Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 525: Confrontation of the abilities

Just when the Lu Army was wondering what the head of the scientific research institute wanted to do, seeing that the rocket was about to hit the enemy, a young male supernatural person next to the head of the scientific research institute suddenly used his own power to make a The rippling blisters enveloped them collectively.

Just as Lu Jun and others were curious about the effect of this blister, they saw that the rocket fired on the blister did not explode, nor did it penetrate the blister, as if collectively melted into the blister.

Seeing this, Lu Jun and the others opened their eyes wide, because it was the first time they had seen this kind of water attribute ability.

"I don't believe it anymore, give me a fight!" Lu Jun ordered the Death Tu 8000 in his hand violently.

After finishing talking, the Lu Army fired seven shots in a row with the Death Tu 8000, and each shot was directed at that strange blister. He had to blow this blister today!

People holding guns around heard the order of the road army and started to take action. Big Bear, Beishi and Lin Xiaobai slammed the trigger and "sent" explosive crossbow arrows or rockets into the blisters.

Under this level of firepower, the strange blisters didn't last long and exploded with a "pop", splashing the surroundings with transparent liquid.

But the Lu Jun and others who saw this scene had not had time to be happy, the young supernatural person next to the head of the scientific research institute actually propped up a blister, and once again wrapped the people of the city guard in the blister.

Seeing this, the expression on Lu Jun's face froze. He didn't expect the enemy's ability to be so strong, he didn't even have a cooling time.

Although their combined attack can break the blisters, it needs a lot of ammunition after all, and their ammunition is limited and time is limited, so there is no time to waste here.

What's more, this is just an ability of the enemy. The city defense army still has a few ability players who have not taken action. The Lu Army has to change their combat strategy.

Seeing this, Wood rushed forward with the energy refined titanium horizontal knife, ready to rush directly into the blister in front of him, Anan also activated his beastization ability to follow behind, intending to disrupt the battlefield.

"Give them cover!" The Lu Army shouted while filling the Shitu 8000 with ammunition.

After finishing talking, Lu Jun put up a particle shield for Mu and Anan. He also wanted Mu to test the strength of the enemy's ability.

Lin Xiaobai next to him heard the order of the road army and immediately put an ice shield on Mu and Anan.

Others use their guns to clean up the ordinary soldiers of the city guards, and prevent these small fish from disturbing Wood and Anan.

With the help of Lu Jun and others, Mu Mu and Anan rushed into the blisters without obstacles, and were already very close to the head of the scientific research institute.

The head of the scientific research institute saw Mu and Anan rushing over, sneered and waved, and instantly two brawny men, shirtless and wearing fighting gloves, greeted them.

The two strong men turned on their own abilities as they walked, their arms thickened, their fists enlarged, and a faint blue light appeared.

Although it is temporarily impossible to judge what kind of their abilities are, from this posture, they are definitely fighting abilities.

Mu Mu and Anan didn't dare to look at the strong man who was approaching them, and directly waved the horizontal sword and the beast arm to cut at the two strong men, trying to force the strong man back.

But the two strong men didn't panic when seeing the wooden horizontal knife and Anan's beast arm, and directly raised their glowing fists to meet them, abruptly blocking the horizontal knife and the beast arm.

Seeing this scene, the Lu Jun frowned deeply and showed a solemn expression, because the two strong men not only have the same abilities, but also the same actions when they attack, which is too weird.

Moreover, the wood energy refined titanium horizontal knife is a Tier A weapon, and even Tier B monsters can be smashed to death with one knife. The ability of these two strong men to block with their fists is enough to show that their abilities are not simple.

Mu Mu and Anan saw that their attack was blocked in this way, and were equally shocked. They immediately changed their attack methods and began to besiege a strong man with two men, planning to kill a strong man first.

But the reaction of the two burly men was very fast. The two men clung to each other tightly, and Mu Mu and Anan were not given a chance to besiege them, and the battle was suddenly deadlocked.

Seeing that the abilities sent by his side had restrained Mu and Anan, the person in charge of the scientific research institute was very proud. He always believed that his abilities were very strong, and the several casualties in front were nothing more than sneak attacks by road soldiers and others. That's it.

"Haha, boy, if you are not good enough, what other means can you use quickly." The person in charge of the research institute began to yell with a loudspeaker.

Hearing what the person in charge of the scientific research institute said, Lu Jun felt very calm, because he knew that the person in charge of the scientific research institute was deliberately irritating him for the purpose of making him angry. He would not be fooled.

"You two go up and help them." While the Lu Army propped up a particle shield to block the bullets that were shot at him, he faced the big bear and the northern lion behind him.

Hearing the words of the Lu Army, Big Bear and Beishi nodded silently, and instantly lighted the rockets of the nine-hole double fire cannon, then put down their weapons, activated their own powers, and rushed up, ready to assist Mu and Anan.

Seeing the Lu Jun rushing out of two supernaturalists, the person in charge of the research institute did not panic too much, and raised his hand to let his two supernaturalists rush out, as if the two sides are facing each other. .

As for the reason why the person in charge of the scientific research institute can be so calm now, it is because there are so many supernaturalists stationed in the scientific research institute.

Excluding the abilities who were killed by the road army and those who did not gather, there are still seven abilities beside him, all of which have unique abilities. He thinks that relying on these abilities is enough to deal with the road army and others.

But when the head of the scientific research institute saw Wood and others on the battlefield beginning to gain the upper hand, some bad thoughts surged in his heart and secretly winked at a young man wearing sunglasses next to him.

Seeing the expression of the person in charge of the scientific research institute, the young man wearing sunglasses naturally knew what it meant. He immediately raised his right hand and aimed it in the direction of Da Xiong and others.

The Lu Jun standing in the distance also saw the action of the young man in sunglasses with the help of the fire, but he did not know what the young man in sunglasses wanted to do.

Just when the Lu Jun was puzzled, he saw a red laser suddenly shot out from the right hand of the young man in sunglasses. The speed was so fast that people could not see the laser's trajectory at all. The Lu Jun only knew that the target of the laser was exactly. Big bear in battle!

Seeing this, the Lu Army immediately used his brain power to prop up a particle shield for the bear, but for the laser with the speed of light, the Lu Army’s response was too slow. The red laser shot directly on the bear, turning it crazy. The form of the big bear flew more than two meters away...

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