Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 554: Plan of wood

But the venting of the violent tree demon did not cause any serious consequences, because the dinosaurs and the rebels were far away from it and were not in its attack range.

The violent tree demon also knew this, so it vented for a while and then pulled its legs and left behind. Now there is no "miscellaneous people waiting" to stop it.

The resistance army and the orc warriors saw that the violent tree demon wanted to escape, and they were also very anxious, but they were flesh and blood after all, and they had no ability to stop the violent tree demon.

Besides, they had to deal with the surrounding tree people, and they could only watch the violent tree demon go further and further.

However, after the episode just now, the violent tree demon seems to have forgotten something, that is, Lu Jun and the wood have climbed to the top while the violent tree demon is dealing with the dinosaurs.

"Wood, you left and the other right, let's find the tree hole separately! Be fast!" Lu Jun wiped the rain from his face and threw a cold light stick to the wood.

Hearing Lu Jun's words, the wood took Lu Jun's cold light stick, nodded silently, turned around and crawled towards the left branch, and started looking for the so-called tree hole.

But there were only two of them, and they didn't know the specific location of the tree hole. It was too difficult to find a five-meter tree hole at the top of the violent tree demon, and they were busy for several minutes without finding anything.

Seeing this, Lu Jun knew that this was not the way to go, so he immediately used his brain power and summoned twenty flying beetian pterosaurs to help him find it together.

However, due to the heavy rain in the sky, the twenty beetian pterosaurs were soaked and wet as soon as they appeared, which had a great impact on their flight.

But in order to complete the mission of the road army, the beetian pterosaurs still forcibly shuttled among the branches of the violent tree demon under the heavy rain.

After a detailed search, the Beitian pterosaurs finally found the tree hole Lin Xiaobai said, and yelled to inform the Lu Army to come.

Hearing Beitian pterosaur's prompt, Lu Jun and Mu Wu rushed over, and they both came to the tree hole.

But Lu Jun couldn't help frowning when he glanced at the tree hole, because he smelled a huge sulphur smell, which seemed to be emitted from the tree hole, and could not even cover up such a heavy rain.

"What's in it? Why does it taste so strange?" The wood on the side sniffed, and curiously asked Lu Jundao.

Hearing the question about the wood, Lu Jun shook his head, indicating that he didn't know, and then threw a cold light stick into the tree hole to see how deep the tree hole was.

But the cold light rod lost its light just after it was thrown into the tree hole, and there was no sound coming out, which made the Lu Jun a little confused.

"Should I go in for a look? Maybe there is something weird inside." The wood on the side shook the rain from his hair and said to Lu Jun.

Hearing the words of the wood, Lu Jun directly shook his head and denied the idea of ​​the wood: "No, this tree hole is at least tens of meters deep. No matter what is inside, you can't get in and out. We just blown it up. Well, otherwise the violent tree demon will run far away."

After speaking, the Army took out more than a dozen special grenade bags from the armed module, took out all the grenades that could cause damage, pressed the detonation button, and threw them into the tree hole.

The wood next to him was not idle either, and he also helped the Lu Army to throw grenade until the dozen or so special grenade bags were empty.

During this period, dull explosions continued to sound in the tree hole, and the sulfur smell from the tree hole became more and more serious, and even mixed with the smell of burnt.

The violent tree demon that had been walking was so bombed that he remembered that the road army and the wood were still on his body. It hurt so much that he wanted to roll after being attacked, and couldn't help but tremble in place.

Fortunately, as a Tier S creature, the violent tree demon is strong enough in body, and the damage of those grenades is not enough, even if it blows to the vital point of the violent tree demon, it is not deadly enough, causing the violent tree demon to hold on.

But the violent tree demon who had escaped by chance didn't dare to go anymore, because it would definitely die if it didn't get the road army down.

Therefore, the violent tree demon was very heartbroken, and began to shake his own leaves, condensing the leaf blade storm, and attacked the top of the branch indiscriminately.

Although this method of attack will hurt itself, the violent tree demon has nothing else to do. Its tree claws can't hit the road army, so it can only pin its hopes on these leaf blades...

Lu Jun also heard the sound of the air breaking in the air and the danger from the surroundings. He knew that the violent tree demon was going to fight to the death, so he immediately took back all the beetian pterosaurs and propped up a particle shield to protect him and the wood. .

"This monster is desperate! It seems that the power of the grenade is not enough, I have to change a big guy to fight it!" Lu Jun turned his head and shouted to the wood next to it.

After shouting, the Lu Army took out an anti-tank rocket launcher, aimed at the inside of the tree hole, and a rocket bomb blasted the violent tree demon into a tremor.

But the power of the rocket still seemed to be insufficient, or it might have not hit the core of the tree hole, and still couldn't kill the violent tree demon.

And as a result, the leaf blade attack of the violent tree demon was even more violent. The road army could only force the particle shield to load the rockets of the anti-tank bazooka and continue to attack the violent tree demon.

The wood on the side looked at the dense leaf blades around, and knew that this level of attack on the road army could not last long, and now they lacked time most.

Although he also wanted to help the Lu Army do something, his ability at this time was limited and he could only watch anxiously from the side.

However, Lu Jun’s continuous attacks reminded Mu Mu suddenly of something. He directly said to Lu Jun who was still loading rockets: "Brother Jun! I have the ability to summon its own energy body! We can tell it to carry explosives. In the tree hole, find the core of the tree hole and let the explosive detonate inside. This might kill the violent tree demon in one blow!"

After speaking, Wood immediately used his second ability, summoned an energy body exactly like his own, and stood in front of the road army.

Except for the expression of this energy body, which is a bit dull, the other "accessories" are the same as wood, even the energy refined titanium horizontal knife of wood.

Looking at the energy body of wood, Lu Jun's eyes lit up, because he also felt that what the wood said was a good way, and now he can only do so.

"Okay! Look at you!" While approving of the wood plan, the Lu Army took out a large amount of powerful explosives previously obtained in Orly City from the armed module, as well as several grenades and rockets that were good for detonation. Give a brain to the wood energy body.

After getting the explosives given by the Lu Army, the wood energy body tied the explosives to the body in a daze, walked directly to the tree hole, drew out its "high imitation" energy refined titanium horizontal knife, jumped inside, and disappeared. In front of Lu Jun and Mu Mu...

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