Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 565: destruction

After all explosives were exploded, the explosion was finally stopped, but at this time the city gate had become a **** on earth.

Because all the places that can be seen are broken limbs and arms, there are even dozens of heads with wide-eyed eyes exposed in the air.

The ground is full of blood, various internal organs, sand and dust mixed into a scarlet "mud".

Originally, the thousands of survivors gathered at the city gate were less than one thousand after the explosion, and about four thousand people died.

Of these four thousand people, most of them were killed directly by explosives, and a small part were killed by the shock wave generated by the explosion. As for those who were trampled to death because of the chaos, let alone.

After experiencing this kind of incident, the thousand survivors who escaped by chance stared blankly at the scene ahead, their hands and feet trembling.

They were fortunate that they were not in front and were not affected by the explosion, and at the same time they fell into deep despair in their hearts, not knowing where they should go next.

Because their only escape route, and the only escape route in the gathering place, has been blown up, and the huge stones on the city wall blocked the original city gate.

And because the fire caused by the explosion is burning the surrounding corpses and everything that can be burned, the fire is getting bigger and bigger, even if the remaining survivors want to climb the boulder and leave the gathering place, they have to put out the fire first...

At the same time, the Jun soldiers who were still blocking the infected body at the west gate did not know that the other gate had been destroyed, and they were still fighting desperately.

But due to the lack of reinforcements, their tens of thousands of jun square soldiers had already exhausted the last trace of their strength, and nearly 20,000 people died, not to mention, now they are all out of ammunition.

What's more, when Zhang Dejun died, they had no leader among the high-ranking dragons in the Jun side. Some people were fighting and some people were fleeing. As a result, the soldiers below didn't know who to listen to, so they had to fight randomly.

In this chaotic situation, as the number of deaths continues to increase, and there is no support from personnel and supplies, the mood of the soldiers who stick to the front line is getting worse and worse, and finally they are forced to abandon all defense lines and retreat.

Such a withdrawal naturally means that the Tianhai gathering place does not even have the last defensive strength. The infected bodies are constantly pouring in from the city gates and the soldiers' defense lines, biting people when they see them, and eating corpses when they see them.

The remaining Jun fighters originally planned to escape from the other gate to the Tianhai gathering place before making other plans.

But when they came to the street, they realized that the street was full of crowds, making it impossible for them to get out of such a dense street.

In the front is the road full of survivors, and in the back are the infected groups that are about to catch up. The soldiers of the Jun side are deeply desperate.

When they realized that it was impossible for them to escape from here, they threw down the guns that shot completely empty bullets, pulled out the sabers they carried, and rushed directly to the infected group behind, doing the final struggle, but also to defend. To their last glory as a soldier.

The results of melee combat with tens of thousands of infected bodies with sabers are obvious. The soldiers of the Jun side could not resist them very quickly, and fell under the siege of the infected bodies until they all died.

Some of them were eaten directly by the hungry infected body, leaving only a skeleton, while others became infected and stood up again and began to attack humans.

The death of this batch of fighters also means that the Jun side of Sky Sea City has been completely wiped out, but the fighters are not defeated by the infected body, but by the "human nature".

After all, if they were to defend normally, Sky Sea City would definitely be able to defend it, at least it wouldn't be destroyed so quickly.

But when all the high-level forces in Tianhai City abandoned their unity and began to fight for their own interests, the destruction of the Tianhai gathering place was already a foregone conclusion...

After the soldiers of the Jun side died, the infected group naturally turned their eyes to the survivors ahead.

When the infected body with teeth and dancing claws attacked them, the survivors had nowhere to escape, they could only fall one by one under the claws of the infected body...

Needless to say the next situation, a city gate was broken in the Tianhai gathering place, and a city gate was blocked by huge rocks and flames from the explosion.

The hundreds of thousands of survivors inside were as if they were locked in a box, and they could only scurry around under the attack of the infected body, shouting, just like the scene of their escape on the first day of the last days.

If these tens of thousands of infected bodies want to eat these hundreds of thousands of survivors, it will take a long time.

But they are infected and possess infected viruses. As long as they bite a survivor, that survivor will become infected and become a member of them, and then spread to ten, ten to one hundred, and so on.

In this case, hundreds of thousands of people are infected in just tens of minutes or even an hour. This is the terrible degree of infection.

This also means that the people in the Tianhai gathering place are all gone, and the original prosperous scene no longer exists. At this time, all that is left is a dead city.

Although many people hid in reliable buildings before the infected body arrived, there were even bursts of gunfire in some places.

But this doesn't make much sense, because they can only live a few more days and will soon be found out by other infected bodies.

Or because they were forced to come out after eating the food, they would have to face more than 600,000 infected bodies in the city...

At the same time when the Tianhai gathering place was destroyed, a member of the force was watching from a distance, and that was in order to avenge the Tianhai gathering place for bringing the infected group to Beizhai.

At this moment, they were standing at a high point nearby, less than two kilometers away from the Tianhai gathering place, and they could clearly see the infected bodies pouring into the gathering place and the thick smoke coming out of the gathering place.

But when they looked at the collapsed Tianhai gathering place, they couldn't say a word, and they didn't even have the pleasure of revenge.

Because they only wanted these infected bodies to weaken the strength of the Tianhai gathering place, so that they could launch an attack and obtain the resources inside.

But they didn't expect that the current Tianhai gathering place was strong from outside, failed to defend the attack of the infected body, and was directly broken by the infected body, which shocked them.

As the survivors in Tianhai City continued to die, the people in Beizhai became more aware of the horror of the infected body, or the horror of the end times.

Seeing a large gathering place of 600,000 people indirectly destroyed in their hands, the ordinary members who participated in all of them felt a sense of guilt in their hearts and were also very confused.

Because they don’t know what it means to do all this by themselves, after all, they haven’t got anything until now, and they have wasted a lot of time...

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