With the help of the firelight, the Lu Jun finally saw the specific appearance of the figure in front of him. These huge figures were indeed creatures like tree spirits.

It's just that they are all black with dense stripes. The leaves on the top of the branches also have a feeling of covering the sky and the sun. They should be the leader of those tree spirits.

Seeing this, Lu Jun immediately used his own data eye to scan these creatures once, until a line of information appeared in front of him.

[Dryer, the strength is assessed as A-level, the bark has fire element resistance, which is enough to block general fire attacks, and there are a lot of roots at the bottom. In addition to helping them absorb ground supplies, they can also attack the enemy from underground . 】

[Raging tree demon, the strength is assessed as S-level, the leader of all tree spirits and tree demon, can assimilate any ordinary plant, fire attack is invalid to it, its roots cover hundreds of meters around the location, can be launched from anywhere attack. "】

Seeing the data of these creatures, everyone in the Lu Army and the Resistance Army changed their faces, because they did not expect that in addition to two Tier A Dryads and a Tier S Raging Tree Demon, this is their past few days. Nei encountered Tier S creatures for the second time.

The most important thing is that the hundreds of tree spirits and elite tree spirits are still chasing after them, and they are about to catch up. Now it is not an exaggeration to describe their situation with a "wolf" before a "tiger".

"Boss Lu, we don't seem to be able to get rid of it! Do you want to do them?!" The butcher on the side condensed two dark spears against Lu Jundao.

Hearing what the butcher said, looking at the three high-level monsters in front of them, Lu Jun also felt a little annoyed, and sneered at the butcher: "I didn't want to waste time here, but since the other party won't let us go. , Then do them!"

After speaking, the Lu Army took back all the ostriches on the field, and summoned all the triceratops in the dragon training module, about sixty.

"Go back and kill those tree spirits first! Don't let these things surround us. What ability can you use? Don't be afraid to consume too much. I have enough physical and mental reagents here!" On the back of a Triceratops, ready to launch a countercharge.

The wood also learned a lot, sitting on the back of another triceratops, holding a high energy precision titanium horizontal knife with one hand, with killing intent in his eyes.

As for why the Lu Army chose to kill a large number of tree spirits first, it was because he still didn't know the abilities of the tree spirits and the violent tree spirits, and would not be able to kill such Tier A and S creatures for a while.

On the contrary, they may be caught in a flanking attack, and it will be more difficult for them to fight, so the road army plans to kill all the tree spirits first and then slowly kill the three tree spirits and the violent tree spirits.

But when the butcher heard the Lu Army's order, he was also aware of it, his eyes condensed, and he immediately said to the people around him: "Rebel Army! Line up!"

At the moment when the butcher finished speaking, the abilities of the wind group and the thunder group immediately stood at the forefront of the team. Most of them have melee abilities, which can cause damage or take part of the damage, which is very suitable for charging.

The ability players of the mountain group stand a little back. They are all capable of taking damage and don't have much attack ability. The task is to protect the weaker ability players of the fire group and the forest group.

The ability players of the fire group and the forest group naturally stand behind the ability users of the mountain group. Most of their abilities are output and auxiliary, and they are responsible for attacking the enemy and restoring the team's status.

As for the yin group's ability, there are no players for the time being. As the leader of the yin group, Lin Xiaobai can only stand alone beside the team with the explosive crossbow...

Seeing that everyone was ready, the Lu Army immediately patted the Triceratops under the hips. The Triceratops also understood the meaning of the Lu Army and immediately activated its own dragon skills-charging forward.

When the front triceratops moved, more than fifty triceratops at the rear also moved.

With nearly sixty triceratops running at the same time, the sound of "Boom, dong, …" on the ground continued to sound, and wherever the triceratops went, a pile of dust would be raised, full of momentum.

But this is not over yet. Seeing the road army and the triceratops start to charge, the wolf cavalry commanded by the wolf cavalry centurion and the troll hunter commanded by the troll hunter also patted the Frostwolf under the crotch, holding their The weapon followed closely behind the road army.

"Let's rush too!" The butcher on the side also resisted the army that had already lined up beside him.

After speaking, the butcher ran with a dark spear in each hand, and the resistance army and others did not fall.

Although they don't have mounts now, they can only run on their legs, and the speed is relatively slow, but the tree spirit group behind is not far away from them, and they can pass quickly.

Seeing Lu Jun and the others were gone, Ruan Bing also waved his hand and motioned to them from the Blackstone Consortium to follow. She also knew that her people had no abilities and were relatively weak, so she could only follow Lu Jun.

However, the tree demon and the violent tree demon who had just appeared were confused when they saw the human being in front of them rushing in the opposite direction.

They originally thought that these humans would attack them first. After all, they were small in number and looked bully, so they didn't move and stayed where they were waiting.

But I didn't expect those humans to hang them aside and attack their little brother, which made them a little embarrassed...

Although their younger brothers are relatively weak, they are all C-level and B-level, but they are not worried about this.

Because of the large number of their little brothers, these humans are only so small, so both the tree demon and the violent tree demon believe that their little brother will win.

However, at the same time that the road army was launching an offensive, the tree demon and the berserk tree demon were not waiting behind them, but instead used the roots that they could attack from a distance to cause trouble for the road army and others.

Fortunately, both Triceratops and Frostwolf are very sensitive to vibrations from the ground, and they can withstand and avoid any tree roots.

Although the resistance army and others do not have this ability, they can disperse. As long as there are tree roots daring to rush out, they will immediately attack and break the tree roots. After a few times, those tree roots will not dare to provoke the resistance army.

Only the people in the Blackstone Consortium had no countermeasures. The vehicles they were in were destroyed one after another, and there were many casualties. Ruan Bing could only see it in his eyes and in his heart...

But the tree spirit group who had been chasing in the rear saw Lu Jun and the others suddenly turned their heads towards them and was overjoyed.

They were just annoyed that these humans ran away. They did not expect that these humans would come back to "send to death". This time they absolutely must seize the opportunity to kill these humans. While thinking about this, the dryads accelerated their movement speed. .

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