Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 521: White hair three thousand feet

But before Lu Jun walked to the corpse of the bald man, he suddenly felt a pain in his ankle, like the feeling of being restrained, making him immobile.

Seeing this, the Lu Jun hurriedly lowered his head and quickly glanced at his feet. When the Lu Jun saw what was tied to him, he couldn't help but was taken aback, because he actually saw a large bunch of silver-white hair.

Just as the Lu Army was wondering why there were hair tied to him, three more figures appeared right in front of him. You don't need to think too much to know that this is a superpower supported by the City Guard.

What is strange is that these three supernatural beings are all women. They wear the same costumes and cannot see their appearance, but the Lu Army can see the woman in the middle with a striking silver-white hair. Mido is long, exactly the same as the hair tied under his feet.

"Bold! I dare to trespass into the scientific research institute! Kill me silent crusaders! Give you three seconds to lay down your weapons and surrender! And tell your power and purpose! Otherwise I will kill you!" A woman with silver hair Pointing at Lu Jundao.

After the white-haired woman finished speaking, the two companions next to her also took two steps forward. The threat was obvious. As long as the Lu Army dared to move them, they would attack.

When Lu Jun listened to the white-haired woman, he was still expressionless, and then used the tail behind him to pick up the white hair that bound his feet at the fastest speed, allowing his body to resume movement.

Seeing this, the white-haired woman frowned, flicked her long hair, closed her eyes tightly, her hands knotted, and her mouth began to mutter a strange language.

After 1.5 seconds, the white-haired woman suddenly opened her eyes, showing a fierce look, and spit out the words "white hair three thousand feet!"

The moment the white-haired woman finished shouting, her hair suddenly grew crazily, and in an instant it became several tens of meters long, and condensed into thick ropes to attack the road army, very fast.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jun's gaze was cold, and while waving his dragon claws to cut the silver hair in front of him, he retreated frantically, trying to get rid of the silver hair's pursuit.

But the silver hair is too dense. Although the Lu Army’s dragon claws can cut off a lot of silver hair every second, he is still entangled by the silver hair, his hands and feet cannot move, and he is about to be completely bound by the silver hair.

However, the Lu Army did not panic about this, because at this time the Abelizon hiding behind the Lu Army also shot, and it opened its mouth as a flame attacked toward the dense silver hair.

Although these silver hairs are hard to wrap around and are also very tough, hair is flammable after all. When it encounters the scorching heat, it will "wither" and it will be completely burnt.

Seeing this, the white-haired woman immediately cancelled her own abilities and restored the silver hair to its original appearance, because she would be injured if she did not cancel it...

When the white-haired female canceled the ability, the Lu Army also recovered the ability to move. He immediately removed the dragon form, took out the Death Tu 8000 and filled it with bullets and shot it at the white-haired female.

Abelilong did not intend to let the white-haired women go, and once again condensed a flame, following the trajectory of the Death Tu 8000, spraying it over, as if he was ready to kill.

But what is strange is that the white-haired women are not panicked when they see the attack of the Lu Army and Abelizon, and they don't even have a dodge position. They seem to be prepared for all this.

Just as Lu Jun wondered why the white-haired woman didn't dodge, the companion on the left of the white-haired woman suddenly formed a seal with both hands and used supernatural powers to prop up a prism-like thing in front of him.

When the Shitu 8000 bullets hit the prism, those bullets actually bounced back, and one almost hit the road army.

The most terrifying thing was that Abelilong's flame breath attack was actually bounced back, directly burning through the wall next to it, shocking the Lu Army.

We must know that Abelisaurus is a Tier A dinosaur, and Flame Breath is also Tier A Dragon Skill. Does this seemingly plain prism defense power already surpassed Tier A? Lu Jun thought to himself.

However, the Lu Army did not think about it for too long, nor did it launch a long-range attack and head-on with the prism again. Instead, they chose to show their dragon claws and rushed forward with Abeli ​​Dragon, ready for melee combat. The attack will not be blocked by the prism.

But Lu Jun’s plan soon fell through, because at this time the companion on the right of the white-haired woman also shot. She raised her right hand and patted the ground, and two bone cages made of skeleton arms rose from the ground. , Directly trapped Lu Jun and Abelizon.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jun was stunned, because he felt that the enemy’s abilities were too "perverted", and he could actually trap Abelizon, who was three to four meters tall and more than ten meters long. How much brain power is spent...

But Lu Jun just sighed a little. He quickly waved his dragon's claws in an attempt to smash the bone cage in front of him. Abelizon was also using its power to continuously hit the bone cage, slamming the bone cage. Overwhelmed noise.

In this case, the companion on the right of the white-haired woman can only support it with mental power, because she knows that if Abelizon is released, they will not be able to resist it anyway.

But after all, she was only one person, her brain power was limited, and she soon couldn't hold it. The bone cage under her control gradually appeared holes, and it was estimated that Lu Jun and Abelilong would be able to come out within dozens of seconds.

Seeing this, the white-haired woman couldn't stand it anymore. When she moved her mind, she immediately used her ability again to extend her hair to several tens of meters, and then tightly wrapped the bone cage to help the bone cage strengthen its defenses.

Under the interference of the white-haired women, the bone cage no longer appeared holes, and the collision between the Lu Army and Abelisaurus also began to appear weak. If this continues, it may not be possible to break the bone cage for a few minutes.

However, Lu Jun's brain was more flexible. He made Abelilon spit out the flame the moment the white-haired woman took the shot, and once again burned the white-haired woman's abilities to the fragile, and the white bone cage that had just stabilized began to shake again.

But the companion on the left of the white-haired woman seemed to have thought of this. She immediately used her own power and summoned a large number of prisms to surround the bone cage, so that Abelilong could not attack, because Abelilong only had to spit The flames will be bounced back by the prism and hurt yourself.

In the absence of the threat of inflammation, the white-haired women's hair began to grow wildly again, instantly wrapping up the bone cage that controlled the Lu Army and Abelizon, and this time it was wrapped tighter.

Although the three of them consumed almost all their brain power because of this, it would be worthwhile as long as they could control the Lu Army and Abelizon. Now they only need to wait for their support...

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