Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 549: Furious Tree Demon

Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor also understand the meaning of Lu Jun. As soon as they came out, they attacked the violent tree demon. Abelisaurus attacked the left foot of the violent tree demon. The Chinese raptor attacked the right foot of the violent tree demon. There is a tacit understanding.

Seeing these two dinosaurs one level lower than it were about to attack it, the violent tree demon was a little disdainful, and immediately stopped advancing, and directly lifted its thick feet, trying to squash Abelisaurus and Chinese raptors.

Although the violent tree demon is tens of meters high, the size of Abelisaurus and Chinese raptors is not enough to see in front of the violent tree demon.

However, Abelizon and Chinese Raptor were agile, facing the violent tree demon's giant feet, they constantly jumped horizontally from side to side, and they can always escape the violent tree demon's stepping.

And while avoiding the attack, Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor could also bite the roots of the berserk tree demon's feet, and bite those roots in a few bites.

Seeing this, the violent tree demon became angry, and seemed to not want to play with Abelilong and Chinese Raptor anymore. He jumped directly and hit the ground fiercely.

When the fifty-six-meter-high violent tree demon jumped up, Lu Jun realized that something was wrong, and immediately let Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor retreat, and ran back as well.

When the Lu Army ran more than 20 meters away, only a "boom!" came from behind.

Just like a big explosion, the ground also shook, and the Lu Army was directly lifted several meters away by an inexplicable shock wave.

After confirming that he was not injured, the Lu Army struggled to get up from the ground and looked back quickly, but when the Lu Army saw the scene behind him, he was shocked.

Because the place where he had just stayed had become shattered, it seemed that it was trampled by the violent tree demon using some ability.

Had it not been for him, Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor who ran fast before, it is estimated that they would have been hit hard.

This also means that the strength of the violent tree demon is very "perverted", and a random blow can shake the world.

Seeing this, the Lu Army knew that the violent tree demon could no longer jump up, and immediately let Abelisaurus and Chinese robbers continue to entangle them, and no longer give the violent tree demon the opportunity to activate special abilities.

When the violent tree demon saw that he missed a hit and only stomped on a large piece of ground, he was also very upset. It originally planned to use this ability to kill two dinosaurs and the Lu Army directly, but now it seems that it won't work. ...

The most important thing is that these two annoying dinosaurs are now entangled with it again, making it completely unable to support its subordinates. This is the most annoying of the violent tree demon.

However, although Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor can delay the progress of the Raging Tree Demon, they are limited in size and cannot cause substantial damage to the Raging Tree Demon. After playing for so long, they only destroyed some fragmentary tree roots. ...

Seeing this, the Lu Jun immediately transformed himself into a dragon form, grew a dragon arm and dragon tail, and then turned to the wood next to him and said: "Wood, let's go up! Climb onto its body!"

After speaking, the Lu Army rushed for a while, and then used a flash to reach Abelilong's back.

At this position, the Lu Army could already touch the roots of the violent tree demon. He didn't hesitate to grab a large section of the roots with the dragon's claws and directly climbed up.

At the same time, the dragon's tail of the Lu Army also began to exert force, continuously supporting his body to accelerate forward, and all of a sudden climbed to the legs of the violent tree demon.

When Mu Mu saw the Lu Army go up, he did not stop, and began to rush to the feet of the violent tree demon, grabbing the biggest root of the tree.

Although the violent tree demon in this position can trample the wood to death, but the wood is not afraid of it, inserting the energy refined titanium horizontal knife behind it, and climbing up like a road army.

When the violent tree demon saw that two humans were actually going to climb on it, his heart became even more irritable. He shook his legs frantically, trying to shake the road army and the wood off it.

However, Lu Jun and Mu Mu were clearly aware of this. Lu Jun directly plunged into the violent tree demon's body with their dragon claws, and Mu also pulled out an energy fine titanium horizontal knife to help him stabilize his figure.

After shaking for a while and realizing that he could not get rid of the Lu Jun and the wood, the violent tree demon gave up and began to concentrate on dealing with Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor. After all, the Lu Jun and the wood were too small to make it feel threatened. .

But the violent tree demon realized that he was wrong in the next moment, because after the Lu Army and Wood stood firmly on the body of the violent tree demon, they actually took out a large number of high-explosive grenades and detonated them in a strange position. The explosion sounded. Also constantly rang from the body of the violent tree demon.

Although the flame attack is not effective against the violent tree demon, the high-explosive grenade has sharp shrapnel and shock waves in addition to the flame, which can still damage the violent tree demon.

And while the road army attacked, Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor did not stop, and they continued to attack the violent tree demon with their teeth and claws, which could cause a lot of damage to the violent tree demon for a while.

Feeling his continuously injured body, the violent tree demon is very troublesome, but it will take these two humans and these two dinosaurs for a while and there is nothing to do...

In this way, under the harassment of the road army and the wood, the violent tree demon could only stay in place to deal with the harassment of the road army, and could not complete the support to the tree demon.

But in this way, the two tree demons would be miserable. Although they were Tier A creatures, they were very powerful, and they also used many of their special abilities during the period.

But it is still very unrealistic for them to fight against more than forty abilities and nearly three hundred orc warriors at the same time. They were directly defeated by the rebel army and others.

With the passage of time, the two tree demons finally couldn't hold on. If they continued to fight, they would definitely die, so they didn't hesitate too much, and directly activated their escape ability and began to escape.

And their ability to escape is also very special, that is, they can keep splitting themselves, and only two tree monsters of more than 20 meters high split into more than 30 tree monsters of 10 meters high in an instant.

These thirty-odd 10-meter-high tree demons split into hundreds of five-meter-high tree demons, and so on. In the end, thousands of tree demons with a height of over one meter appeared on the battlefield almost simultaneously. Run around.

"We can't let any of them run away! As long as we run one, we are in vain!" Ruan Bing shouted to everyone around with a rifle.

After saying this, Ruan Bing had a thought in his heart and immediately used the ground-binding ring he wore on his right hand to release the earth-binding ability inside.

This ring was given to her by the Lu Army last time when he parted in Tianhai City. She has always been a treasure. She has never used it, and has no chance to use it. This time the situation is critical. She can finally see the power of this ring...

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