu Qi's eyes dimmed and said: "I don't have any family members anymore. They never come back in order to go out to find food. I have lived on subsidies from the gathering place. "

Seeing Wu Qi saying this, everyone around him sighed slightly. They could realize how difficult it is for such a small child to live alone in the last days. Wu Qi can live to this day. Apart from having better luck, he is probably better than others. Be stronger.

"Then you come with us in the future. We have a safe place to live and food. You only need to work for us." Lin Yilan looked at Wu Qi and said.

After finishing talking, Lin Yilan raised her head and blinked at Lu Jun. In fact, she was helping Lu Jun win some more talented people in disguise.

"I...but... can I follow you?" The little boy looked at Lu Jundao in disbelief. He also knew that Lu Jun was the person here.

Looking at Wu Qi's hot eyes and Lin Yi's big eyes, Lu Jun nodded helplessly and said: "It's okay, but if you join us, you must be mentally prepared. Don't say that I am nue to child labor."

Although Lu Jun didn’t like to take in ordinary survivors very much, Wu Qi is a supernatural person after all, and there is only one person. Just take it in, otherwise it would be cruel to let him run around in the last days. ...

Seeing Lu Jun agreed to join him, Wu Qi couldn't help showing a smile. He knew that this meant that he would have a place to go in the future, and he didn't need to be alone in the last days.

However, the Lu Army didn't care what Wu Qi was thinking. After talking with Wu Qi, he came to the butcher and planned to hold a brief meeting with the high-level backbone of their resistance.

"We may be in trouble. The people of Babuzhong seem to have the ability to create supernatural powers and are more efficient. This is not good news for us." Lu Jun looked at everyone with a solemn expression.

Hearing the words of the Lu Army, the butcher also sighed deeply: "Oh, we still know too little about the Ba Buzhong. It seems that the last days not only did not restrict their development, but also made them more like a fish in water."

Seeing the butcher said this, Lu Jun nodded slightly, rubbed his swollen temples and slowly said, "Well, indeed, but the other party still doesn't know about our existence. Even if they know about it in the future, they probably don't think so. On us, so we still have some development time."

Seeing that Lu Jun said this, the surrounding rebel leaders all showed thoughtful expressions, and they fell silent for a while.

It was not until five seconds later that Mu Mu let go of his clenched lips and said: "I have an idea, if we go after the black-robed men now, will there be a chance to kill them?"

"After all, the Tianhai gathering place has just been broken. They are eager to leave. There are not so many vehicles. If we bypass the Tianhai gathering place and follow the traces left by them, we may be able to catch up with them."

Hearing Wood’s proposal, the Lu Army couldn’t help thinking about it. Indeed, if they could kill these black-robed men today, they would not only avenge the Nguyen sisters, but also kill future enemies in the cradle. It would undoubtedly be the best of both worlds. way of doing.

"How many of their fallen fighters were there? What vehicle did they drive when they left?" Lu Jun suddenly raised his head and looked at Wu Qidao beside Lin Yilan. He would ask this question, which meant he moved to pursue the black-robed man. Thoughts.

Hearing the Lu Army’s question, Wu Qi thought carefully and said: "It is estimated that there are more than a hundred fallen warriors beside the black robe men. They did not drive any vehicles when they left the Tianhai gathering place, but did they have any in the wild? I don’t know the vehicle anymore."

Seeing Wu Qi said this, the Lu Army scratched his head, and it was difficult to make a decision. After all, they knew too little about the enemy.

It would be quite uncomfortable if he ventured to chase the past and was ambushed or returned without success.

"Ruan Bing, what are your thoughts?" Lu Jun said without looking up, he wanted to learn about other people's suggestions.

But Lu Jun's question did not usher in any answer, it seemed that Ruan Bing was not by his side, or Ruan Bing didn't hear it at all.

Seeing this, the strange Lu Army swept the surrounding area, and was taken aback when he saw Ruan Bing about 20 meters away from him.

Because Ruan Bing was very strange at this time, not only holding the soul lamp in his hand, but also motionless, as if he was controlled by something.

Feeling that something was not right, Lu Jun immediately stopped thinking about all the problems, waved to everyone around, and then walked slowly towards Ruan Bing's position.

The people around you immediately reacted to your gestures when they saw the road station, and looked at Ruan Bing with a puzzled face. No wonder Ruan Bing hadn't spoken just now, but he had stood there.

When the Lu Army slowly approached Ruan Bing about ten meters away, Ruan Bing, who had been moving, suddenly turned his head and widened his eyes and shouted at the Lu Army: "Don't come here! I am entangled by'them'! All around are those' thing'!"

Hearing Ruan Bing's roar, the Lu Army stopped advancing abruptly, because he didn't know why Ruan Bing had this expression, nor did he know what Ruan Bing meant by "those things".

However, the Lu Army with the magic eye quickly discovered Ni Duan at close range, and saw that with the help of the magic eye, he could vaguely see human souls constantly attacking Ruan Bing's position in the sky.

Then one after another soul body got into Ruan Bing's soul lamp. It seemed that the "those" that Ruan Bing said were these soul bodies.

Lu Jun also found that whenever hundreds of soul bodies got into Ruan Bing's Soul Lamp, Ruan Bing's brain development value increased by one point.

Originally, Ruan Bing, who had only 27% of his brain development, was also constantly approaching Tier 3 ability players, because Ruan Bing's strength could grow as he absorbed the soul body.

Although strength growth is a good thing, it can be seen from Ruan Bing's back that Ruan Bing is very painful at this time and does not seem to want to accept these souls.

"No! It's the soul lamp forcibly absorbing these soul bodies! Ruan Bing has no way to control his body!" Lu Jun suddenly muttered to himself.

Wood and Xiaowan, who were not far from the Lu Jun behind them, heard Lu Jun's words and understood the seriousness of the problem.

Because Tianhai City has just died hundreds of thousands of people, those soul bodies have not completely dissipated, if they are all absorbed by the soul lamp, it will definitely burst the soul lamp, or it will burst Ruan Bing!

"Quick! Let's drag her out! Can't let her touch the Soul Lamp anymore!" Lu Jun looked back at Mu Mu.

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